Feb 21, 2025
HOPR 854 - Knowledge Management Cr Hrs: 3 (48-0-0)
This course includes an overview of information management in healthcare with a focus on database management systems. Topics include database management, data warehouses, clinical data repositories, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) , data modeling, and “Big Data.” Additional topics include the relationship and applicability of topics covered in other MHIIM (Masters in Health Informatics and Information Management) courses in health information statistics, analysis, biomedical research and quality management, biostatistics, advanced research methods and biomedical research support to decision analysis and decision support, advanced information/data analysis and presentation techniques, and evaluation methodologies. This course is offered exclusively in a distance education format via course management software. The course material will be presented in outline format and supplemented by student reading, student on-line discussions as well as required projects. The instructor will provide guidance to students, but students are expected to assume responsibility for engaging the material and working at the graduate level.
Grade Mode: Standard Mode of Delivery: Online Instructional Method: Lecture Term offered: Spring
Spring - Instructor of Record: Charisse Madlock-Brown
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