Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Bulletin (Jan 2022 Ed) 
2021-2022 Academic Bulletin (Jan 2022 Ed) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Complete information on all College of Graduate Health Sciences policies is available at http://cghs.uthsc.edu/CollegeInfo/index.php?page=Policies.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend the various experiences as an expression of their professional commitment and dedication. Each program or instructor will specify attendance policies related to specific events within their curriculum. A student who misses a required event for good cause will be given the opportunity to make up the experience, if possible.

A student may request to withdraw from their program on a temporary basis, generally for less than a year. Upon approval of their Program Chair or Director, and the Dean, a withdrawal may be granted without the need to re-apply to the program. Failure to return to the program on the specified date of return will require that the student re-apply. A student who is absent for more than four weeks without permission will be withdrawn from their program and must re-apply.

Grading Policies

The standard grading scale, using A, B, C, etc., does not provide sufficient resolution to be fair to all students. Therefore, the following system of grades, with equivalent quality point value, is used for courses offered through the College of Graduate Health Sciences:




Needs Improvement


A grade of B is considered satisfactory in the College of Graduate Health Sciences. Grades P (progress) and N (no progress) are used primarily for grading work in research but may be used for select courses in interprofessional education indicating progress or no progress in demonstrating the identified student learning outcomes or competencies. These grades are not included in calculating the grade point average (GPA).

The following grading policies are applicable for graduate students:

  • The grade of D is computed in the scholastic average but does not carry credit toward a degree. No graduate student will be allowed to repeat a course for the purpose of raising a grade.
  • The designations WP or WF will be recorded to indicate pass or failure in those instances in which a student withdraws from a course before completing the work. If less than 10% of the course assessments have been completed, the grade recorded is simply W. Withdrawals are not allowed after the seventh week of the class.
  • The designation I will be used in those instances in which a student is unable to complete a course at the regular time because of an acceptable reason, but is performing at a passing level. In such cases, arrangements are to be made by the instructor for the student to complete the work, and the I is to be replaced by whatever grade the instructor considers the student to have earned.
  • The I designation cannot be permanent on a student’s record, and must be removed by the end of the term following that in which it was received. In the case of a graduating student, this designation must be removed no later than the day before commencement. Failure on the part of a student to remove an I within the time limit allowed will result in the grade of F being reported and recorded as a permanent grade.

Appeal of Grades

Students may appeal a grade if they feel that the grade was assigned inappropriately and not in accord with the course statement of policy distributed at the beginning of the course. The appeal is directed to the course director and then to the Program Chair. If resolution of the issue is not made at the program level, then appeal is made in writing to the Dean. The Dean or designee may appoint an Ad Hoc Committee of faculty to review the appeal and make a recommendation to the Dean for decision. A grade appeal must be made before the end of the immediately following term; a student need not be enrolled to appeal a grade.

Dropping/Adding a Course

At the discretion, and with the permission, of the student’s Research Advisor, courses may be dropped or added within 7 calendar days after the start of the course. The course instructor’s permission is not required to drop a course. A course in which greater than 10% of the assessments have been completed cannot be dropped (refer to Grading Policies above).

Tuition refunds and other items not specifically addressed here are handled in accordance with the UTHSC  “Course Add-Drop Policy” (https://uthsc.policymedical.net/policymed/anonymous/docViewer?stoken=de47aa28-16aa-408b-9c96-cb04f232964f&dtoken=a864b752-3661-40ad-a728-ed8b5e3c2ae2).

Auditing a Course

Individuals who wish to attend certain classes regularly, without taking examinations, receiving grades, or obtaining credit, may do so by registering as auditors and paying appropriate fees. Approval is provided on a space available basis and requires permission of the instructor and research advisor/program director (for degree-seeking students).

Withdrawal Process

All students, except those on active military duty, will enroll each term. Students are allowed up to two weeks per year of short-term leave. Short-term leave does not excuse a student from academic requirements. See the college policy (http://cghs.uthsc.edu/CollegeInfo/Policies/Annual-Leave.pdf) for more information.

Students who need to leave the institution for more than four weeks must discuss their need with their advisor before making a written request for withdrawal to their Program Chair. The Program Chair will forward the request, along with a recommendation, to the Dean.

Withdrawal without the need to re-apply is typically granted for a term, and for no longer than two terms without extenuating circumstances. Withdrawal may have financial aid consequences that should be discussed with the Office of Financial Aid.

Family and Medical Leave will be granted for up to 60 calendar days for the adoption or the birth of a child or to care for immediate family members with serious health problems (http://cghs.uthsc.edu/CollegeInfo/Policies/Family-Medical-Leave.pdf). Either parent is eligible for parental leave. Whether a stipend is paid during this leave depends upon the granting agency regulations for the stipend.

Students who are absent from their academic responsibilities for more than four weeks without approval of the Dean will receive non-passing grades in all courses for which they are enrolled and be withdrawn from the college. To re-enter the University after withdrawal, students must formally re-apply.

Student Identification Badges

Students are required to prominently display their identification badge(s) on their person at all times while on campus or an affiliated laboratory or facility. Students at facilities that require additional identification will follow the policies of that facility.

Grade Point Average Requirements

The minimum cumulative GPA needed for successful progress is established and communicated to the student in writing by each program. This GPA level may be higher, but not lower, than 3.0, which is the standard of the college. If, after 18 credit hours of regular class work, a student’s cumulative GPA falls below the minimum, or if, in the view of the student’s Faculty Committee, the student is not making adequate progress, including research, the case is reviewed by the program’s Graduate Studies Committee or equivalent. The committee will then submit a recommendation to the Program Chair or Program Director for resolution of the deficiency. The plan will be communicated to the Dean for review. After consideration of the plan and other factors relevant to the student’s progress, the Dean will decide whether to allow the student to continue in the program.

Recording of Lectures

Students will adhere to UTHSC policy guidelines regarding the Recording of Faculty Course Lectures, specifically the student-initiated recordings. The UTHSC policy defines specific use limitations.

In particular, recording is allowed unless permission is denied by the lecturer or instructor of record. Violation of UTHSC or College policy may result in disciplinary action.