Feb 05, 2025
PAS 540 - History and Physical Exam I Cr Hrs: 3 (30-45)
Course is designed to develop the cognitive, psychomotor and affective attributes for identifying and describing normal human anatomy, recognizing normal vs pathological clinical manifestations, obtaining a medical history, performing a screening physical examination and recording findings as medical-legal documents Teaching emphasis will be a method of instruction relevant to the structure and function of body systems, clinical manifestations and physical examination demonstration Emphasis is placed on communication skills, cultural sensitivity, professionalism and standardization of medical record documentation Students will demonstrate acquisition of skills during practical examinations Covered in this course: cultural sensitivity when obtaining history and completing physical exam techniques, introduction to physical exam, history taking, communication skills, the use of diagnostic equipment and vital signs History and physical exam techniques for pediatrics, adults, geriatrics and pregnant patients in the following body systems: skin, hair, nails, mental status, abdomen, anus, rectum, prostate, Delivery will include lecture, laboratory demonstrations, and encounters with standardized patients in simulated experiences Instructional Method: Lecture-based and Lab-based Term offered: Not currently offered
Instructor of Record, Spring: Paul J Koltnow
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