Mar 02, 2025
IDE1 5050/F - Legal Issues in Healthcare
Cr Hrs: 7 Session Length: 4 weeks
This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. This elective prepares students to meet the legal challenges that will face them in the practice of medicine. Using a team-based, case study method, the students will be able to identify, describe, and apply basic legal/medical principles, including the physician-patient relationship, consent, confidentiality, medical records, competency, surrogate decision-makers, reporting communicable diseases, advance directives and other end-of-life documents, liability and risk management, the legal issues of mental health, the business side of medicine, and prescribing practices. The method of instruction relies heavily on team-based learning principles, but includes interactive lectures and group discussion. Objectives: Students will be able to (1) identify basic legal/medical issues that may arise in the care and treatment of patients; (2) describe the legal /ethical consequences of failing to conform to accepted standards of practice; (3) improve risk management techniques employed in their practice; and (4) minimize the potential for lawsuits and/or disciplinary actions filed against them.
Grade Mode: Standard Max per section: 20 Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective Location offered: Memphis Hospital: Not Applicable Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships
Term offered: Spring Spring - Instructor of Record: Carol Schwab - cschwab@uthsc.edu - 901-448-2201 Course Coordinator: 901-448-2201
Prior Authorization: No Blocks Not Offered: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Off-cycle timing allowed: No Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation Overnight Call and/or Float: No Time off for interviews: No
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