Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin (July 2019 Ed) 
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin (July 2019 Ed) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Health Outcomes and Policy Research

  • HOPR 829 - Data Analysis Methods in Health Outcomes and Policy Research

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    This course will help students lay a solid foundation in their understanding of basic data analysis methods, develop basic quantitative analytical skills, understand the application of basic data analysis methods, and develop a healthy skepticism toward the use of statistical techniques in research studies.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Junling Wang
  • HOPR 830 - Health System Seminar

    Cr Hrs: 2 (32-0-0)
    This seminar is designed to provide learners with a highly interactive and participatory learning experience in which participants read and discuss classic and highly influential articles in health services research, health policy, and health system science. Participants will be responsible for reading assigned articles thoroughly and presenting and discussing assigned articles. Participants will also identify and present case studies relevant to assigned topics and will work together to conduct a sector-by-sector investigation and evaluation of the health care industry in order to determine where high-value health care can be found and to begin to consider how it can best be fostered. The seminar will emphasize critical appraisal of the literature using original sources, listening, communication, and consideration of alternative points of view with an emphasis on clear presentation of evidence for each point of view, and analysis of root causes for health system dysfunction.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jim Bailey
  • HOPR 840 - Special Topics - Pharmacoeconomics

    Cr Hrs: 1-3
    Directed readings or special course in topics of current interest.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Research
    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Justin Gatwood
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Justin Gatwood
  • HOPR 853 - Telemedicine and e-Health

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    This course will provide the students with opportunities to discuss and analyze the key issues, principles and approaches, in telemedicine. The course will have three sections. Emphasis on the first section of the course will be on theoretical, clinical, technical and pragmatic issues. The second section will address issues related to telemedicine such as design and development, standards, privacy and security issues, evaluation of telemedicine services and legal issues. Specific healthcare outcomes and the influence that they have on policy formulation will be examined and analyzed. The third section - a major focus of this course, will be practical application of telemedicine through the case study analyses. The strategies and skills healthcare professionals will need to practice and manage telemedicine effectively will be detailed. Strategic initiatives of various offices will be presented and discussed.This is a hybrid course, ie, it has On-line modules as well as Face-to- Face classes. This course is open to graduate students and has no prerequisites.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Sajeesh Kumar Kamala Raghavan
  • HOPR 854 - Knowledge Management

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    This course includes an overview of information management in healthcare with a focus on database management systems. Topics include database management, data warehouses, clinical data repositories, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) , data modeling, and “Big Data.” Additional topics include the relationship and applicability of topics covered in other MHIIM (Masters in Health Informatics and Information Management) courses in health information statistics, analysis, biomedical research and quality management, biostatistics, advanced research methods and biomedical research support to decision analysis and decision support, advanced information/data analysis and presentation techniques, and evaluation methodologies. This course is offered exclusively in a distance education format via course management software. The course material will be presented in outline format and supplemented by student reading, student on-line discussions as well as required projects. The instructor will provide guidance to students, but students are expected to assume responsibility for engaging the material and working at the graduate level.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Charisse Madlock-Brown
  • HOPR 860 - Applied Health Informatics

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    This course will provide students with knowledge of current practice in the use of information technology and systems in clinical practice. The course will explore how health data are collected, the role of electronic health records, clinical documentation improvement, systems implementation issues and adoption of health information technology. This course is offered exclusively in a distance education format via course management software. The course material will be presented in outline format and supplemented by student reading, student on-line discussions as well as required projects. The instructor will provide guidance to the student but the student is expected to assume responsibility for engaging the material and working at the graduate level.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Rebecca B Reynolds
  • HOPR 861 - Health Data Processing and Management

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    Students will learn how to work with data structures in python to load, manage, and analyze healthcare data. The three assignments will ask students to perform a set of data analysis tasks including: data cleaning, organizing, indexing, aggregating, plotting, generating descriptive statistics, performing linear algebra operations, and natural language processing. Assignments will be graded based on how well they solve the problems assigned (worth 65%), how “clean” their code is (worth 25%), and how well they document their work (worth 10%). Clean code is defined by readability, brevity, efficiency, and adherence to object oriented principles.  Students will choose a dataset to work with for their final project. They will design a project in which they will load, clean, and analyze the dataset they selected. They will be expected to justify their choices, explain the utility of those choices, and present their results in a PowerPoint presentation.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Charisse Madlock-Brown
  • HOPR 878 - Advanced Health Economics

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    Microeconomics tools are applied to the study of key health care policy issues. Behavior and performance of the major health care institutions, hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, and the pharmaceutical industry are examined. Economic impacts and implications of key issues in health care are scrutinized.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

    Term offered: Spring (every other year, even years)

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Shelley Irene White-Means
  • HOPR 900 - Doctoral Dissertation and Research

    Cr Hrs: 1-9
    Research performed under the direction and supervision of the respective student’s Research Advisor in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

    May be repeated up to 144 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: P/NP
    Instructional Method: Research
    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Simonne S Nouer
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Simonne S Nouer
  • HOPR 919 - Seminar

    Cr Hrs: 1 (16-0-0)
    Topics of current interest in the field are selected and reviewed by the students for their peers and Faculty. Presentations followed by general informal discussion. In certain circumstances, reports of current research may be made by students and Faculty.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Research
    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Simonne S Nouer
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Simonne S Nouer
  • HOPR 920 - Health Data Analytics

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    Healthcare organizations generate large amounts of data concerning patients, procedures, cost, staff, and supplies. Generating insights from these data using visualizations, data mining and natural language processing has the potential to improve patient care. Students will study current research problems, and gain experience through several projects. Students will learn how to assess results based on healthcare objectives for a variety of domains such as public health, policy, and clinical care. Students will work with a diverse set of datasets, and learn to define a process for analysis, justify choices, and interpret results based on healthcare needs. This course is offered exclusively in a distance education format via course management software. The course material will be presented in outline format and supplemented by student reading, student on-line discussions as well as required projects. The instructor will provide guidance to the student but the student is expected to assume responsibility for engaging the material and working at the graduate level.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Research
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Charisse Renee Madlock-Brown

Integrated Biomedical Sciences

  • IP 800 - Master’s Thesis and Research

    Cr Hrs: 1-9
    Research performed under the direction and supervision of the respective student’s advisor, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.

    May be repeated up to 63 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: P/NP
    Instructional Method: Research
    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
  • IP 801 - Integrity in the Conduct of Scientific Research

    Cr Hrs: 1 (16-0-0)
    This course consists of a study of the ethical principles and related federal and state laws that govern scientific research. Through a combination of lecture and case study discussion, students learn both the substance and application to scientific research of ethical principles and related laws. Topics addressed include research with human subjects, research with animals, the use of human biological materials, privacy and confidentiality of research and medical records, conflicts of interest, scientific misconduct, ownership of research, responsible reporting of research, and ethical training practices. The grade awarded to a student is based on the student’s performance on a written midterm examination and a written final examination. The minimum score required to pass the course is 70, calculated as an average of the scores achieved on the midterm and final examinations.


    Related to BIOM 814 - Integrity in the Conduct of Scientific Research  

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Mark Miller

  • IP 805 - Essentials of Molecular Biology

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    This course covers the essentials of prokaryotic and eukaryotic molecular biology. Topics include DNA and RNA structure; DNA replication, repair, and recombination; the mechanism and regulation of transcription; and protein translation. Fundamental concepts are reinforced by the discussion of human genetic diseases.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: John V Cox
  • IP 806 - Biochemistry

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    The course presents the fundamental aspects of biochemistry including biochemical and biophysical principles (bonding, properties of water, thermodynamics, ionization and acid-base theory, and enzymology); structure, synthesis, and function of proteins and enzymes; metabolism of sugars, amino acids, nucleotides, nucleosides, vitamins, coenzymes and lipids; energy production and conversion; mitochondria and bioenergetics; photosynthesis; membrane transport proteins; cytochrome P450 and cell signaling.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: David R Nelson
  • IP 810 - IPBS Seminars

    Cr Hrs: 1 (16-0-0)
    Assigned readings in the original literature with student presentation and critical discussion of papers.

    May be repeated up to 6 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
  • IP 840 - Special Topics

    Cr Hrs: 1-5
    Directed readings or special course in topics of current interest.

    May be repeated up to 30 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Leonard Lothstein
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Leonard Lothstein
  • IP 841 - Essentials of Cell Biology

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    This course provides an introduction to the cell and includes topics such as: animal cell structure; membrane compartmentalization; membrane transport; nuclear structure and dynamics; protein transport and modification; receptor signaling; cell motility and migration; cell cycle regulation; extracellular matrix and cell adhesion; general principles of development; and bacterial cell structure.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Zheng Fan
  • IP 845 - Grant Writing in the Biomedical Sciences

    Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
    Students will have an opportunity to find grant funding sources, write a proposal, and learn how to submit an actual grant proposal to an agency or foundation for consideration. The class will investigate current issues and topics related to research and grant writing in instructional technology. This course may not be audited.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Online
    Instructional Method: Seminar
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: William Fred Brescia Jr
  • IP 900 - Doctoral Dissertation and Research

    Cr Hrs: 1-9
    Research performed under the direction and supervision of the respective student’s Research Advisor in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

    May be repeated up to 63 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: P/NP
    Instructional Method: Research
    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
  • IP 940 - Molecular Biology of Cancer

    Cr Hrs: 4 (64-0-0)
    The course will provide a comprehensive survey of cancer biology, describing the disrupted normal development processes, the altered molecular mechanisms that govern the functioning of malignant cells, the biology and treatments of common types of cancer, and the development of therapies for treatment of resistant and metastatic cancer cells.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Yi Lu


  • IDE 35000 - Career Exploration Special Elective

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This course number is used for scheduling a special career exploration elective which has no course description. Final scheduling of such is done only through the Office of Medical Education and Faculty Affairs. This course should be scheduled like any other course on the computer.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: To be Determined

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Course Coordinator: Miranda Fairley - - 901-448-2928

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE 40000 - Capstone Course (Chattanooga)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    The Course includes: Back to more opportunities to review basic science concepts in the framework of clinical cases; Business of Medicine- TBL’s using the HealthCare Handbook written by medical students Askin and Moore. Faculty will discuss topics such as health care reform, insurance, and regulatory agencies; EBM-Improve your skills in searching the literature to answer clinical questions; Intern school-Focus on skills to prepare students for life as a house officer, including radiology review, ECG review, what to do on call, line placement and intubation skills, and other skills important for internship and residency; legal issues in medicine; Teaching-Academy- learn teaching and learning techniques for residency and beyond.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 20
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Completion of all CORE clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Mukta Panda -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Mukta Panda -
    Course Coordinator: Pam Scott - - 423-778-7442

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE 40000 - Capstone Course (Knoxville)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    The Course includes: Back to more opportunities to review basic science concepts in the framework of clinical cases; Business of Medicine- TBL’s using the HealthCare Handbook written by medical students Askin and Moore. Faculty will discuss topics such as health care reform, insurance, and regulatory agencies; EBM-Improve your skills in searching the literature to answer clinical questions; Intern school-Focus on skills to prepare students for life as a house officer, including radiology review, ECG review, what to do on call, line placement and intubation skills, and other skills important for internship and residency; legal issues in medicine; Teaching-Academy- learn teaching and learning techniques for residency and beyond.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 15
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of all CORE clerkships

    Term offered: Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Anthony Wilson -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Anthony Wilson -
    Course Coordinator: Lolita Davis - - 865-305-5561

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE 40000 - Capstone Course (Memphis)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    Back to more opportunities to review basic science concepts in the framework of clinical cases. Business of Medicine- TBL’s using the HealthCare Handbook written by medical students Asking and Moore. Guest faculty will discuss health care reform, insurance, regulatory agencies and being a member of a hospital staff. EBM-Improve your skills in searching the literature to answer clinical questions. Ethics-Review of concepts plus discussion of cases you have encountered. Intern school-Focus on skills to prepare students for life as a house officer, including radiology review, ECG review, what to do on call, line placement and intubation skills, and the opportunity for ACLS certification. Legal Issues in Medicine series from Dr. Carol Schwab. Teaching-Academy- learn teaching and learning techniques for residency and beyond; the Five-minute preceptor, and other teaching techniques.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 50
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of all CORE clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Sara Cross -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Sara Cross -
    Course Coordinator: Deborah Barton - - 901-448-4982

    Website: Online course syllabus located on department website with greater detail, goals and objectives, logistics, etc.
    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 11, 12, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 4 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • IDE 45000 - Special Elective

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. This course number is used for scheduling a special elective which has no course description. Final scheduling of such is done only through the Office of Medical Education and Faculty Affairs. This course should be scheduled like any other course on the computer.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Course Coordinator: Miranda Fairley - - 901-448-2928

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
  • IDE 45011 - Research Elective

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face research elective receiving 6 credit hours. Students can complete research in their area of interest to earn elective credit in a variety of disciplines. Arrangements for a specific discipline should be made by the student at least 30 days in advance. Students should obtain the Research Elective Request Form from OLSEN, and send completed forms to the course coordinator.  If interested in a research discipline not listed below, please contact the course coordinator for more information.

    Discipline: Hematology City: Knoxville
    Contact Name: Dr. Wahid T. Hanna
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Infectious Diseases
    City: Memphis Contact Name: Dr. James Dale
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Maternal Fetal Medicine and Introduction to Research Design and Statistics Analysis
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. C. David Adair
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Nephrology
    City: Memphis Contact
    Name: Dr. Darryl Quarles
    Contact Phone (Dept.): 901-448-5764

    Discipline: Pediatrics
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Kristen Bettin
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Pediatric Endocrinology-Diabetes
    City: Memphis Contact
    Name: Dr. Hiba Al-Zubeidi
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Surgery and Transplant Immunology
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. James Eason
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Radiology
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. Asim F Choudhri
    Contact Email:

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Research-Elective
    Location offered: Variable
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of all CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Course Coordinator: Miranda Fairley - - 901-448-2928

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Yes
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Variable

  • IDE 45020 - Legal Issues in Healthcare

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. This elective prepares students to meet the legal challenges that will face them in the practice of medicine. Using a team-based, case study method, the students will be able to identify, describe, and apply basic legal/medical principles, including the physician-patient relationship, consent, confidentiality, medical records, competency, surrogate decision-makers, reporting communicable diseases, advance directives and other end-of-life documents, liability and risk management, the legal issues of mental health, the business side of medicine, and prescribing practices. The method of instruction relies heavily on team-based learning principles, but includes interactive lectures and group discussion. Objectives: Students will be able to (1) identify basic legal/medical issues that may arise in the care and treatment of patients; (2) describe the legal /ethical consequences of failing to conform to accepted standards of practice; (3) improve risk management techniques employed in their practice; and (4) minimize the potential for lawsuits and/or disciplinary actions filed against them.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 20
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Not Applicable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Carol A Schwab -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Carol A Schwab -
    Course Coordinator: 901-448-2201

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE 45030 - Heartstrings: Humanism & Reflection in Medicine

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face elective receiving 3 credit hours. In this course, students will reflect - the conscious weighing and integrating of views from different perspectives - on their experiences in medicine with an emphasis on humanism in medicine - patient-centered care through open communication, mutual respect, and emotional connection between physicians and their patients. Students will meet each day for 2 hours of evidence-based reflection exercises and will continue to work on the reflection after the small group. Some activities will include reflective writing and discussion from posed questions; literature searches and readings; discussions; and a presentation of created works on the last Friday of the two-weeks or four-weeks. Through these exercises, students will improve patient care by enhancing the doctor-patient relationship, improve patient-centered care, revive a sense of compassion and humanism, recognize disparities in health, view pain culturally, increase critical thinking skills, have the opportunity to self-reflect, build communication skills, improve professionalism, and recognize characteristics of effective medical teams. 

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 20 (minimum enrollment of 3)
    Instructional Method: Lecture-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Not Applicable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Renate Rosenthal
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Renate Rosenthal
    Course Coordinator: Kimberlee Norwood -

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5, 10, 11, 1, 2, 3, and 4
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE 45040 - Health Systems Leadership

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Students will develop and understanding of leadership and management characteristics of a healthcare system. The student will have responsibility of patients. Students will be assigned to a senior executive with the Erlanger Health System, a primary affiliate with the College of Medicine. This “mentor” will develop, with the student, a project plan for the rotation. Student experiences will vary with the hospital/system and mentor. Expected activities will include attendance at the management meetings, participation in leadership Rounds with hospital management, involvement in ongoing activities of the mentor, maintaining a journal of experiences and completion of a specific project under the guidance of the mentor and prospective faculty.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Kevin Spiegel -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Kevin Spiegel -
    Course Coordinator: Kitty Quinn - - 423-778-6110

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 4 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • IDE 49000 - International Health Studies

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This elective will involve the student in specifically designed and approved experiences in other countries. Opportunities to gain first-hand knowledge of health care systems, diseases, and/or research will be available. Students must complete a summary of this elective before a final grade is awarded. Contact office of Medical Education for further information.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: International
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Course Coordinator: Miranda Fairley - - 901-448-2928

    Prior Authorization: Yes-Contact the Office of Medical Education
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
    Time off for interviews: Variable
  • IDE1 4001/F - Special Elective

    Cr Hrs: 3.5, 7
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3.5 or 7 credit hours. This course number is used for scheduling a special elective which has no course description. Final scheduling of such is done only through the Office of Medical Education and Faculty Affairs. This course should be scheduled like any other course on the computer. This elective can be half-time (IDE1-4001/H).

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Course Coordinator: Miranda Fairley - - 901-448-2928

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
  • IDE1 4011/F - Research Elective

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face research elective receiving 7 credit hours. Students can complete research in their area of interest to earn elective credit in a variety of disciplines. Arrangements for a specific discipline should be made by the student at least 30 days in advance. As a first step for approval, students should obtain the Research Elective Request Form from OLSEN, and send completed forms to the course coordinator.  If interested in a research discipline not listed below, please contact the course coordinator for more information. 

    Discipline: Hematology
    City: Knoxville
    Contact Name: Dr. Wahid T. Hanna
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Infectious Diseases
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. James Dale
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Maternal Fetal Medicine and Introduction to Research Design and Statistics Analysis
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. C. David Adair
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Nephrology
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. Darryl Quarles
    Contact Phone (Dept.): 901-448-5764

    Discipline: Pediatrics
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Kristen Bettin
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Pediatric Endocrinology-Diabetes
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. Hiba Al-Zubeidi
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Surgery and Transplant Immunology
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. James Eason
    Contact Email:

    Discipline: Radiology
    City: Memphis
    Contact Name: Dr. Asim F Choudhri
    Contact Email:

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Instructional Method: Research-Elective
    Location offered: Variable
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of all CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Course Coordinator: Miranda Fairley - - 901-448-2928

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Yes
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Variable

  • IDE1 4040/F - Capstone Course

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    Back to more opportunities to review basic science concepts in the framework of clinical cases. Business of Medicine- TBL’s using the HealthCare Handbook written by medical students Asking and Moore. Guest faculty will discuss health care reform, insurance, regulatory agencies and being a member of a hospital staff. EBM-Improve your skills in searching the literature to answer clinical questions. Ethics-Review of concepts plus discussion of cases you have encountered. Intern school-Focus on skills to prepare students for life as a house officer, including radiology review, ECG review, what to do on call, line placement and intubation skills, and the opportunity for ACLS certification. Legal Issues in Medicine series from Dr. Carol Schwab. Teaching-Academy- learn teaching and learning techniques for residency and beyond; the Five-minute preceptor, and other teaching techniques.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 50
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of all CORE clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Sara Cross -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Sara Cross -
    Course Coordinator: Deborah Barton - - 901-448-4982

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 11, 12, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 4 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • IDE1 5050/F - Legal Issues in Healthcare

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. This elective prepares students to meet the legal challenges that will face them in the practice of medicine. Using a team-based, case study method, the students will be able to identify, describe, and apply basic legal/medical principles, including the physician-patient relationship, consent, confidentiality, medical records, competency, surrogate decision-makers, reporting communicable diseases, advance directives and other end-of-life documents, liability and risk management, the legal issues of mental health, the business side of medicine, and prescribing practices. The method of instruction relies heavily on team-based learning principles, but includes interactive lectures and group discussion. Objectives: Students will be able to (1) identify basic legal/medical issues that may arise in the care and treatment of patients; (2) describe the legal /ethical consequences of failing to conform to accepted standards of practice; (3) improve risk management techniques employed in their practice; and (4) minimize the potential for lawsuits and/or disciplinary actions filed against them.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 20
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Not Applicable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Carol Schwab -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Carol Schwab -
    Course Coordinator: 901-448-2201

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE1 6060/H - Heartstrings: Humanism & Reflection in Medicine

    Cr Hrs: 3.5
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face elective rotation receiving 3.5 credit hours. In this course, students will reflect - the conscious weighing and integrating of views from different perspectives - on their experiences in medicine with an emphasis on humanism in medicine - patient-centered care through open communication, mutual respect, and emotional connection between physicians and their patients. Students will meet each day for 2 hours of evidence-based reflection exercises and will continue to work on the reflection after the small group. Some activities will include reflective writing and discussion from posed questions; literature searches and readings; discussions; and a presentation of created works on the last Friday of the two-weeks or four-weeks. Through these exercises, students will improve patient care by enhancing the doctor-patient relationship, improve patient-centered care, revive a sense of compassion and humanism, recognize disparities in health, view pain culturally, increase critical thinking skills, have the opportunity to self-reflect, build communication skills, improve professionalism, and recognize characteristics of effective medical teams.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 20 (minimum enrollment of 3)
    Instructional Method: Lecture-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Not Applicable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Renate Rosenthal
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Renate Rosenthal
    Course Coordinator: Kimberlee Norwood -

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5, 10, 11, 1, 2, 3, and 4
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE2 4040/F - Capstone Course

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    The Course includes: Back to more opportunities to review basic science concepts in the framework of clinical cases; Business of Medicine- TBL’s using the HealthCare Handbook written by medical students Askin and Moore. Faculty will discuss topics such as health care reform, insurance, and regulatory agencies; EBM-Improve your skills in searching the literature to answer clinical questions; Intern school-Focus on skills to prepare students for life as a house officer, including radiology review, ECG review, what to do on call, line placement and intubation skills, and other skills important for internship and residency; legal issues in medicine; Teaching-Academy- learn teaching and learning techniques for residency and beyond.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 15
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of all CORE clerkships

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Anthony Wilson -
    Course Coordinator: Lolita Davis - - 865-305-5561

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE3 4020/F - Health Systems Leadership

    Cr Hrs: 3.5, 7
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3.5 or 7 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Students will develop and understanding of leadership and management characteristics of a healthcare system. The student will have responsibility of patients. Students will be assigned to a senior executive with the Erlanger Health System, a primary affiliate with the College of Medicine. This “mentor” will develop, with the student, a project plan for the rotation. Student experiences will vary with the hospital/system and mentor. Expected activities will include attendance at the management meetings, participation in leadership Rounds with hospital management, involvement in ongoing activities of the mentor, maintaining a journal of experiences and completion of a specific project under the guidance of the mentor and prospective faculty.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Kevin Spiegel -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Kevin Spiegel -
    Course Coordinator: Kitty Quinn - - 423-778-6110

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 4 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • IDE3 4040/F - Capstone Course

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    The Course includes: Back to more opportunities to review basic science concepts in the framework of clinical cases; Business of Medicine- TBL’s using the HealthCare Handbook written by medical students Askin and Moore. Faculty will discuss topics such as health care reform, insurance, and regulatory agencies; EBM-Improve your skills in searching the literature to answer clinical questions; Intern school-Focus on skills to prepare students for life as a house officer, including radiology review, ECG review, what to do on call, line placement and intubation skills, and other skills important for internship and residency; legal issues in medicine; Teaching-Academy- learn teaching and learning techniques for residency and beyond.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 20
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Completion of all CORE clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Mukta Panda -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Mukta Panda -
    Course Coordinator: Pam Scott - - 423-778-7442

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • IDE9 4010/F - International Health Studies

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This elective will involve the student in specifically designed and approved experiences in other countries. Opportunities to gain first-hand knowledge of health care systems, diseases, and/or research will be available. Students must complete a summary of this elective before a final grade is awarded. Contact office of Medical Education for further information.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: International
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Valerie Jameson -
    Course Coordinator: Miranda Fairley - - 901-448-2928

    Prior Authorization: Yes-Contact the Office of Medical Education
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Review host institution deadline policy
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
    Time off for interviews: Variable

Interprofessional Education

  • IPEH 710 - Collaboration for Oral Health Care

    Cr Hrs: 1 (15-0-30)
    This course is designed for health professional students in multiple disciplines. Students will learn principles of interprofessional collaboration and care coordination within the context of oral health care. Course content will demonstrate how the quality of oral health care affects general physical and emotional health of individuals. Emphasis will be placed on skill development in prevention of oral disease, oral health maintenance, early disease recognition and referral management. Interprofessional competency development is the framework to enhance both the scope and quality of care patients receive, as well as improve treatment outcomes.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Seminar
    Prerequisites: Approval of instructor

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Margaret T Hartig


  • COM 10110 - Structural Basis of Normal Body Function

    Cr Hrs: 9 (6-5-0)
    Fall term of year one. Complete dissection of the human body and virtual microscopy of tissue sections will provide students with knowledge of normal gross and tissue anatomy. Laboratory sessions will be supplemented with lectures, study guides, and the study of cross sections. Human embryology is included in the program. The course will provide a foundation for subsequent understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of organ systems and common diseases.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Angela R Cantrell
  • COM 10120 - Molecular Basis of Normal Body Function

    Cr Hrs: 7 (8-0-0)
    Fall term of year one. This integrated course will provide students the molecular biology, genetics, cell structure, and biochemistry of normal body function with an emphasis on clinical applications. Instruction includes live and pre-recorded lectures, team-based learning sessions, and clinical basic science conferences. Along with COM 10110 , the course will provide a foundation for subsequent understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of organ systems and common diseases.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Lorraine Albritton
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Satoru Kenneth Nishimoto
  • COM 10210 - Common Mechanisms of Disease

    Cr Hrs: 7 (13-1-0)
    Spring term of year one. This course will cover fundamental information on mechanisms common to multiple diseases, to include basic aspects of cell injury, repair/regeneration, inflammation, immunopathology, neoplasia, nutrition, underlying genetic causes, and addictive life styles. It will also expose students to basic aspects of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics; basic microbial structure, classification, physiology, and genetics; the immune response to infections; and fundamentals of laboratory diagnosis in the practice of medicine. Instruction includes live and pre-recorded lectures, small group sessions, team-based learning sessions, laboratory exercises, and clinical pathophysiology conferences. The course will provide a foundation for subsequent understanding of the causes, response, diagnosis, and pharmacologic treatment of common diseases as well as the pathology and pathophysiology of organ systems.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Mark A Miller
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Trevor W Sweatman
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: James Patrick Ryan
  • COM 10410 - Principles of Clinical Medicine I

    Cr Hrs: 2 (3-0-2)
    Fall term of year one. This course covers a variety of topics including HIPAA and OSHA regulations, developing patient rapport, the doctor/patient relationship, the biopsychosocial model of medicine, professionalism, communication and interviewing skills, history taking, nutritional assessment, and performing and documenting a physical exam. All topics are thoroughly integrated into concurrent foundation courses.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Beth A Choby
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Gary S Nace
  • COM 10420 - Principles of Clinical Medicine II

    Cr Hrs: 5 (2-0-2)
    Spring term of year one. This course covers a variety of topics including patient rapport skills, the doctor/patient relationship, the biopsychosocial model of medicine, professionalism, communication and interviewing skills, history taking, performing and documenting the physical exam, tobacco and weight loss counseling, drug dependence, challenging patient encounters, preventive services, diagnostic testing properties, and basic biostatistics. All topics are thoroughly integrated with concurrent foundation courses.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Beth A Choby
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Gary S Nace
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Neena Thomas-Gosain
  • COM 10510 - Organ Systems - Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment: Hematological, Cardiovascular, Renal

    Cr Hrs: 9 (16-0-0)
    Spring term of year one. This course, one of five modules for cohesive content and grading purposes, will provide a fully integrated presentation by multiple basic and clinical Faculty on diseases of the major organ systems. The physiology, pathophysiology, pathology, pharmacology, and infections underlying these systems will be covered. Instruction includes live and pre-recorded lectures, small group sessions, team-based learning sessions, and clinical pathophysiology conferences. The course will provide a foundation of integrated basic and clinical sciences needed by students as they enter the clerkship phase of training.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Trevor W Sweatman
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Ted S Strom
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Alva B Weir III
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Marshall B Elam
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Barry Michael Wall
  • COM 20430 - Principles of Clinical Medicine III

    Cr Hrs: 4 (3-0-2)
    Fall semester of year two. This course covers a variety of topics including patient rapport skills, doctor/patient relationship, the biopsychosocial model of medicine, professionalism, communication and interviewing skills, history taking, performing physical exams, documenting physical exams, tobacco counseling, weight loss counseling, drug dependence, challenging patient encounters, preventive services, diagnostic testing properties, and basic biostatistics. All topics are thoroughly integrated with concurrent foundation courses.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Beth A Choby
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Gary S Nace
  • COM 20440 - Principles of Clinical Medicine IV

    Cr Hrs: 3 (2-0-2)
    Spring term of year two. This course will continue with covering a variety of topics from the first semester, including patient rapport skills, doctor/patient relationship, the biopsychosocial model of medicine, professionalism, communication and interviewing skills, history taking, performing physical exams, documenting physical exams, tobacco counseling, weight loss counseling, drug dependence, challenging patient encounters, preventive services, diagnostic testing properties, and basic biostatistics. All topics will be thoroughly integrated with concurrent foundation courses.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Beth A Choby
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Gary S Nace
  • COM 20520 - Organ Systems - Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment: Pulmonary, Dermatological, Rheumatic, Musculoskeletal

    Cr Hrs: 7 (19-0-0)
    Fall term of year two. This course will provide a fully integrated presentation by multiple basic and clinical Faculty on diseases of the Pulmonary, Dermatological, rheumatic, musculoskeletal systems. The physiology, pathophysiology, pathology, pharmacology, and infections underlying these systems will be covered. Instruction includes live and pre- recorded lectures, small group sessions, team-based learning sessions, and clinical pathophysiology conferences. The course will provide a foundation of integrated basic and clinical sciences needed by students as they enter the clerkship phase of training.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: James Patrick Ryan
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Muthiah Muthiah
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Tejesh S Patel
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Arnold E Postlethwaite
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Arnold E Postlethwaite
  • COM 20530 - Organ Systems- Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment: Endocrine, Reproductive/Breast, Urogenital, GI/Liver

    Cr Hrs: 9 (14-0-0)
    Fall term of year two. This course will provide a fully integrated presentation by multiple basic and clinical Faculty on diseases of the Endocrine, Reproductive/Breast, Urogenital, and GI/Liver organ systems. The physiology, pathophysiology, pathology, pharmacology, and infections underlying these systems will be covered. Instruction includes live and pre-recorded lectures, small group sessions, team-based learning sessions, and clinical pathophysiology conferences. The course will provide a foundation of integrated basic and clinical sciences needed by students as they enter the clerkship phase of training.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: To be named
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Ayotunde Dokun
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Owen P Phillips
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Bradford Waters
  • COM 20540 - Organ Systems - Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment:, Central-Peripheral Nervous Systems/Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 6 (16-1-0)
    Spring term of year two. This course will provide a fully integrated presentation by multiple basic and clinical Faculty on diseases of the central-peripheral nervous organ systems. The physiology, pathophysiology, pathology, pharmacology, and infections underlying these systems will be covered. Instruction includes live and pre-recorded lectures, small group sessions, team-based learning sessions, and clinical pathology conferences. The course will provide a foundation of integrated basic and clinical sciences needed by students as they enter the clerkship phase of training.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Balaji Krishnaiah
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Trevor W Sweatman
  • COM 20550 - Organ Systems - Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment: Infectious Disease and Immunological Wrap Up

    Cr Hrs: 1 (15-0-0)
    Spring term of year two. This course, one of five modules for cohesive content and grading purposes, will provide new perspectives on microbiology and pharmacology content previously presented in the other organ systems. Instruction may include live and pre-recorded lectures, small group sessions, team-based learning sessions, and clinical pathophysiology conferences. The course will provide a foundation of integrated basic and clinical sciences needed by students as they enter the clerkship phase of training.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: James Patrick Ryan
  • OPM1 4001/F - Option Block

    Cr Hrs: 0
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This course number is used for scheduling option (vacation) months in which no academic credit is earned for 4th year medical. Option months should be scheduled like any elective except that only one choice is necessary. This course can be schedule for a 2 or 4 week block.

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
  • OPN 35000 - Option Block

    Cr Hrs: 0
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This course number is used for scheduling option (vacation) months in which no academic credit is earned for 3rd medical year students. Option months should be scheduled like any elective except that only one choice is necessary. This course can be schedule for a 2 or 4 week block.

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
  • OPN 45000 - Option Block

    Cr Hrs: 0
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This course number is used for scheduling option (vacation) months in which no academic credit is earned for 4th year medical. Option months should be scheduled like any elective except that only one choice is necessary. This course can be schedule for a 2 or 4 week block.

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation

Medical Education

  • BSCI 200 - Special Topics

    Cr Hrs: 1-5 (Varies)
    A course taken by students participating in the Scholar’s Year program that reflects their varied experiences, or a course taken by students remediating a clerkship or failed USMLE board exam. The course has five sections: (1) Scholar’s Year, (2) Clerkship, (3) Step 1, (4) Step 2 CK, and (5) Step 2 CS.

    Section 1 may be repeated up to 20 credit hours. Sections 2-5 may be repeated up to 15 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Prerequisites: Must receive approval from Associate Dean of Medical Education or Course Director for enrollment or repeat of a section.

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: James Patrick Ryan
    Spring - Instructor of Record: James Patrick Ryan
  • BSCI 20000 - Special Topics

    Cr Hrs: 1-5 (Varies)
    A course taken by students participating in the Scholar’s Year program that reflects their varied experiences, or a course taken by students remediating a clerkship or failed USMLE board exam. The course has five sections: (1) Scholar’s Year, (2) Clerkship, (3) Step 1, (4) Step 2 CK, and (5) Step 2 CS.

    Section 1 may be repeated up to 20 credit hours. Sections 2-5 may be repeated up to 15 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Prerequisites: Must receive approval from Associate Dean of Medical Education or Course Director for enrollment or repeat of a section.

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: James Patrick Ryan
    Spring - Instructor of Record: James Patrick Ryan
  • LSP 30120 - Longitudinal Scholars Project 1.2

    Cr Hrs: 1 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya
  • LSP 30210 - Longitudinal Scholars Project 2.1

    Cr Hrs: 1 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya
  • LSP 30220 - Longitudinal Scholars Project 2.2

    Cr Hrs: 1 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya
  • LSP 30310 - Longitudinal Scholars Project 3.1

    Cr Hrs: 1 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya
  • LSP 30320 - Longitudinal Scholars Project 3.2

    Cr Hrs: 1 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya
  • LSP 30410 - Longitudinal Scholars Project 4.1

    Cr Hrs: 1-2 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya
  • LSP 30420 - Longitudinal Scholars Project 4.2

    Cr Hrs: 1-2 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring 2021

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya
  • LSP1 3041/F - Longitudinal Scholars Project 4.1

    Cr Hrs: 1-2 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya
  • LSP1 3042/F - Longitudinal Scholars Project 4.2

    Cr Hrs: 1-2 (1-0-1)
    The Longitudinal Scholar’s Project (LSP) clerkship is a longitudinal clerkship spanning the four years of medical school. The course will introduce medical students to three basic areas: health research, patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) and community and global health. The clerkship involves a longitudinal project in one of the three areas and culminates in a graded poster presentation. Rather than have every student participate in each category, the clerkship provides the students with a foundation of basic understanding in research, patient safety and quality improvement and community/global health, while requiring each student to do a project in one area to be presented at any time during medical school. The poster may be presented at a committee approved poster venue. Outstanding work will be eligible for awards.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Independent Study
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Syamal K Bhattacharya

Internal Medicine

  • MED 30000 - Core Clerkship in Medicine (Chattanooga)

    Cr Hrs: 12
    Session Length: 8 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 12 credit hours. This 8 week Internal Medicine clerkship is required of all medical students. It consists of 6 weeks of inpatient experience and a 2 week ambulatory component. The student is an integral member of the team which may include an attending, residents and other students. Students will be exposed to a variety of medical conditions and care for internal medicine patients in the inpatient and outpatient realms. Goals include improving history and physical exam skills, written and oral case presentations, increasing fund of knowledge, clinical judgment and integration into the team and beginning patient care with improving differential diagnosis and management skills. There is a core conference series, covering important medicine topics. An observed H and P in an OSCE setting is done, and a NBME medicine shelf exam is required at the end of the rotation. The 3rd year clerk is an active participant on the team and in patient care and is encouraged to take as much responsibility for both patient care and their own learning as they are able. The goals and objectives for the Internal Medicine Clerkship are similar across all UT sites (Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Nashville). At Memphis, each student is assigned to 2 hospitals which can include Methodist University, Baptist-East, Regional One Health, or the Veterans Administration Hospital, at Knoxville they are at UT Medical Center, at Chattanooga they are at Erlanger Medical Center, and at Nashville they are at St Thomas Midtown.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 6
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Gary Malakoff -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Gary Malakoff -
    Course Coordinator: Joyce Poke - - 423-778-6670

    Website: See Core for Additional Course Information
    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 30000 - Core Clerkship in Medicine (Knoxville)

    Cr Hrs: 12
    Session Length: 8 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 12 credit hours. This 8 week Internal Medicine clerkship is required of all medical students. It consists of 6 weeks of inpatient experience and a 2 week ambulatory component. The student is an integral member of the team which may include an attending, residents and other students. Students will be exposed to a variety of medical conditions and care for internal medicine patients in the inpatient and outpatient realms. Goals include improving history and physical exam skills, written and oral case presentations, increasing fund of knowledge, clinical judgment and integration into the team and beginning patient care with improving differential diagnosis and management skills. There is a core conference series, covering important medicine topics. An observed H and P in an OSCE setting is done, and a NBME medicine shelf exam is required at the end of the rotation. The 3rd year clerk is an active participant on the team and in patient care and is encouraged to take as much responsibility for both patient care and their own learning as they are able. The goals and objectives for the Internal Medicine Clerkship are similar across all UT sites (Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Nashville). At Memphis, each student is assigned to 2 hospitals which can include Methodist University, Baptist-East, Regional One Health, or the Veterans Administration Hospital, at Knoxville they are at UT Medical Center, at Chattanooga they are at Erlanger Medical Center, and at Nashville they are at St Thomas Midtown.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 6
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Janet Purkey -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Janet L Purkey -
    Course Coordinator: Deanna Porter - - 865-305-4323

    Website: See Core for Additional Course Information
    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 30000 - Core Clerkship in Medicine (Memphis)

    Cr Hrs: 12
    Session Length: 8 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 12 credit hours. This 8 week Internal Medicine clerkship is required of all medical students. It consists of 6 weeks of inpatient experience and a 2 week ambulatory component. The student is an integral member of the team which may include an attending, residents and other students. Students will be exposed to a variety of medical conditions and care for internal medicine patients in the inpatient and outpatient realms. Goals include improving history and physical exam skills, written and oral case presentations, increasing fund of knowledge, clinical judgment and integration into the team and beginning patient care with improving differential diagnosis and management skills. There is a core conference series, covering important medicine topics. An observed H and P in an OSCE setting is done, and a NBME medicine shelf exam is required at the end of the rotation. The 3rd year clerk is an active participant on the team and in patient care and is encouraged to take as much responsibility for both patient care and their own learning as they are able. The goals and objectives for the Internal Medicine Clerkship are similar across all UT sites (Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Nashville). At Memphis, each student is assigned to 2 hospitals which can include Methodist University, Baptist-East, Regional One Health, or the Veterans Administration Hospital, at Knoxville they are at UT Medical Center, at Chattanooga they are at Erlanger Medical Center, and at Nashville they are at St Thomas Midtown.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 22
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital, Baptist East Hospital, VA Medical Center, and Regional One Health
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tina Mullick Borschel -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Tina Mullick Borschel -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Website: See Core for Additional Course Information
    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 30000 - Core Clerkship in Medicine (Nashville)

    Cr Hrs: 12
    Session Length: 8 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 12 credit hours. This 8 week Internal Medicine clerkship is required of all medical students. It consists of 6 weeks of inpatient experience and a 2 week ambulatory component. The student is an integral member of the team which may include an attending, residents and other students. Students will be exposed to a variety of medical conditions and care for internal medicine patients in the inpatient and outpatient realms. Goals include improving history and physical exam skills, written and oral case presentations, increasing fund of knowledge, clinical judgment and integration into the team and beginning patient care with improving differential diagnosis and management skills. There is a core conference series, covering important medicine topics. An observed H and P in an OSCE setting is done, and a NBME medicine shelf exam is required at the end of the rotation. The 3rd year clerk is an active participant on the team and in patient care and is encouraged to take as much responsibility for both patient care and their own learning as they are able. The goals and objectives for the Internal Medicine Clerkship are similar across all UT sites (Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Nashville). At Memphis, each student is assigned to 2 hospitals which can include Methodist University, Baptist-East, Regional One Health, or the Veterans Administration Hospital, at Knoxville they are at UT Medical Center, at Chattanooga they are at Erlanger Medical Center, and at Nashville they are at St Thomas Midtown.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 4
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Nashville
    Hospital: St. Thomas Midtown Hospital
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Benjamin Maddox -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Benjamin Maddox -
    Course Coordinator: Debra Hinton - - 615-284-3387

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35011 - Dermatology CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45011 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Emily Jones -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Emily Jones -
    Course Coordinator: Ashley King - - 901-448-2852

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35020 - Endocrinology & Diabetes CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45020 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: VA Medical Center and Regional One Health
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: S. Solomon -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: S. Solomon -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35021 - Ambulatory Endocrinology CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours.  This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45021 for a detailed description of the course

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: VA Medical Center
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: S. Solomon -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: S. Solomon -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35040 - Infectious Diseases

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45040 for a detailed description of the course. Students can arrange to complete their rotation at Regional One Health, the VA Medical Center, or Methodist University Hospital and will need to contact the course coordinator in advance. Enrollment is limited to 1 student per hospital location per rotation.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 3
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: James Dale -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: James Dale -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35041 - Infectious Diseases-MUH CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45041 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Michael Gelfand -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Michael Gelfand -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35055 - Nephrology CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45055 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Christopher V Poole -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Christopher V Poole -
    Course Coordinator: Joyce Poke - - 423-778-6670

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35060 - Pulmonology-ROH CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45060 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 3
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Regional One Health
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Julio Lanfranco -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Julio Lanfranco -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35070 - Rheumatology CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45070 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Regional One Health and VA Medical Center
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Debendra Pattanaik -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Debendra Pattanaik -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 35071 - Rheumatology-Private Practice CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for MED-45071 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Rheumatology and Osteoporosis Center of Memphis
    Prerequisites: MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Charles R Arkin -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40000 - Geriatrics/Palliative Medicine (Chattanooga)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Four-week rotation in Geriatrics and Palliative medicine. Students will rotate through a variety of settings including inpatient palliative, inpatient geriatrics, hospice, skilled nursing and assisted living facilities, and outpatient geriatric, family medicine, other specialty clinics, and physician home visits. The course includes required didactic sessions with lectures and small group discussions focused on general level geriatric and palliative competencies. Submitted questions on assigned readings and online materials are discussed during didactic sessions which also include communication skills training and presentations of narrative medicine writing.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 4
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Gary Malakoff -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Gary Malakoff -
    Course Coordinator: Joyce Poke - - 423-778-6670

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 2 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • MED 40000 - Geriatrics/Palliative Medicine (Knoxville)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Four-week rotation in Geriatrics and Palliative medicine. Students will rotate through a variety of settings including inpatient palliative, inpatient geriatrics, hospice, skilled nursing and assisted living facilities, and outpatient geriatric, family medicine, other specialty clinics, and physician home visits. The course includes required didactic sessions with lectures and small group discussions focused on general level geriatric and palliative competencies. Submitted questions on assigned readings and online materials are discussed during didactic sessions which also include communication skills training and presentations of narrative medicine writing.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 4
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: William Dabbs -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: William Dabbs -
    Course Coordinator: Heather A Johnson - - 865-305-5055

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 7
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 2 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • MED 40000 - Geriatrics/Palliative Medicine (Memphis)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. Students will rotate through a variety of settings including inpatient palliative, inpatient geriatrics, hospice, skilled nursing and assisted living facilities, and outpatient geriatric, family medicine, other specialty clinics, and physician home visits. The course includes required didactic sessions with lectures and small group discussions focused on general level geriatric and palliative competencies. Submitted questions on assigned readings and online materials are discussed during didactic sessions which also include communication skills training and presentations of narrative medicine writing.

    Grade Mode: P/F
    Max per section: 12
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jeanne Jemison -
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Bob Burns -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jeanne Jemison -
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Bob Burns -
    Course Coordinator: Deborah Barton - - 901-448-4982

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 7
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Two weeks before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 2 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • MED 40100 - Junior Internship in Medicine

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This junior internship offers increased responsibility in inpatient general medicine. It counts as one of the required Any JI rotations. The student will be acting as an intern and will be working directly with a senior resident and attending faculty. They will be responsible for direct patient care including admitting patients, writing orders, and diagnosing and managing patients on a general medicine ward service. The student will attend daily work rounds and teaching rounds. Patient care activities are paramount, and students are expected to be an integral member of the team. Students can be based at one of several hospitals in Memphis - Methodist University, Baptist East, Veterans Affairs, or Regional One.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 11
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital, VA Medical Center, Regional One Health, and Baptist East Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tina Mullick Borschel -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Tina Mullick Borschel -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40101 - Junior Internship in Medicine

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Students develop skills of patient evaluation, daily management, and discharge planning on hospitalized patients with a wide variety of pathology. Work as part of a team consisting of a resident and interns with attending supervision. The JI works most closely with the upper level resident providing the mainstay of care for their assigned patients. Opportunity is provided to perform procedures such as thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, paracentesis, etc. as the need arises. Students also find time to gain teaching credits by working with third year students in the Simulation Lab.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 3
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Janet L Purkey -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Janet L Purkey -
    Course Coordinator: Deanna Porter - - 865-305-4323

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40102 - Junior Internship in Medicine

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Students taking this inpatient rotation function as a junior intern. Students must assume responsibility for patient care similar to that of an intern but under the more close and direct supervision of an assigned physician and resident team leader. Emphasis will be placed on improving diagnostic and therapeutic planning and extending patient management skills acquired during the junior Medicine Clerkship. The junior intern should acquire basic problem-solving skills covering a broad spectrum of medical problems encountered in the practice of internal medicine.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 3
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Gary Malakoff -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Gary Malakoff -
    Course Coordinator: Joyce Poke - - 423-778-6670

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40105 - Junior Internship in Medicine

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This general internal medicine clerkship provides the student with a broad array of clinical problems in a large hospital setting. The student assumes responsibility for patient care under the supervision of a resident and an attending physician. The clerkship emphasizes bedside skills, differential diagnosis, cost effectiveness, ethics, and treatment. No overnight call is required.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Nashville
    Hospital: St. Thomas Hospital-Midtown
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Benjamin Maddox -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Benjamin Maddox -
    Course Coordinator: Debra Hinton - - 615-284-3387

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40120 - Junior Internship in Critical Care Medicine-MUH

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will be introduced to responsibility for inpatient care in a setting where the student is the initial evaluator of the patient’s problems as outlined in the general instructions. The student is expected to develop conceptual and manual skills for evaluation and care of internal medicine patients and become more familiar in dealing directly with hospital and other paramedical personnel with appreciation of the team approach to patient care. The student will participate in rounds at least four days per week with the attending physician assigned to the service and will consult daily with the resident house staff on each assigned patient. The student will attend Medical Grand Rounds every Wednesday and House Staff conferences on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The student will have responsibility for attending patients admitted to his or her assigned service and their on-going care while in the hospital. Where assignments involve subspecialty services, the student will be responsible for all medical aspects of patient’s care which will be the primary goal of this experience. For in- depth study of a medical subspecialty students should refer to individual specialty listings of preceptorships or research electives. NOTE: Not available in December as only senior clerkship.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 3
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Amik Sodhi -
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Dipen Kadaria -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Amik Sodhi -
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Dipen Kadaria -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40121 - Junior Internship in Critical Care Medicine-ROH

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will be introduced to responsibility for inpatient care in a setting where the student is the initial evaluator of the patient’s problems as outlined in the general instructions. The student is expected to develop conceptual and manual skills for evaluation and care of internal medicine patients and become more familiar in dealing directly with hospital and other paramedical personnel with appreciation of the team approach to patient care. The student will participate in rounds at least four days per week with the attending physician assigned to the service and will consult daily with the resident house staff on each assigned patient. The student will attend Medical Grand Rounds every Wednesday and House Staff conferences on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The student will have responsibility for attending patients admitted to his or her assigned service and their on-going care while in the hospital. Where assignments involve subspecialty services, the student will be responsible for all medical aspects of patient’s care which will be the primary goal of this experience. For in- depth study of a medical subspecialty students should refer to individual specialty listings of preceptorships or research electives. NOTE: Not available in December as only Junior Internship.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Regional One Health
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Julio Lanfranco -
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Scott Sinclair
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Julio Lanfranco -
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Scott Sinclair
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40122 - Junior Internship in Critical Care Medicine-VAMC

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will be introduced to responsibility for inpatient care in a setting where the student is the initial evaluator of the patient’s problems as outlined in the general instructions. The student is expected to develop conceptual and manual skills for evaluation and care of internal medicine patients and become more familiar in dealing directly with hospital and other paramedical personnel with appreciation of the team approach to patient care. The student will participate in rounds at least four days per week with the attending physician assigned to the service and will consult daily with the resident house staff on each assigned patient. The student will attend Medical Grand Rounds every Wednesday and House Staff conferences on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The student will have responsibility for attending patients admitted to his or her assigned service and their on-going care while in the hospital. Where assignments involve subspecialty services, the student will be responsible for all medical aspects of patient’s care which will be the primary goal of this experience. For in- depth study of a medical subspecialty students should refer to individual specialty listings of preceptorships or research electives. NOTE: Not available in December as only Junior Internship.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: VA Medical Center
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Muthiah Muthiah -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Muthiah Muthiah -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40123 - Junior Internship in Critical Care Medicine

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The objective of this course is to learn about pathophysiology, the appropriate diagnostic process, and the best management techniques for common medical problems and acute medical emergencies in the Critical Care Internal Medicine setting. Our goals include learning the technical and interpretative skills of common procedures performed in a Medical ICU (ventilator management, arterial lines, Swan’Ganz catheters, etc.) The student will be expected to be the primary care provider for one or two critically ill patients under the supervision of an upper level medicine resident, pulmonary/critical care fellow, and crititcal care attending. The student will perform the admission history and physical examination and write the admission orders (under the supervision of the upper level resident). In addition, the student will present the patient on rounds in a problem and organ-oriented fashion. Daily orders will be written by the student on management rounds with the critical care attending. The student will also write problem-orientated daily notes and will be responsible for seeing that therapeutic plans are carried out.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tina Dudney -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Tina Dudney -
    Course Coordinator: Deanna Porter - - 865-305-4323

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40124 - Junior Internship in Critical Care Medicine

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours.  The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Learn about the resuscitation of the critically ill and “crashing” patient. The student will receive exposure to acute and life-threatening medical emergencies commonly encountered in the ICU, including, sepsis, shock, respiratory failure, metabolic crises, and airway emergencies. The student will additionally receive exposure to common procedures performed in a Medical ICU (ventilator management, endotracheal intubation, central lines, arterial lines, bronchoscopy, and point-of-care ultrasound). Daily responsibilities will include performing the admission history and physical examination and writing the admission orders (under the direct supervision of the resident and/or attending). The student will present the patient on daily rounds and assume responsibility for all orders, procedures, and communication with consultants. The educational experience will be heavily emphasized and will include daily, attending-lead didactics, review of classic, ICU literature, as well as web-based, flipped classroom-style instruction.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jeremy Greenberg
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jeremy Greenberg
    Course Coordinator: Joyce Poke - - 423-778-6670

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40130 - Junior Internship in Cardiac Intensive Care - VAMC

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will be introduced to responsibility for inpatient care in a setting where the student is the initial evaluator of the patient’s problems as outlined in the general instructions. The student is expected to develop conceptual and manual skills for evaluation and care of internal medicine patients and become more familiar in dealing directly with hospital and other paramedical personnel with appreciation of the team approach to patient care. The student will participate in rounds at least four days per week with the attending physician assigned to the service and will consult daily with the resident house staff on each assigned patient. The student will attend Medical Grand Rounds every Wednesday and House Staff conferences on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The student will have responsibility for attending patients admitted to his or her assigned service and their on-going care while in the hospital. Where assignments involve subspecialty services, the student will be responsible for all medical aspects of patient’s care which will be the primary goal of this experience. For in- depth study of a medical subspecialty students should refer to individual specialty listings of preceptorships or research electives. NOTE: Not available in December as only senior clerkship.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: VA Medical Center
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: K B Ramanathan -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: K B Ramanathan -
    Course Coordinator: Brenda Coleman - - 901-448-5759

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40135 - Junior Internship in Cardiac Intensive Care-ROH

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will be introduced to responsibility for inpatient care in a setting where the student is the initial evaluator of the patient’s problems as outlined in the general instructions. The student is expected to develop conceptual and manual skills for evaluation and care of internal medicine patients and become more familiar in dealing directly with hospital and other paramedical personnel with appreciation of the team approach to patient care. The student will participate in rounds at least four days per week with the attending physician assigned to the service and will consult daily with the resident house staff on each assigned patient. The student will attend Medical Grand Rounds every Wednesday and House Staff conferences on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The student will have responsibility for attending patients admitted to his or her assigned service and their on-going care while in the hospital. Where assignments involve subspecialty services, the student will be responsible for all medical aspects of patient’s care which will be the primary goal of this experience. For in- depth study of a medical subspecialty students should refer to individual specialty listings of preceptorships or research electives. NOTE: Not available in December as only senior clerkship.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Regional One Health
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Showkat Haji -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Showkat Haji -
    Course Coordinator: Brenda Coleman - - 901-448-5759

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40140 - Junior Internship in Cardiology

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will be introduced to responsibility for inpatient care in a setting where the student is the initial evaluator of the patient’s problems as outlined in the general instructions. The student is expected to develop conceptual and manual skills for evaluation and care of internal medicine patients and become more familiar in dealing directly with hospital and other paramedical personnel with appreciation of the team approach to patient care. The student will participate in rounds at least four days per week with the attending physician assigned to the service and will consult daily with the resident house staff on each assigned patient. The student will attend Medical Grand Rounds every Wednesday and House Staff conferences on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The student will have responsibility for attending patients admitted to his or her assigned service and their on-going care while in the hospital. Where assignments involve subspecialty services, the student will be responsible for all medical aspects of patient’s care which will be the primary goal of this experience. For in- depth study of a medical subspecialty students should refer to individual specialty listings of preceptorships or research electives. NOTE: Not available in December as only senior clerkship.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: VA Medical Center
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: K B Ramanathan -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: K B Ramanathan -
    Course Coordinator: Brenda Coleman - - 901-448-5759

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 40150 - Junior Internship in Hematology/Oncology

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will be introduced to responsibility for inpatient care in a setting where the student is the initial evaluator of the patient’s problems as outlined in the general instructions. The student is expected to develop conceptual and manual skills for evaluation and care of internal medicine patients and become more familiar in dealing directly with hospital and other paramedical personnel with appreciation of the team approach to patient care. The student will participate in rounds at least four days per week with the attending physician assigned to the service and will consult daily with the resident house staff on each assigned patient. The student will attend Medical Grand Rounds every Wednesday and House Staff conferences on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The student will have responsibility for attending patients admitted to his or her assigned service and their on-going care while in the hospital. Where assignments involve subspecialty services, the student will be responsible for all medical aspects of patient’s care which will be the primary goal of this experience. For in- depth study of a medical subspecialty students should refer to individual specialty listings of preceptorships or research electives. NOTE: Not available in December as only senior clerkship.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Michael Martin -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Michael Martin -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • MED 45001 - Cardiology-ROH

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This elective is designed to introduce the student to the wide array of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques used in contemporary cardiology practice. The elective will emphasize increasing knowledge in the areas of cardiac history-taking and physical examination of the cardiovascular system by working with faculty to provide cardiology consultations. The student will also have time in the electrocardiographic, exercise testing, ambulatory ECG, echocardiographic and nuclear cardiology laboratories. An introduction to cardiac catheterization, interpretation of catheterization data and the management of cardiovascular intensive care unit patients will also be provided. Conferences will include 3 weekly cardiology conferences (Monday, Tuesday, and Friday), Medical Grand Rounds (Wednesday) and cardiac catheterization conference (Tuesday).

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Regional One Health
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Showkat Haji -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Showkat Haji -
    Course Coordinator: Brenda Coleman - - 901-448-5759

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
  • MED 45002 - Cardiology-MUH

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This elective will afford the student the opportunity to participate in the evaluation and management of patients with cardiology problems. The student will have the opportunity to participate in the care of the acute patient in the Coronary Care Unit as well as observe special diagnostic procedures carried out through the diagnostic cardiology service. The student will be encouraged to participate in the weekly cardiology conferences as well as the other general medicine conferences held at the Methodist Hospital.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Ajay Dalal -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Ajay Dalal -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
  • MED 45003 - Cardiac Physical Diagnosis & Noninvasive Testing

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The principle objective of this elective is to learn to read electrocardiograms and develop interpretative proficiency. In addition, the student will learn the indications for and application of other non-invasive cardiologic testing modalities including exercise testing, echocardiography, and nuclear cardiology. Conferences will include both general medicine and cardiology conferences each week.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Baptist Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Otis Warr -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Otis Warr -
    Course Coordinator: Stefano Cannioto - - 901-448-6809

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
  • MED 45004 - Cardiology

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This is a clinical elective offering the student an intensive experience in clinical cardiology under a single preceptor cardiologist for a four to five week period of time. During that time, the student will evaluate and follow a number of the cardiologist’s patients, participate in their care, and accompany them to the cardiovascular laboratory and cardiac surgery as indicated. Students will attend cardiology conferences, twice- weekly teaching rounds, weekly EKG teaching sessions and review a prepared sampling of the literature. Other literature reviews will be suggested as clinical material warrants.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000 or FME-30000

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: James Cox -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: James Cox -
    Course Coordinator: Deanna Porter - - 865-305-4323

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation

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