Feb 11, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Bulletin (July 2022 Ed) 
2022-2023 Academic Bulletin (July 2022 Ed) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition, Fees and Expenses

Information regarding tuition and fees for the individual programs in the College of Nursing  may be found at https://www.uthsc.edu/finance/bursar/fees.php with additional information regarding estimated cost of attendance at http://www.uthsc.edu/finaid/coa.php. A regional tuition is available to students who reside within a 50 mile radius of Shelby County, based upon residence zip code. In addition to regular fees, students may expect other expenditures including but not limited to fees for simulation or lab courses; for continuation of licensure to practice nursing; for membership in professional organizations; for equipment such as a computer and software, tape recorders, name tags, laboratory coats, stethoscope and diagnostic kit; technology and testing fees; student health and screening fees; for travel; and licensing and certification.

Required Textbooks

Required textbooks are listed in individual course syllabi for both BSN and DNP students.

For the BSN program students are provided a list of required textbooks, including e-resources which must be purchased prior to the start of classes. Specific electronic resources for the BSN program are incorporated into student fees & provided as a package.

Computer and Tablet Requirements and Specifications

All College of Nursing students are required to have a laptop computer, certain software, and Internet access. Students in the BSN program are required to purchase a hand-held tablet. Students may use previously purchased equipment that met specifications. Please refer to the technology requirements for each program to assure that students’ computers will be compatible with all the software applications they will be asked to use during their programs of study. A list of minimum computer hardware and software requirements, and tablet specifications, is available at: http://www.uthsc.edu/nursing/future-students/documents/Computer_and_Software_Requirements.pdf. Cost of computer, hand-held tablet and software vary by program. Estimated costs range from $1000 to $2000.

Internet Access

Internet access is necessary for students in all of the College of Nursing programs. Students may access the internet through UTHSC connections while on campus. Yearly home internet access costs range from $480 to $960.

Student Health and Professional Liability Insurance

All nursing students are required to have healthcare and medical insurance while enrolled in the College. All students in the College are also required to purchase professional liability insurance through the University at a nominal cost payable at registration time.

Commuting Expenses for Distance Education Students

Students in the DNP program may commute to campus for intensive, week-long educational sessions three to four times per year. Costs associated with commuting and residing in Memphis during the on-campus session and may range from $100 (for those living cost to UTHSC) to $1500 for students who commute a greater distance and require hotel accommodations during the on campus sessions. Thus, the yearly cost for commuting to on campus sessions may range from $200 to $3000.

Criminal Background Checks

All students are required to have a background check and drug screening prior to enrolling in the nursing programs (see previous statement). The cost of the initial criminal background check and drug screening ranges from $162 to $195 dollars. Students are also required to complete yearly background checks and drug screens. Students should be aware that additional criminal background checks along with drug screens and fingerprinting may be required by clinical sites, certification committees and state licensure boards. Students are responsible for these costs. Information discovered in criminal background searches may delay or prevent enrollment, clinical education opportunities, graduation and entry into the profession. Students with a positive drug screen may be required to submit documentation from their healthcare providers of the prescription, undergo a repeat drug screen at their own cost, or may be ineligible to enter the program. Students who have alerts on their background check or drug screening must meet with the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to discuss the alert. Alerts associated with civil or criminal offenses require submission of documents relevant to the case. Entry into the program is dependent upon passing the background check. Failure to comply with background checks and drug screenings may prohibit students from entering programs, completing clinical assignments or graduating from the program. If a student needs further information about criminal background checks, the student should contact their program director.

Clinical Software Fee

All students in the DNP program are assessed a clinical software fee. Either Typhon or Medatrax systems are used for tracking de-identified clinical encounters in order to document information such as clinical contact hours, populations cared for, types of diagnoses, medications managed, and procedures completed. Cost for the clinical software program is approximately $45 per term.

Uniforms and Equipment

Students purchase scrubs or uniforms, as well as a lab coat with UTHSC College of Nursing patch, to wear in clinical settings and in the laboratory. Costs are dependent upon the number of uniforms purchased and the vendor. Students should anticipate paying between $130 and $200. These items can be worn for the duration of the nursing program. Equipment such as stethoscopes, diagnostic kits, and supplies are determined based upon program requirements. Equipment costs for the duration of the program may range from $100 to $500, and estimated supply costs for laboratory and clinical experiences are $100 per term.

Testing Costs

Students pay a yearly university fee for computerized testing of approximately $50. This fee covers costs associated with faculty generated computer exams to assess student learning in courses. Additionally, students enrolled in the BSN program are required to complete specific standardized exams and modules from Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) in select courses. They also complete a comprehensive Assessment Technology Institute (ATI) exam in preparation for the nursing licensing examination. Standardized testing fees for students in the BSN program are approximately $1900 for the duration of their program. Students in the DNP Family Nurse Practitioner concentration, as well as the dual concentrations, complete a standardized, comprehensive exam in preparation for the Family Nurse Practitioner certification exam. The cost for this examination is approximately $100.

Licensure and Certification Preparation Courses

Students in the BSN program may take a review course to prepare them for the nursing licensure exam toward the end of their nursing program. Costs associated with the review course are approximately $350. Students pay a registered nurse licensure exam (NCLEX) application fee, Board of Nursing fee, and state regulatory fees directly to the licensure testing agency and the state government. These fees are $400. Costs associated with certification exams for advanced practice nurse specialties vary and are subject to change by the certifying bodies.