Mar 03, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Bulletin (July 2021 Ed) 
2021-2022 Academic Bulletin (July 2021 Ed) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MED 40124  - Junior Internship in Critical Care Medicine

Cr Hrs: 6
Session Length: 4 weeks


This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours.  The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Learn about the resuscitation of the critically ill and “crashing” patient. The student will receive exposure to acute and life-threatening medical emergencies commonly encountered in the ICU, including, sepsis, shock, respiratory failure, metabolic crises, and airway emergencies. The student will additionally receive exposure to common procedures performed in a Medical ICU (ventilator management, endotracheal intubation, central lines, arterial lines, bronchoscopy, and point-of-care ultrasound). Daily responsibilities will include performing the admission history and physical examination and writing the admission orders (under the direct supervision of the resident and/or attending). The student will present the patient on daily rounds and assume responsibility for all orders, procedures, and communication with consultants. The educational experience will be heavily emphasized and will include daily, attending-lead didactics, review of classic, ICU literature, as well as web-based, flipped classroom-style instruction.

Grade Mode: Standard

Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective

Location offered: Chattanooga
Hospital: Erlanger Health System
Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of MED-30000
Term offered: Fall, Spring

Fall - Instructor of Record: Jeremy Greenberg

Spring - Instructor of Record: Jeremy Greenberg

Course Coordinator: Joyce Poke - - 423-778-6670

Prior Authorization: No
Blocks Not Offered: None
Off-cycle timing allowed: No
Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
Overnight Call and/or Float: No
Time off for interviews: No

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