Jan 19, 2025
2016-2017 Academic Catalog (Jan 2017) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Tuition, Fees and Expenses
Information about tuition and fees for the individual programs in the College of Pharmacy may be found on the bursar’s website (http://www.uthsc.edu/finance/bursar/colleges_fee_information.php) with additional information regarding estimates available on financial aid at http://www.uthsc.edu/finaid/Pharmacy.php.
Additional Expenses
Printed handouts are not provided to support the College of Pharmacy educational programs. Students can print their own copy of materials from the course Blackboard site, but the student will assume all cost in excess of that covered through registration fees. Students must have a tablet or laptop computer and should refer to the College website for specifications. Students are also encouraged, but not required, to have a color printer. Students are also required to pay for the American Pharmacists Association Immunization and Medication Therapy Management certification courses as part of their course fees.
Required Textbooks
Students may access the required books for all courses in their professional program by going to the following link to the Bookstore on the UTHSC website: http://shop.utk.edu/