Feb 16, 2025
ENDO 402 - Endodontics Clinic II Cr Hrs: 2 (0-0-78)
This clinical course requires critical thinking in determining the pulp and periapical diagnosis, a suitable treatment plan, with consideration given to the strategic goals of the oral health of the patient in a group-practice model, and execution of contemporary endodontic treatment and permanent coronal restoration. This clinical course is designed to give the student doctor experience in dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of pathology of the pulp and periradicular tissues. Basic and clinical sciences, including the biology of the normal pulp and supporting structures as well as pathologically involved tissues, are correlated with the clinical situation presented by actual patients. Included in this course are comprehensive clinical knowledge, experience, and skill in the control of pain originating from the pulp and/or periradicular tissues. Treatment rendered will include treatment of reversible pulpal pathology with a sedative, temporary as well as pulpotomy, pulpectomy, canal debridement, canal preparation, obturation of the pulp canal space, and choice of post and/or core material. A major emphasis will be placed upon the diagnostic skills necessary to diagnose pain of pulpal and/or periradicular origin, including differentiating this type of pain from referred pain. Part of the diagnosis and treatment plan experience will be determining when odontogenic and/or non-odontogenic cases should be referred to endodontists or other specialists, including medical specialists. Student doctors desiring additional experience in the Graduate Endodontic Clinic will have an opportunity to observe and/or treat cases involving surgical endodontics, implantation, re-implantation, and bleaching of both vital and endodontically treated teeth. Clinically, endodontic cases are not considered complete until an effective coronal seal has been established and a final restoration placed. Supervision is provided by endodontic faculty who confer session grades in 8 domains, with sub-domains that include preparedness and knowledge of the case being treated, professional conduct and radiographic skills. Simulation exercises involving complete endodontic treatment are required every 90 days in the absence of any endodontic treatment. Assessment is by daily grade, successful completion of the SRTA mock board examination, with final competency assessed by a clinical exam demonstrating the independent ability of a student doctor to successfully identify and diagnose a pulpally-involved tooth and to perform endodontic treatment of all systems and return the tooth to clinical function with a permanent restoration. Minimal experience levels are mandatory prior to beginning a clinical exam. Assessment is by two independent examiners; failure necessitates challenging the competency following independent remediation exercises.
Grade Mode: Standard Instructional Method: Clinical Location offered: Memphis Term offered: Fall through Spring
Fall - Instructor of Record: Josanne Mildred O’Dell Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Jeffrey G Phebus Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Melissa Andreia Marchesan Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Adam Lloyd Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Felicity Hope Shelton
Spring - Instructor of Record: Josanne Mildred O’Dell Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Larry K Wells Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Felicity Hope Shelton Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Melissa Andreia Marchesan Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Adam Lloyd
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