Mar 12, 2025
RNFA 542G - Advanced Perioperative Nursing II
Cr Hrs: 1-3 (0-0-[1-3]) This course prepares the Registered Nurse First Assist (RNFA) perioperative student to function in the expanded role of first assistant to the surgeon. This practicum prepares the student to assume all responsibilities of RNFA practice. The student will apply evidenced-based knowledge and current research findings in the management of actual and potential health problems, which include common surgical diseases and human responses to disease. The following concepts are integrated into the course: critical thinking, research utilization, scientific integrity and ethics, human diversity, and awareness of social and professional issues. This course focuses on the trajectory of the RNFA student as a novice surgical expert and includes role components such as interdisciplinary collaborator, educator, and consultant.
Grade Mode: Standard Mode of Delivery (Online or Hybrid): online Instructional Method: Clinical
Prerequisites: BSN or enrolled in accredited RN to BSN program and CNOR certified (required prior to entering practicum); or MSN/DNP with APRN Board certification; or permission of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
RNFA 540G Surgical Techniques
RNFA 541G Advanced Perioperative Nursing I Term offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Fall - Instructor of Record: Natasha Goins Spring - Instructor of Record: Natasha goins Summer - Instructor of Record: Natasha Goins
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