Mar 03, 2025
OTO 40100 - Junior Internship in Otolaryngology
Cr Hrs: 6 Session Length: 4 weeks
This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The 4th year student will be exposed to all aspects of adult and pediatric Otolaryngology. The student will be responsible for evaluating patients in the clinic and inpatient settings. Two weeks will be spent at Methodist University Hospital, one week will be spent at and the fourth week will focus on a subspecialty of choice. The student will spend 3-4 days per week in the OR. Supervision will be provided by faculty members and Otolaryngology residents. The student is expected to attend Grand Rounds each Friday and didactics each Monday. At the end of the rotation, the JI student is expected to present a 10-minute lecture at Grand Rounds.
Grade Mode: Standard
Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
Location offered: Memphis Hospital: VA Medical Center, Regional One Health, Le Bonheur, Methodist University Hospital, Baptist East Hospital, and St. Jude Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PED-30000 and SUR-30000 Term offered: Fall, Spring
Fall - Instructor of Record: Joshua Wood - jwood43@uthsc.edu Spring - Instructor of Record: Joshua Wood - jwood43@uthsc.edu Course Coordinator: Juanita Keys - jkeys@uthsc.edu - 901-448-5886
Website: https://www.uthsc.edu/otolaryngology/ Prior Authorization: No Blocks Not Offered: None Off-cycle timing allowed: No Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation Overnight Call and/or Float: No Time off for interviews: No
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