Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin (Catalog) (Jan 2019 Ed) 
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin (Catalog) (Jan 2019 Ed) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

  • PANP 803 - Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum I

    Cr Hrs: 3 (0-0-3)
    This course provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate concepts of high quality, evidence based, family centered care in the clinical setting. The focus is on the healthcare management of children in the primary and chronic care settings with an emphasis on the integration of advanced pathophysiologic and psychosocial concepts to assess and manage wellness and healthcare conditions seen in the primary and chronic setting.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Online
    Co-requisites: PANP 802 Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics I
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Michelle Rickard
  • PANP 804 - Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics II

    Cr Hrs: 3 (3-0-0)
    This course focuses on integrating the student’s prior theoretical and practical knowledge and skills related to in-depth assessment and management of more complex acute, critical and chronic health problems in infants, children, and adolescents. Emphasis is on building up on information in Part I that incorporates the perspectives on interprofessional team members using evidence-based data which supports safe and quality care for patients.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Online
    Co-requisites: PANP 805 Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum II
    Prerequisites: PANP 802 Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics I
    PANP 803 Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum I

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Michelle Rickard
  • PANP 805 - Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum II

    Cr Hrs: 4 (0-0-4)
    This course provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate advance knowledge and skills in diagnosing and managing children with complex acute, critical and chronic conditions. Emphasis is on the integration of advanced pathophysiologic and psychosocial concepts in the provision of high-quality, evidence based care delivered by an interprofessional team for pediatric acute care patients and their families.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Online
    Co-requisites: PANP 804 Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics II
    Prerequisites: PANP 802 Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics I
    PANP 803 Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum I

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Michelle Rickard
  • PANP 806 - Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics III

    Cr Hrs: 3 (3-0-0)
    This course focuses on synthesizing the student’s knowledge and skills in assessment and management in order to utilize complex models and systems of practice to deliver high quality, evidence-based care. Emphasis is on building upon information in Part I and II which requires critical analysis of evidence that optimizes health outcomes for infants, children, and adolescents in the acute care setting.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Online
    Co-requisites: PANP 807 Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum III
    Prerequisites: PANP 804 Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics II
    PANP 805 Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum II

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Michelle Rickard
  • PANP 807 - Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum III

    Cr Hrs: 4 (0-0-4)
    This course provides an opportunity for the student to synthesize advanced knowledge and skills in diagnosing and management of children with complex acute, critical and life-threatening conditions. Emphasis is on the integration of advanced pathyophysiologic and psychosocial concepts in the provision of high-quality, evidence based while managing complex monitoring regimes and actively participating within the interprofessional team for pediatric acute care patients and their families.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Online
    Co-requisites: PANP 806 Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics III
    Prerequisites: PANP 804 Advanced Acute Care Pediatrics II
    PANP 805 Advanced Acute Care Pediatric Practicum II

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Michelle Rickard

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

  • PNP 803 - Advanced Primary Care Pediatrics I

    Cr Hrs: 4 (4-0-0)
    This course focuses on the scientific knowledge and research base necessary for advanced practice nursing with children and their families. Emphasis will be placed on the development of expert knowledge in primary care of children with common childhood illnesses and health conditions. The student will apply a variety of concepts, theories and research findings to develop a practice model that is patient centered and culturally sensitive.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Prerequisites: NAPS 874 - Pediatric Primary Care Health Promotion  

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Marion Donohoe
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Stephanie Nikbakht
  • PNP 804 - Advanced Primary Care Pediatrics I Practicum

    Cr Hrs: 4 (0-0-4]
    Clinical course focuses on the application of scientific knowledge and evidence base necessary for advanced practice nursing with children and their families. Course emphasis is placed on prevention and treatment of common childhood illnesses using a current evidence base. Students will develop an age related practice model that is both patient-centered and culturally sensitive.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: online
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Prerequisites: NAPS 874 - Pediatric Primary Care Health Promotion  

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Stephanie H Nikbakht
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Marion Donohoe
  • PNP 805 - Advanced Primary Care Pediatrics II

    Cr Hrs: 4 (4-0-0)
    This course focuses on the scientific knowledge and research base necessary for advanced practice nursing with children and their families. Emphasis will be placed on the development of expert knowledge in the care of children with chronic illness and disabling conditions. Students will use a variety of concepts, theories and research findings to develop a practice model that is both patient-centered and culturally sensitive.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Marion Donohoe
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Stephanie Nikbakht
  • PNP 806 - Advanced Primary Care Pediatrics II Practicum

    Cr Hrs: 4 (0-0-4)
    This course focuses on the scientific knowledge and current evidence necessary for advanced practice nursing with children and their families. Emphasis will be placed on the development of expert care of children with chronic illness and disabling conditions and will use a variety of concepts, theories and research findings to develop a practice model that is patient centered and cultural sensitive.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Prerequisites:  PHAN 830  NSG 824  

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Stephanie Nikbakht
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Marion Donohoe
  • PNP 807 - Child & Adolescent Mental Health Care in Advanced Pediatric Nursing

    Cr Hrs: 3 (3-0-0)
    This course guides the student in integration of behavioral health care in the pediatric primary care setting. Content focuses on the recognition and management of selected behavioral health problems that commonly present in the pediatric primary care settings. Developmental theories and neurophysiological, genomic, and environmental/social factors are presented to explain the etiology and presentation of common pediatric behavioral health conditions. Psychopharmacological and nonpharmacological principles and modalities for managing common pediatric behavioral health problems are included

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Prerequisites: PNP 800 or by permission of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Allyson Neal
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Kathy Gaffney

Pediatric Dentistry

  • PPED 800 - MDS (Pediatric Dentistry) Research & Manuscript

    Cr Hrs: 1-4
    This course provides postgraduate students with the experience of engaging in research in dental and related sciences, and to pursue a Masters of Dental Science (MDS) degree in the UTHSC College of Graduate Health Sciences. Involvement in this course is arranged to meet individual student needs. Time commitment will average 4-hours per week during each semester of pursuit. Students work with advisors experienced in research methodology and scientific writing. Research mentorship is provided by faculty members gathered to satisfy the needs of the student and the research project being pursued. Student activities include topic-specific review of literature, research protocol development, hands-on research, data acquisition, statistical analysis and interpretation of experimental results, drawing conclusions, and publication of outcomes. Public defense of the research effort and submission of a manuscript to a professional journal in accordance with regulation established by the College of Graduate Health Sciences are required. Research, public defense, and manuscript submission accomplished during this course are in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Dental Science degree awarded by the UTHSC, College of Graduate Health Sciences.

    May be repeated up to 16 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: P/N
    Instructional Method: Seminar
    Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Program

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Martha H Wells
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Harry K Sharp
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Martin E. Donaldson
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Craig Vinall
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Larry Dormois

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Martha H Wells
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Craig Volk Vinall
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Martin E. Donaldson
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Harry K Sharp
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Larry Dormois

  • PPED 810 - Classic Pediatric Dentistry Literature Review

    Cr Hrs: 2 (32-0-0)
    This seminar provides exposure to historically relevant, scientific literature in various subject areas associated with pediatric dentistry and related sciences. Continuous weekly seminars are devoted to reviewing related literature and discussing research methods. Students in the Pediatric Dentistry Program participate in this seminar each semester of their two-year residency. Nine broad topics pertinent to pediatric dentistry are covered on a rotational basis over a two-year period. The residents learn to critically read and evaluate the scientific evidence that supports pediatric dentistry principles and practice. Seminars are led by the Pediatric Dentistry faculty. Other outside guest and members of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center faculty are invited to participate when their expertise on the seminar topic is considered beneficial to the learning experience.

    May be repeated up to 8 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Seminar
    Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Program

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Larry Dormois
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Martha H Wells
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Martin E. Donaldson
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Alka Cohen
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Craig Vinall

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Larry Dormois
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Martha H Wells
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Martin E. Donaldson
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Alka Cohen
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Martha H Wells

  • PPED 811 - Contemporary Evidenced-Based Pediatric Dentistry Journal Club

    Cr Hrs: 2 (32-0-0)
    This seminar is an ongoing review of current, pertinent, professional literature in various subject areas associated with pediatric dentistry and related sciences. For postdoctoral students, knowledge of current professional literature is essential to developing theoretical and practical patient management skills. The assessment of current literature for its evidence-based value is critical. Journal Club provides a mechanism for surveying major dental periodicals to identify important articles, reviewing those articles, and discussing each article in an open seminar format. Students in the Pediatric Dentistry Program participate in this seminar each week throughout their two-year residency in order to stay abreast of the ever-expanding volume of pediatric dentistry literature. Seminars are led by the Pediatric Dentistry faculty. Other guests and members of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center faculty are invited to participate when their expertise on the seminar topic is considered beneficial to the learning experience.

    May be repeated up to 8 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Seminar
    Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Program

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Larry Dormois
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Martin E. Donaldson
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Martha Wells
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Craig Vinall
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Hamid Yazdi

  • PPED 813 - Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry

    Cr Hrs: 2 (32-0-0)
    This course given the first eight weeks of the first year of the program provides the pediatric postgraduate student with a comprehensive introduction to a variety of subjects and topics pertinent to advanced pediatric dentistry.  The topics that are covered include conscious sedation, pulp therapy, traumatic dental injuries, cariology and prevention, space maintenance, speech and language development, craniofacial growth and development periodontal problems, ethics, advocacy, special patient care, infection control, restorative materials and techniques, behavior management, pediatric medicine hospital dentistry, radiographic principles of pediatric psychosocial growth and development, pediatric oral pathology, nutrition, pharmacology and pediatric dental practice.  Biomedical sciences topics are integrated in the lectures.  First year students in the Advanced Pediatric Dental Program participate in this course.  Eleven broad topics will introduce the postgraduate student to knowledge beyond the pre-doctoral dental education to the level required of the specialty.  Topics are led by the Pediatric Dentistry faculty.  In addition, guest lecturers and other members of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center faculty will participate.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Seminar
    Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Program

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Martha H Wells
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Larry Dormois
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Martin E. Donaldson
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Todd Smith
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Craig Vinall

  • PPED 814 - Contemporary Pediatric Dentistry

    Cr Hrs: 2 (32-0-0)
    This course given over the two years provides the pediatric postgraduate student with comprehensive lectures on a variety of subjects and topics pertinent to advanced pediatric dentistry. The topics that are covered include pulp therapy, cariology and prevention, space maintenance, speech and language development, craniofacial growth and development, periodontal problems, ethics, advocacy, special patient care, infection control, behavior management pediatric medicine hospital dentistry, psychosocial growth and development, pediatric oral pathology, nutrition, pharmacology, physical diagnosis and pediatric dental practice. Biomedical sciences topics are integrated over the two years. Students in the Advanced Pediatric Dental Program participate in this seminar each semester of their two-year residency. Twelve broad topics pertinent to will provide the postgraduate student the knowledge beyond the pre-doctoral dental education to the level required of the specialty. Topics are covered on a rotational basis over a two-year program period. Seminars are led by the Pediatric Dentistry faculty. In addition, guest lecturers and other members of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center faculty will participate.

    May be repeated up to 8 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Prerequisites: Acceptance into Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Program

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Martha Wells
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Hamid Yazdi
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Larry Dormois
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Craig Vinall
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Jennifer Fernandez

  • PPED 815 - Pediatric Dentistry Case Presentation Seminar

    Cr Hrs: 4 (64-0-0)
    This seminar is an ongoing review of various clinical cases and didactic subject areas associated with pediatric dentistry and related sciences.  For postdoctoral students, knowledge of clinically relevant topics is essential to developing theoretical and practical patient management skills.  The assessment of clinically related topics from an evidence-based perspective is critical.  This seminar will provide the postgraduate pediatric dental student with clinical knowledge required for the specialty.  Students in the Pediatric Dentistry Program participate in this seminar each week throughout their two-year residency.  Seminars are led by the Pediatric Dentistry faculty.  Other guests and members of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center faculty are invited to participate when their expertise on the seminar topic is considered beneficial to the learning experience.

    May be repeated up to 16 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Seminar
    Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Program

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Martha H Wells
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Larry Dormois
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Todd Smith
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Hamid Yazdi
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Craig Vinall

  • PPED 820 - Special Topics in Pediatric Dental Care

    Cr Hrs: 2 (32-0-0)
    This course is given in the fall of the first year of residency to provide the pediatric postgraduate student with comprehensive lectures on managing traumatic dental injuries, pharmacologic behavior management (sedation), and management of emergency events. The diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment approach of traumatic injuries to the primary and permanent dentition will be discussed. Students will be provided with lectures on the pharmacology of various sedatives used in pediatric dental sedations, routes of administration, principles of monitoring, and managing emergency events. Simulations in managing emergency events will occur. Seminars are led by the Pediatric Dentistry faculty. In addition, guest lecturers and other members of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center faculty will participate.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Prerequisites: Acceptance into Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Program

    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Martha Wells
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Larry Dormois
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Hamid Yazdi
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Craig Vinall
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Jennifer Fernandez

  • PPED 821 - Seminar in Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

    Cr Hrs: 1 (16-0-0)
    This course provides the pediatric postgraduate student with comprehensive lectures on restorative materials and techniques for both primary and permanent teeth, treatment planning with a focus on choice of dental restorative material, radiographic principles of pediatric dentistry, and dental photography. Clinical techniques are discussed and the postgraduate student is provided with knowledge of dental materials pertinent to pediatric dentistry (dental composite, amalgam, stainless steel, and zirconia) beyond the pre-doctoral dental education to the level required of the specialty. Seminars are led by the Pediatric Dentistry faculty. In addition, guest lecturers and other members of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center faculty will participate.

    May be repeated up to 4 credit hours.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Seminar
    Prerequisites: Acceptance into Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Program

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Martha H Wells
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Larry Dormois
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Hamid Yazdi
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Craig Vinall
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Jennifer Fernandez


  • PROS 119 - Occlusion (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 1.5 (22-0-0)
    The fundamentals of occlusion course are presented in two closely related segments, The lecture module is designed to familiarize the student with the muscles of mastication, associated musculature, osseous structures and the relationship of these structures to the occlusion. Recognition of basic rotational axes and their influence on occlusion is stressed. Articulator recognition and use is also included. Articulated generation of occlusion is demonstrated by prosthetic teeth arrangement.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Becky Mayall
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Russel Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Tom V Korioth
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Vinay Jain
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Mohamed Amer Shafter

  • PROS 120 - Occlusion (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 2 (0-63-3)
    The fundamentals of occlusion course are presented in two closely related segments, The laboratory is designed to familiarize the student with the muscles of mastication, associated musculature, osseous structures and the relationship of these structures to the occlusion. Recognition of basic rotational axes and their influence on occlusion is stressed. Articulator recognition and use is also included. Articulated generation of occlusion is demonstrated by prosthetic teeth arrangement.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Becky Mayall
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Russell Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Tom V Korioth
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Vinay Jain
  • PROS 221 - Prosthodontics-Complete Denture (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 1 (13-0-0)
    An introductory course in prosthodontics which emphasizes the theory and technical procedures involved in the fabrication of complete dentures. Topics discussed in detail are: terminology, examination and treatment planning the edentulous patient, anatomic structures associated with complete dentures, impression making, interocclusal records, selection and arrangement of prosthetic teeth, processing and finishing of denture base resin, delivery of complete dentures, post-operative care, and related matters.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Audrey Selecman
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Vinay Jain
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Russell Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: David Umsted
  • PROS 222 - Prosthodontics-Complete Denture (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 1.5 (0-39-0)
    An introductory course in prosthodontics in which the clinical and laboratory procedures in the fabrication of complete dentures are described in manuals (UT publications), demonstrated (video camera and models), and then performed by the student under direct supervision of an instructor. Some of the specific projects performed are: impressions, recording centric relation, arrangement of prosthetic teeth, finishing denture base resin, and correction of the occlusion.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Audrey Selecman
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Vinay Jain
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Russel Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: David Umsted
  • PROS 223A - Prosthodontics-Removable Partial Denture (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (8-0-0)
    This is an introductory course in which the student learns the principles of removable partial prosthodontics. Diagnosis, treatment planning and technical procedures are covered along with the responsibilities of the dentist and laboratory technician.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: David Umsted
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Russell A Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Audrey Marie Selecman
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Vinay Jain
  • PROS 223B - Prosthodontics-Removable Partial Denture (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 7-0-0)
    This is an introductory course in which the student learns the principles of removable partial prosthodontics. Diagnosis, treatment planning and technical procedures are covered along with the responsibilities of the dentist and laboratory technician. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: David Umsted
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Russell A Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Audrey Marie Selecman
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Vinay Jain
  • PROS 224A - Prosthodontics-Removable Partial Denture (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (0-12-0)
    A basic course in the design, fabrication and fitting of removable partial dentures.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Vinay Jain
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Russell A Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Leroy Selvidge
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: David Umsted
  • PROS 224B - Prosthodontics-Removable Partial Denture (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 1 (0-21-0)
    A basic course in the design, fabrication and fitting of removable partial dentures. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Vinay Jain
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Russell A Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: David Umsted
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Leroy Selvidge
  • PROS 225 - Fixed Prosthodontics I (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 1.5 (23-0-0)
    An introductory Didactic course in fixed prosthodontics to expose second year dental student to the basics of fixed prosthodontics. To begin development of diagnostic and treatment skills related to the re-establishment of form, function and esthetics in order to restore oral health. Topics discussed in detail are: terminology, examination, treatment planning and treatment of patients needing fixed prosthetic restorations.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tom V Korioth
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: James F Simon
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: James C Ragain Jr
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Becky Mayall
  • PROS 226 - Fixed Prosthodontics I (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 2 (0-69-0)
    An introductory Laboratory course in fixed prosthodontics to expose second year dental student to the basics of fixed prosthodontics. To begin development of laboratory and clinical skills related to the re-establishment of form, function and esthetics in order to restore oral health.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tom V. Korioth
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: James F Simon
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Michael A McBride
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Russell Wicks
  • PROS 227A - Fixed Prosthodontics II (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 9-0-0)
    This is a continuation of the Fixed Prosthodontics I Lecture . Principles presented in the this course will be used to further the knowledge base of basic fixed prosthodontic principles as they relate to single and multiple restorations. These principles will also be applied to removable prosthodontics per the fabrication of survey crowns. Further information pertaining to biomaterials and treatment planning will be presented.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tom V Korioth
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: James F Simon
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Michael A McBride
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Russell Wicks
  • PROS 227B - Fixed Prosthodontics II (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 1 (12-0-0)
    This is a continuation of the Fixed Prosthodontics I Lecture . Principles presented in the this course will be used to further the knowledge base of basic fixed prosthodontic principles as they relate to single and multiple restorations. These principles will also be applied to removable prosthodontics per the fabrication of survey crowns. Further information pertaining to biomaterials and treatment planning will be presented. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Tom V Korioth
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: James F Simon
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Michael A McBride
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: James C Ragain Jr
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Russell Wicks

  • PROS 228A - Fixed Prosthodontics II (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 1 (0-24-0)
    This is a continuation of the Fixed Prosthodontics I Lab. Principles presented in this lab course will be used to further the knowledge base of clinical techniques for basic fixed prosthodontic principles as they relate to single and multiple restorations. These principles will also be applied to removable prosthodontics per the fabrication of survey crowns. To continue to apply the didactic principles learned in the Lecture to basic fixed prosthodontic restorations.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tom V. Korioth
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: James F Simon
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Russell Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Michael A McBride
  • PROS 228B - Fixed Prosthodontics II (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 1 (0-36-0)
    This is a continuation of the Fixed Prosthodontics I Lab. Principles presented in this lab course will be used to further the knowledge base of clinical techniques for basic fixed prosthodontic principles as they relate to single and multiple restorations. These principles will also be applied to removable prosthodontics per the fabrication of survey crowns. To continue to apple the didactic principles learned in the Lecture to basic fixed prosthodontic restorations. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Tom V. Korioth
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: James F Simon
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Russell Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Michael A McBride
  • PROS 231 - Oral Implantology

    Cr Hrs: 1 (11-4-0)
    Provides an introduction to dental implantology for the predoctoral student. Oral implantology provides a viable modality for effective treatment planning and delivery of quality oral health care. Knowledge of variations in types and purposes of oral implants is essential in the current practice of dentistry. Placement and restoration of oral implants must conform to acceptable anatomic and physiologic parameters as well as esthetic values of the oral functional systems. The purpose of the course is to supply the dental student with information that will enable him/her to diagnose and plan treatment for dental patients with appropriate dental implants as a foundation to establishment of occlusal harmony; to introduce the student to the biologic interrelationships essential to successful placement of dental implants within a functional system; to clarify for the student the technical complexities in the patient treatment involving implants.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Cimera Ferreira
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Russell Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Vinay Jain
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: David Cagna
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Lawrence W Weeda

  • PROS 308A - Fixed Prosthodontics Clinic

    Cr Hrs: 1.5 (0-0-60)
    The Junior Year in Fixed Prosthodontics offers the opportunity to apply the theories and techniques of Prosthodontics including diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatments learned in the preclinical courses. This knowledge is applied in the treatment of patients in the Fixed Prosthodontic Clinic.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tom V Korioth
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Russell Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Becky Mayall
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: David Umsted
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Terence C Hilger

  • PROS 308B - Fixed Prosthodontics Clinic

    Cr Hrs: 2.5 (0-0-100)
    The Junior Year in Fixed Prosthodontics offers the opportunity to apply the theories and techniques of Prosthodontics including diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatments learned in the preclinical courses. This knowledge is applied in the treatment of patients in the Fixed Prosthodontic Clinic. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Tom V Korioth
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Russell Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Becky Mayall
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: David Umsted
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Terence C Hilger

  • PROS 309 - Advanced Prosthodontics

    Cr Hrs: 1 (15-0-0)
    A presentation of advanced theories, principles, and techniques in Fixed Prosthodontics, Removable Prosthodontics, and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Russell Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Wainscott Hollis
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Tom V Korioth
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: James Simon
  • PROS 310A - Removable Prosthodontics Clinics

    Cr Hrs: 2 (0-0-80)
    Clinical experience is gained in the department by treatment of completely and partially edentulous patients.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Vinay Jain
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Russell Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Terry Hilger
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Becky Mayall
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: David Umsted

  • PROS 310B - Removable Prosthodontics Clinics

    Cr Hrs: 2.5 (0-0-100)
    Clinical experience is gained in the department by treatment of completely and partially edentulous patients. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Vinay Jain
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Russell Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Terry Hilger
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Becky Mayall
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: David Umsted

  • PROS 406A - Fixed Prosthodontics Clinic

    Cr Hrs: 2.5 (0-0-100)
    In the Senior Year the student is encouraged to become involved in increasingly more complex cases as knowledge and skills evolve into comprehensive patient care. The skilled student who demonstrates interest is encouraged to accomplish a complete occlusal reconstruction involving extensive prosthodontic therapy.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Tom V Korioth
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Russell Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Vinay Jain
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Terry Hilger
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Becky Mayall

  • PROS 406B - Fixed Prosthodontics Clinic

    Cr Hrs: 2.5 (0-0-100)
    In the Senior Year the student is encouraged to become involved in increasingly more complex cases as knowledge and skills evolve into comprehensive patient care. The skilled student who demonstrates interest is encouraged to accomplish a complete occlusal reconstruction involving extensive prosthodontic therapy. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Tom V Korioth
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Russell Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Vinay Jain
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Terry Hilger
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Becky Mayall

  • PROS 407 - Principles of Prosthodontics Practice

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (0-9-0)
    This course is a compilation of clinically-relevant techniques and procedures in Prosthetic Dentistry. The intent of this course is to review principles and correlate theory into practice after the students have had clinical experience in Prosthodontics. This course will present and review concepts, clinical procedures and problem solving using prosthodontic principles. Critical thinking and case-based learning will be emphasized. It also serves as a critical thinking exercise in preparation Part II of the National Board Dental Examination.

    Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
    Mode of Delivery: Online
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Vinay Jain
  • PROS 408A - Removable Prosthodontics Clinics

    Cr Hrs: 3 (0-0-120)
    Clinical experience is gained in the discipline by treatment of completely and partially edentulous patients.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Vinay Jain
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Terry Hilger
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Becky Mayall
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Russell A Wicks
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: David Umsted

  • PROS 408B - Removable Prosthodontics Clinics

    Cr Hrs: 2.5 (0-0-100)
    Clinical experience is gained in the discipline by treatment of completely and partially edentulous patients. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Vinay Jain
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Terry Hilger
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Becky Mayall
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Russell A Wicks
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: David Umsted


  • PSY 30000 - Core Clerkship in Psychiatry (Chattanooga)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. Core Clerkship in Psychiatry is a four-week requirement for all medical students. Students are assigned to a general inpatient service, or to a Consultation- Liaison Psychiatry Service, as their home base. Lectures, readings, case conferences, and mandatory exposure to Child Psychiatry and education in Electroconvulsive Therapy (live or on-line) round out the experience. The student is expected to gain a basic knowledge of psychiatric diagnosis, applied psychopharmacology, and non-pharmacologic treatment options. Emphasis is on information useful to students regardless of their future specialty choice. This clerkship is offered in Memphis year-round, and in Knoxville and Chattanooga during certain blocks.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 3
    Instructional Method: Clinical -Required
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute and Erlanger Health System
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Audrey Hime
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Audrey Hime
    Course Coordinator: Denise Wilkerson - - 423-785-3409

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY 30000 - Core Clerkship in Psychiatry (Knoxville)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. Core Clerkship in Psychiatry is a four-week requirement for all medical students. Students are assigned to a general inpatient service, or to a Consultation- Liaison Psychiatry Service, as their home base. Lectures, readings, case conferences, and mandatory exposure to Child Psychiatry and education in Electroconvulsive Therapy (live or on-line) round out the experience. The student is expected to gain a basic knowledge of psychiatric diagnosis, applied psychopharmacology, and non-pharmacologic treatment options. Emphasis is on information useful to students regardless of their future specialty choice. This clerkship is offered in Memphis year-round, and in Knoxville and Chattanooga during certain blocks.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 3
    Instructional Method: Clinical -Required
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Paul Miller -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Paul Miller -
    Course Coordinator: Anna Shugart - - 865-982-2306

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY 30000 - Core Clerkship in Psychiatry (Memphis)

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. Core Clerkship in Psychiatry is a four-week requirement for all medical students. Students are assigned to a general inpatient service, or to a Consultation- Liaison Psychiatry Service, as their home base. Lectures, readings, case conferences, and mandatory exposure to Child Psychiatry and education in Electroconvulsive Therapy (live or on-line) round out the experience. The student is expected to gain a basic knowledge of psychiatric diagnosis, applied psychopharmacology, and non-pharmacologic treatment options. Emphasis is on information useful to students regardless of their future specialty choice. This clerkship is offered in Memphis year-round, and in Knoxville and Chattanooga during certain blocks.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 14
    Instructional Method: Clinical -Required
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Regional One Health, VA Medical Center, and Memphis Mental Health Institute (MMHI)
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY 40100 - Junior Internship in Adult Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The students are to assume care of psychiatric patients that is commensurate with the level of training of a beginning Intern. Consolidate and apply knowledge (differential dx and treatment of mental disorders), acquired during the M-2 Integrated Psychopathology/ Psychopharmacology Course, and the M-3 Clerkship. Students will refine skills in case work- up, presentation, and in recommending management options. The student will work as an integral member of the team. The student will establish rapport with patients, families, and colleagues while also observing appropriate professional boundaries and etiquette. The student will learn about the Mental Health system, as well as community resources. The student will have responsibility for 4-6 patients per week depending on census. Students will do the initial workup and present their findings to their Attendings and/or residents. Students will take ownership of their patients, but maintain close supervision. Daily team meetings; other teaching conferences as available on each site. The residents are taking call only from home; students will not be assigned to night call. However, students are welcome to join faculty and on-site staff for emergency triage and evaluation activities, if available. Weekend duties (rounds) will be determined by the individual sites.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Memphis Mental Health Institute (MMHI)
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PSY-30000

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY 40110 - Junior Internship in Adult Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Patient Care Assume care of psychiatric patients that is commensurate with the level of training of a beginning Intern Medical Knowledge Consolidate and apply knowledge (differential dx and treatment of mental disorders), acquired during the M-2 Integrated Psychopathology/Psychopharmacology Course, and the M-3 Clerkship. Practice Based Improvement Refine skills in case work-up, presentation, and in recommending management options Interprofessional and Communications Skills Work as an integral member of the team Professionalism Establish rapport with patients, families, and colleagues while also observing appropriate professional boundaries and etiquette Systems Based Practice. Learn about the Mental Health system, as well as community resources. The student will have responsibility for 4-6 patients per week depending on census. Students will do the initial workup and present their findings to their Attendings and/or residents. Students will take ownership of their patients, but maintain close supervision. Daily team meetings; other teaching conferences, as available on each site. The residents are taking call only from home. However, students are welcome to join faculty and on-site staff for emergency triage and evaluation activities, if available.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PSY-30000

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Paul Miller -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Paul Miller -
    Course Coordinator: Lolita Davis - - 865-305-5561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY 40120 - Junior Internship in Adult Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will have responsibility for 4-6 patients per week depending on census. Students will do the initial workup and present their findings to their Attendings and/or residents. Students will take ownership of their patients, but maintain close supervision. Daily team meetings; other teaching conferences as available on each site. Students will not be assigned to night call. However, students are welcome to join faculty and on-site staff for emergency triage and evaluation activities, if available. Weekend duties (rounds) will be determined by the individual sites.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PSY-30000

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Audrey Hime -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Audrey Hime -
    Course Coordinator: Denise Wilkerson - - 423-785-3343

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY 40130 - Junior Internship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This junior internship evaluates and treats children and adolescents with psychiatric problems. The student will follow a limited number of patients in the Child and Adolescent Consultation service at Children’ Hospital. The student will evaluate the psychiatric problems of children and adolescents, hospitalized at , design an interdisciplinary treatment plan, and work with families and caregivers to address the needs of the young patient. The student will have some responsibility for 3-4 patients Students will be significantly involved in evaluation and treatment and are expected to assume ownership of their patients. They will work closely with faculty and Child Psychiatry Fellows. Close (daily) supervision is provided. The student will participate in all rounds, clinical activities, and conferences with the Child Psychiatry Fellows. The Child Psychiatry Fellows take night call from home and make rounds on Saturdays. The student will join the Fellows on weekend rounds.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PSY-30000

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY 45010 - Private Practice with Focus on Mood Disorders

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The objectives for this course are to familiarize students with diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric adult patients in hospital, day hospital, and outpatient settings. The students will see around 15-20 patients per day, but will focus in-depth on 3-4 per week throughout their stay. Students will be part of a treatment team. They will not write in the chart, but will participate with the attending in formulating the treatment plan and in the structure of the documentation in each patient’s chart. There is full-time supervision by the course coordinator or his associates. In addition to patient care, the students will attend structured activities such as, Bipolar Spectrum lectures, transformative skills courses, suicide prevention courses, trauma resolution groups, Bipolar Spectrum multi-family groups, and addiction groups.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Lakeside Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PSY-30000

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 4 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • PSY 45020 - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Objectives: To properly evaluate children and adolescents with psychiatric problems; to learn to design an interdisciplinary treatment plan; to work with families and caregivers to address the needs of the young patient. Students will work closely with faculty and Child Psychiatry Fellows. Students will not have primary clinical responsibility for the patients, but will be significantly involved in their evaluation and treatment. The student will participate in all rounds and clinical activities with the Child Psychiatry Fellows. This includes Thursday afternoon clinics at the Boling Center, consultations at . Activities will be set up according to a student’s individual needs and interests. Call duties: The Child Psychiatry Fellows take night call from home and make rounds on Saturdays. There are no formal night and weekend duties for the students, but they are invited to join the Fellows to see interesting cases.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PSY-30000

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 4 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • PSY 49000 - Away Elective in Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This course number is used by UTHSC students only for scheduling a visiting elective at another medical school for which credit is granted at UTHSC.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PSY-30000

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Kimberlee Norwood - - 901-448-3843

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Yes
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Review host institution deadline policy
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
  • PSY1 3002/F - Core Clerkship in Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 7 (4-0-36)
    This four-week clerkship is offered in an eight-week block in concert with the Neurology Clerkship. Students are assigned to a general inpatient service as their home base, gaining familiarity with diagnosis and treatment of severely disturbed patients. Additional time is organized around psychiatric services in a general medical setting (Consultation-Liaison or Emergency Room at the Regional Medical Center) or the Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Services at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Lectures, readings, case conferences, and outpatient clinic assignments round out the experience. The student is expected to gain a basic knowledge of psychiatric diagnosis, applied psychopharmacology, and non-pharmacologic treatment options. Emphasis is on information useful to students regardless of their future specialty choice. This clerkship is offered in Memphis (PSY1-3002), Chattanooga (PSY3-3002/F), and Knoxville (PSY2- 3002/F).

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 14
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Clinical
    Location offered: Memphis
    Prerequisites: M1 & M2 CURRICULUM

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna S Ranga
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna S Ranga
  • PSY1 3010/F - Junior Internship in Adult Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The students are to assume care of psychiatric patients that is commensurate with the level of training of a beginning Intern. Consolidate and apply knowledge (differential dx and treatment of mental disorders), acquired during the M-2 Integrated Psychopathology/ Psychopharmacology Course, and the M-3 Clerkship. Students will refine skills in case work- up, presentation, and in recommending management options. The student will work as an integral member of the team. The student will establish rapport with patients, families, and colleagues while also observing appropriate professional boundaries and etiquette. The student will learn about the Mental Health system, as well as community resources. The student will have responsibility for 4-6 patients per week depending on census. Students will do the initial workup and present their findings to their Attendings and/or residents. Students will take ownership of their patients, but maintain close supervision. Daily team meetings; other teaching conferences as available on each site. The residents are taking call only from home; students will not be assigned to night call. However, students are welcome to join faculty and on-site staff for emergency triage and evaluation activities, if available. Weekend duties (rounds) will be determined by the individual sites.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Memphis Mental Health Institute (MMHI)
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of (PSY1-3002/F or PSY2-3002/F or PSY3-3002/F)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY1 3011/F - Junior Internship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This junior internship evaluates and treats children and adolescents with psychiatric problems. The student will follow a limited number of patients in the Child and Adolescent Consultation service at Children’ Hospital. The student will evaluate the psychiatric problems of children and adolescents, hospitalized at , design an interdisciplinary treatment plan, and work with families and caregivers to address the needs of the young patient. The student will have some responsibility for 3-4 patients Students will be significantly involved in evaluation and treatment and are expected to assume ownership of their patients. They will work closely with faculty and Child Psychiatry Fellows. Close (daily) supervision is provided. The student will participate in all rounds, clinical activities, and conferences with the Child Psychiatry Fellows. The Child Psychiatry Fellows take night call from home and make rounds on Saturdays. The student will join the Fellows on weekend rounds.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of (PSY1-3002/F or PSY2-3002/F or PSY3-3002/F)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY1 4069/F - Private Practice with Focus on Mood Disorders

    Cr Hrs: 3.5, 7
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3.5 or 7 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The objectives for this course are to familiarize students with diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric adult patients in hospital, day hospital, and outpatient settings. The students will see around 15-20 patients per day, but will focus in-depth on 3-4 per week throughout their stay. Students will be part of a treatment team. They will not write in the chart, but will participate with the attending in formulating the treatment plan and in the structure of the documentation in each patient’s chart. There is full-time supervision by the course coordinator or his associates. In addition to patient care, the students will attend structured activities such as, Bipolar Spectrum lectures, transforitive skills courses, suicide prevention courses, trauma resolution groups, Bipolar Spectrum multi-family groups, and addiction groups.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Lakeside Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of (PSY1-3002/F or PSY2-3002/F or PSY3-3002/F)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 4 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • PSY1 4130/F - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 3.5, 7
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3.5 or 7 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Objectives: To properly evaluate children and adolescents with psychiatric problems; to learn to design an interdisciplinary treatment plan; to work with families and caregivers to address the needs of the young patient. Students will work closely with faculty and Child Psychiatry Fellows. Students will not have primary clinical responsibility for the patients, but will be significantly involved in their evaluation and treatment. The student will participate in all rounds and clinical activities with the Child Psychiatry Fellows. This includes Thursday afternoon clinics at the Boling Center, consultations at . Activities will be set up according to a student’s individual needs and interests. Call duties: The Child Psychiatry Fellows take night call from home and make rounds on Saturdays. There are no formal night and weekend duties for the students, but they are invited to join the Fellows to see interesting cases.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of (PSY1-3002/F or PSY2-3002/F or PSY3-3002/F)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Terika Miller - - 901-448-4561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: Yes-Students may be allowed some time off provided they contact the administrator at least 4 weeks prior to the onset of the rotation.
  • PSY2 3002/F - Core Clerkship in Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 7 (4-0-36)
    This four-week clerkship is offered in an eight-week block in concert with the Neurology Clerkship. Students are assigned to a general inpatient service as their home base, gaining familiarity with diagnosis and treatment of severely disturbed patients. Additional time is organized around psychiatric services in a general medical setting (Consultation-Liaison or Emergency Room at the Regional Medical Center) or the Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Services at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Lectures, readings, case conferences, and outpatient clinic assignments round out the experience. The student is expected to gain a basic knowledge of psychiatric diagnosis, applied psychopharmacology, and non-pharmacologic treatment options. Emphasis is on information useful to students regardless of their future specialty choice. This clerkship is offered in Memphis (PSY1-3002), Chattanooga (PSY3-3002/F), and Knoxville (PSY2- 3002/F).

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 3
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Clinical
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Prerequisites: M1 & M2 CURRICULUM

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna S Ranga
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Paul Warwick Miller
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna S Ranga
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Paul Warwick Miller
  • PSY2 3010/F - Junior Internship in Adult Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. Patient Care Assume care of psychiatric patients that is commensurate with the level of training of a beginning Intern Medical Knowledge Consolidate and apply knowledge (differential dx and treatment of mental disorders), acquired during the M-2 Integrated Psychopathology/Psychopharmacology Course, and the M-3 Clerkship Practice Based Improvement Refine skills in case work-up, presentation, and in recommending management options Interprofessional and Communications Skills Work as an integral member of the team Professionalism Establish rapport with patients, families, and colleagues while also observing appropriate professional boundaries and etiquette Systems Based Practice Learn about the Mental Health system, as well as community resources. The student will have responsibility for 4-6 patients per week depending on census. Students will do the initial workup and present their findings to their Attendings and/or residents. Students will take ownership of their patients, but maintain close supervision. Daily team meetings; other teaching conferences, as available on each site. The residents are taking call only from home. However, students are welcome to join faculty and on-site staff for emergency triage and evaluation activities, if available.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of (PSY1-3002/F or PSY2-3002/F or PSY3-3002/F)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Paul Miller -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Paul Miller -
    Course Coordinator: Lolita Davis - - 865-305-5561

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY3 3002/F - Core Clerkship in Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 7 (4-0-36)
    This four-week clerkship is offered in an eight-week block in concert with the Neurology Clerkship. Students are assigned to a general inpatient service as their home base, gaining familiarity with diagnosis and treatment of severely disturbed patients. Additional time is organized around psychiatric services in a general medical setting (Consultation-Liaison or Emergency Room at the Regional Medical Center) or the Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Services at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Lectures, readings, case conferences, and outpatient clinic assignments round out the experience. The student is expected to gain a basic knowledge of psychiatric diagnosis, applied psychopharmacology, and non-pharmacologic treatment options. Emphasis is on information useful to students regardless of their future specialty choice. This clerkship is offered in Memphis (PSY1-3002), Chattanooga (PSY3-3002/F), and Knoxville (PSY2- 3002/F).

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 4
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Clinical
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Prerequisites: M1 & M2 CURRICULUM

    Term offered: Fall, Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna S Ranga
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Terry F Holmes
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna S Ranga
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Terry F Holmes
  • PSY3 3010/F - Junior Internship in Adult Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student will have responsibility for 4-6 patients per week depending on census. Students will do the initial workup and present their findings to their Attendings and/or residents. Students will take ownership of their patients, but maintain close supervision. Daily team meetings; other teaching conferences as available on each site. Students will not be assigned to night call. However, students are welcome to join faculty and on-site staff for emergency triage and evaluation activities, if available. Weekend duties (rounds) will be determined by the individual sites.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Required Selective
    Location offered: Chattanooga
    Hospital: Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of (PSY1-3002/F or PSY2-3002/F or PSY3-3002/F)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Audrey Hime -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Audrey Hime -
    Course Coordinator: Denise Wilkerson - - 423-785-3343

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • PSY9 4010/F - Away Elective in Psychiatry

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This course number is used by UTHSC students only for scheduling a visiting elective at another medical school for which credit is granted at UTHSC.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of (PSY1-3002/F or PSY2-3002/F or PSY3-3002/F)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Jyotsna Ranga -
    Course Coordinator: Kimberlee Norwood - - 901-448-3843

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Yes
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Review host institution deadline policy
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
    Time off for interviews: Variable


  • RAD 35010 - Diagnostic Radiology CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for RAD-45010 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Le Bonheur and Regional One Health
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Course Coordinator: Catrina Price - - 901-448-2850

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD 35020 - Diagnostic Radiology CE

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving either 3 or 6 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for RAD-45020 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Anton Allen -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Anton Allen -
    Course Coordinator: Missy Maples - - 865-305-9618

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 5, 7 and 8
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD 35040 - Interventional Radiology CE

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. See the course description for RAD-45040 for a detailed description of the course.

    Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Vijay Agrawal -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Vijay Agrawal -
    Course Coordinator: Catrina Price - - 901-448-2850

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD 45010 - Diagnostic Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The elective rotation in radiology at Methodist Hospital (Central) includes a minimum of six weekly conferences covering both broad, general and subspecialized areas of diagnostic radiology. The rotation also includes direct experience in nuclear medicine, computed tomography, ultrasound, general diagnostic radiology, and special procedures (including both angiography and interventional radiologic procedures). There is to be close contact with both attending staff and radiology residents with discussion of methods and diagnostic pathways.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 6
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Brian Green -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Brian Green -
    Course Coordinator: Catrina Price - - 901-448-2850

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD 45020 - Diagnostic Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student electing diagnostic radiology at The University of Tennessee Medical Center will observe radiology staff and residents performing daily radiographic work, advanced cross-sectional and nuclear imaging, fluoroscopic GI-GU procedures, and special procedures. The student will attend daily teaching rounds and work conferences. There are opportunities for oral presentations and other academic projects. The electives main goals are to educate the student regarding: (1) the broad spectrum of diagnostic imaging used in modern patient care, (2) the critical role radiologist-clinician communication plays in management (and mismanagement) of patients, (3) the imaging test-of-choice for most clinical problems, (4) radiological radiation, safety and cost issues, (5) what their patient experiences when they order various radiological procedures and tests, and (6) some basic (” viewbox”) imaging normal and abnormals.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Anton Allen -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Anton Allen -
    Course Coordinator: Missy Maples - - 865-305-9618

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 7 and 8
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD 45040 - Interventional Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This course will help the students understand the role of interventional radiology in the clinical assessment and treatment of patients. The student will have some responsibility for 10-15 patients per week. The students will participate in the work-up procedure and follow-up of assigned patients. The students will have complete supervision during procedures. Review and evaluation of students’ work-up of patients will be done by either staff, fellows or residents. The students will attend general radiology conferences. The students will be responsible for case presentation to staff, fellows and residents on a pertinent topic in interventional/vascular radiology. The students will gain understanding of a variety of different procedures and techniques in vascular/interventional radiology. Students will make pre-procedure and post- procedure rounds on patients on the interventional/vascular service.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Brian Green -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Brian Green -
    Course Coordinator: Catrina Price - - 901-448-2850

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD 45050 - Pediatric Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 3
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This course is designed as an introduction to the unique aspects of pediatric imaging over various ages of childhood. The objectives for this course are to increase student’s awareness of the capabilities of the various imaging exams available for children appropriately and to improve their ability to correctly order such exams as well as diagnose various diseases with those imaging tools. Students will have some responsibility for viewing 25 cases a day under the supervision of faculty, residents, and fellows. Students will attend daily lectures, daily work rounds, and weekly specialty conferences. Students have the opportunity to shadow the on-call radiology resident at . Some perinatal work including fetal MR and fetal ultrasound will be used for improving student knowledge of Ma perinatal imaging.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of PED-30000

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Course Coordinator: Natalie DeCanter - - 901-287-5147

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD 49000 - Away Elective in Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This course number is to be used by UTHSC students only for scheduling a visiting elective at another medical school for which credit is granted by UTHSC.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Course Coordinator: Kimberlee Norwood - - 901-448-3843

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Yes
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Review host institution deadline policy
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
    Time off for interviews: Variable
  • RAD1 3010/F - Junior Internship in Radiation Oncology

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical -Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: West Cancer Center and Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Spring - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Course Coordinator: Janet Herriman - - 901-683-0055 x63467

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD1 4010/F - Diagnostic Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The elective rotation in radiology at Methodist Hospital (Central) includes a minimum of six weekly conferences covering both broad, general and subspecialized areas of diagnostic radiology. The rotation also includes direct experience in nuclear medicine, computed tomography, ultrasound, general diagnostic radiology, and special procedures (including both angiography and interventional radiologic procedures). There is to be close contact with both attending staff and radiology residents with discussion of methods and diagnostic pathways.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 6
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Brian Green -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Brian Green -
    Course Coordinator: Catrina Price - - 901-448-2850

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD1 4012/F - Interventional Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 7 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This course will help the students understand the role of interventional radiology in the clinical assessment and treatment of patients. The student will have some responsibility for 10-15 patients per week. The students will participate in the work-up procedure and follow-up of assigned patients. The students will have complete supervision during procedures. Review and evaluation of students’ work-up of patients will be done by either staff, fellows or residents. The students will attend general radiology conferences. The students will be responsible for case presentation to staff, fellows and residents on a pertinent topic in interventional/vascular radiology. The students will gain understanding of a variety of different procedures and techniques in vascular/interventional radiology. Students will make pre-procedure and post- procedure rounds on patients on the interventional/vascular service.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Brian Green -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Brian Green -
    Course Coordinator: Catrina Price - - 901-448-2850

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD1 4013/H - Pediatric Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 3.5
    Session Length: 2 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3.5 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This course is designed as an introduction to the unique aspects of pediatric imaging over various ages of childhood. The objectives for this course are to increase student’s awareness of the capabilities of the various imaging exams available for children appropriately and to improve their ability to correctly order such exams as well as diagnose various diseases with those imaging tools. Students will have some responsibility for viewing 25 cases a day under the supervision of faculty, residents, and fellows. Students will attend daily lectures, daily work rounds, and weekly specialty conferences. Students have the opportunity to shadow the on-call radiology resident at . Some perinatal work including fetal MR and fetal ultrasound will be used for improving student knowledge of Ma perinatal imaging.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships inclusive of (PED1-3001/F or PED2-3001/F or PED3-3001/F)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Course Coordinator: Natalie DeCanter - - 901-287-5147

    Prior Authorization: No
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Negotiable
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD1 4021/F - Introduction to Clinical Radiation Oncology

    Cr Hrs: 3.5, 7
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3.5 or 7 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This is a elective in Radiation Oncology for ONLY medical students who are pursuing Radiation Oncology as a career. Students will function like a resident when at all possible. This will include working the EMR, seeing patients with autonomy under attending supervision, and participating in procedures, departmental meetings, and in teaching activities as directed by the program director. Students are required to know the work-up and staging of each cancer type, how to develop and execute an appropriate radiotherapy plan to treat each cancer type, how to manage acute and late complications, and how to follow the patient after completion of treatment. The student is expected to participate in daily tumor boards and planning clinics. A schedule of all conferences will be provided to the student at the time of the rotation.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: West Cancer Center and Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Spring - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Course Coordinator: Janet Herriman - - 901-683-0055 x63467

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD2 4010/F - Diagnostic Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 3.5, 7
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3.5 or 7 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The student electing diagnostic radiology at The University of Tennessee Medical Center will observe radiology staff and residents performing daily radiographic work, advanced cross-sectional and nuclear imaging, fluoroscopic GI-GU procedures, and special procedures. The student will attend daily teaching rounds and work conferences. There are opportunities for oral presentations and other academic projects. The electives main goals are to educate the student regarding: (1) the broad spectrum of diagnostic imaging used in modern patient care, (2) the critical role radiologist-clinician communication plays in management (and mismanagement) of patients, (3) the imaging test-of-choice for most clinical problems, (4) radiological radiation, safety and cost issues, (5) what their patient experiences when they order various radiological procedures and tests, and (6) some basic (” viewbox”) imaging normal and abnormals.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Knoxville
    Hospital: University of Tennessee Medical Center-Knoxville
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Anton Allen -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Anton Allen -
    Course Coordinator: Missy Maples - - 865-305-9618

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 7 and 8
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RAD9 4010/F - Away Elective in Radiology

    Cr Hrs: 7
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This course number is to be used by UTHSC students only for scheduling a visiting elective at another medical school for which credit is granted by UTHSC.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: Variable
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Harris L. Cohen -
    Course Coordinator: Kimberlee Norwood - - 901-448-3843

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: Yes
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Review host institution deadline policy
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: Variable
    Time off for interviews: Variable

Radiation Oncology

  • RON 35060 - Introduction to Clinical Radiation Oncology CE

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving either 3 or 6 credit hours. This career exploration course (CE) will allow third year medical students to explore this discipline as a potential career choice. This is the Radiation Oncology 3rd year elective. The student will shadow the attending and resident and participate in all aspects of radiation oncology patient care. Training on developing a treatment plan with the attending, learning physical examination and gaining knowledge of oncology and radiation oncology will be prioritized. There is a short presentation required at the end of the rotation.

    Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: West Cancer Center and Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 1st two years and Step 1 taken

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Spring - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Course Coordinator: Janet Herriman - - 901-683-0055

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: 5
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RON 40100 - Junior Internship in Radiation Oncology

    Cr Hrs: 6
    Session Length: 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 6 credit hours. The student will function as a junior intern with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in all of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical -Required Selective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: West Cancer Center and Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Spring - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Course Coordinator: Janet Herriman - - 901-683-0055 x63467

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RON 45036 - Pediatric Radiation Oncology

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. The St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Radiation Oncology elective provides students the unique opportunity to learn about radiation oncology in a world-renown children’s research hospital. During the rotation the students will develop knowledge of the indications for radiation therapy in pediatric patients with malignancies as well as the side effects of radiation therapy in children. The students will also learn about treatment protocols for brain and solid tumors through patient care under the direct supervision of a physician, weekly rounds, and conference attendance. A St. Jude rotation also gives students a better understanding of the acute impact of catastrophic diseases on patients and their families. Medical students are not responsible for evening or weekend call and are generally scheduled Monday through Friday.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 1
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
    Prerequisites: RON-45060 (6 Credits)

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Thomas Merchant -
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Thomas Merchant -
    Course Coordinator: Jeannie Diaz - - 901-595-6385

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No
  • RON 45060 - Introduction to Clinical Radiation Oncology

    Cr Hrs: 3, 6
    Session Length: 2 and 4 weeks

    This is a face to face clinical rotation receiving 3 or 6 credit hours. The student should function with increased autonomy in patient care and must demonstrate competency in several of the Entrustable Professional Activities required for graduation. This is a elective in Radiation Oncology for ONLY medical students who are pursuing Radiation Oncology as a career. Students will function like a resident when at all possible. This will include working the EMR, seeing patients with autonomy under attending supervision, and participating in procedures, departmental meetings, and in teaching activities as directed by the program director. Students are required to know the work-up and staging of each cancer type, how to develop and execute an appropriate radiotherapy plan to treat each cancer type, how to manage acute and late complications, and how to follow the patient after completion of treatment. The student is expected to participate in daily tumor boards and planning clinics. A schedule of all conferences will be provided to the student at the time of the rotation.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Max per section: 2
    Instructional Method: Clinical-Elective
    Location offered: Memphis
    Hospital: West Cancer Center and Methodist University Hospital
    Prerequisites: Completion of 5 CORE Clerkships

    Term offered: Spring/Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Spring - Instructor of Record: David Schwartz
    Course Coordinator: Janet Herriman - - 901-683-0055 x63467

    Prior Authorization: Yes
    Blocks Not Offered: None
    Off-cycle timing allowed: No
    Deadline for Excused Absence: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Deadline for Cancellation: Thirty days before start of elective/rotation
    Overnight Call and/or Float: No
    Time off for interviews: No

Registered Nurse First Assistant

  • RNFA 540G - Surgical Techniques

    Cr Hrs: 3 (3-0-0)
    This course will focus on the expanded functions unique to the Registered Nurse First Assist (RNFA) role during the intraoperative period. The course includes the recommended content of the Core Curriculum for the RNFA and is designed to develop the beginning knowledge and skills needed for safe RNFA practice. Surgical practice and techniques such as sterile technique, positioning and draping, using instruments and medical devices, providing exposure, handling and cutting tissue, providing hemostasis, and suturing will be emphasized in a 40 hour on-campus simulation laboratory experience during the course.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Nancy Armour Appling
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Diane Todd Pace
  • RNFA 541G - Advanced Perioperative Nursing I

    Cr Hrs: 3 (3-0-0)
    This course prepares the perioperative student to develop a theoretical knowledge base for the Registered Nurse First Assist (RNFA) role and responsibilities. The course includes the recommended content of the Core Curriculum for the RN First Assist and is designed to develop the theoretical knowledge needed for safe RNFA practice. Content includes an in depth review of anatomy and physiology of surgical disease, considerations for the entire continuum of surgical practice, and the prevention of injury. Knowledge of comprehensive perioperative nursing serves as the foundation for critical, technical, and clinical decision necessary for RNFA practice. Selective literature, which evidences best practice strategies of the RNFA role and considerations of vulnerable populations requiring surgical interventions, will also be examined in selective surgical specialties. The following concepts are integrated into the course: critical thinking, research utilization, ethics, human diversity, and social issues.  This course focuses on the trajectory of the RNFA student as a novice surgical expert and includes role components such as interdisciplinary collaborator, educator, and consultant.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Prerequisites: BSN or enrolled in accredited RN to BSN program and CNOR/CNOR eligible; or MSN/DNP with APRN Board certification; or permission of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

    Must have successfully completed RNFA 540G Surgical Techniques

    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Nancy Armour Appling

  • RNFA 542G - Advanced Perioperative Nursing II

    Cr Hrs: 1-3 (0-0-[1-3])
    This course prepares the Registered Nurse First Assist (RNFA) perioperative student to function in the expanded role of first assistant to the surgeon. This practicum prepares the student to assume all responsibilities of RNFA practice. The student will apply evidenced-based knowledge and current research findings in the management of actual and potential health problems, which include common surgical diseases and human responses to disease. The following concepts are integrated into the course: critical thinking, research utilization, scientific integrity and ethics, human diversity, and awareness of social and professional issues.  This course focuses on the trajectory of the RNFA student as a novice surgical expert and includes role components such as interdisciplinary collaborator, educator, and consultant.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Mode of Delivery: Hybrid
    Instructional Method: Clinical
    Prerequisites: BSN or enrolled in accredited RN to BSN program and CNOR certified (required prior to entering practicum); or MSN/DNP with APRN Board certification; or permission of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
    Must have successfully completed RNFA 540G Surgical Techniques and RNFA 541G Advanced Perioperative Nursing I

    Term offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Nancy Armour Appling
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Nancy Armour Appling
    Summer - Instructor of Record: Nancy Armour Appling

Restorative Dentistry

  • RESD 101A - Operative Dentistry (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (4-0-0)
    Lectures include classification and nomenclature of cavities; cavity preparation; instruments and instrumentation; histological structure of the teeth in relation to cavity preparation and selection of restorative materials. The manipulation of amalgam, cement bases, cavity liners, pulpal protection, pin retained amalgams and rubber dam application is introduced in this course.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Robert H Hatch
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Bernard J Blen
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Mojdeh Dehghan
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: James F Simon
  • RESD 101B - Operative Dentistry (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 1 17-0-0)
    Lectures include classification and nomenclature of cavities; cavity preparation; instruments and instrumentation; histological structure of the teeth in relation to cavity preparation and selection of restorative materials. The manipulation of amalgam, cement bases, cavity liners, pulpal protection, pin retained amalgams and rubber dam application is introduced in this course. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Robert H Hatch
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Bernard J Blen
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Mojdeh Dehghan
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: James F Simon
  • RESD 102A - Operative Dentistry (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (0-12-0)
    Laboratory exercises include cavity preparation for amalgam in ivorine teeth and extracted natural teeth. Amalgam restorations are placed and carved in all of the preparations. Amalgams placed in natural teeth are polished. The manipulation and application of cement bases, liners and cavity varnish are included.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Bruce Hamilton
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Ashanti D. Braxton
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Barry Mark Owens
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: James C Ragain Jr
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: James F Simon

  • RESD 102B - Operative Dentistry (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 2 (0-43-0)
    Laboratory exercises include cavity preparation for amalgam in ivorine teeth and extracted natural teeth. Amalgam restorations are placed and carved in all of the preparations. Amalgams placed in natural teeth are polished. The manipulation and application of cement bases, liners and cavity varnish are included. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Bruce Hamilton
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Ashanti D. Braxton
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Barry Mark Owens
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: James C Ragain Jr
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: James F Simon

  • RESD 103 - Dental Morphology (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 2 (29-0-0)
    The Dental Morphology courses are presented in two closely related segments, These courses are a prerequisite for all dental courses. The Lecture is designed to familiarize the student with dental terminology, internal and external tooth anatomy, tooth form, tooth function and supporting structures. The lectures also cover development of the dentitions (deciduous and adult) as well as variations or anomalies of tooth morphology and alignment of the dentition.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Barry Mark Owens
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Ashanti D Braxton
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Robert H Hatch
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Bernard J Blen
  • RESD 104 - Dental Morphology (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 3 (0-84-0)
    The Lab reinforces the concepts taught in the lecture segment through waxing of individual anatomical tooth forms. The student learns the handling of instruments and proper wax temperature control through waxing exercises. After completion of exercises the student will wax fourteen individual teeth, seven maxillary and seven mandibular. The student should know the morphology of all human teeth and be prepared to reproduce that knowledge in sculptured wax.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Barry Mark Owens
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Ashanti D. Braxton
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: James C Ragain Jr
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Daranee Versluis
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Waletha Wasson

  • RESD 105 - Tooth Preparation

    Cr Hrs: 2 (26-44-0)
    An introduction course in Restorative Dentistry (Operative Dentistry) that provides initial instruction for student doctors to perform simulated clinical procedures in a preclinical laboratory setting as well as teaching motor and cognitive skills.  Additionally, dental terminology, ergonomics, and introduction to basic principles/techniques and materials will be emphasized.

    Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Anne Hill
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Mojdeh Dehghan
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: Bruce Hamilton
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Robert Hatch
    Fall - Additional Instructor 4: Barry Owens

  • RESD 106 - Introduction to Dentistry

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (10-0-0)
    This course demonstrates how relationships are affected by such factors as intra- and inter-personal concerns, cultural bias, and the social skills of the dentists, patients and auxiliaries. It assists dental students in their responsiveness to the needs of others and provides a cohesive framework within which students can interpret, understand and respond to patient behaviors.

    Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Barry Mark Owens
  • RESD 108 - Operative Composite Resin (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (9-0-0)
    This course is designed to provide the student with information about tooth-colored restorative therapy (i.e., composite resins, glass ionomers, and supporting materials). The selected clinical vignettes demonstrate case selection and management of the dentition using Class II, III, IV, V, preventive resin restoration (PRR), and direct veneer restoration procedures and techniques.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Anne Hill
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Waletha Wasson
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Ashanti D. Braxton
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Daranee Versluis
    Spring - Additional Instructor 4: Mojdeh Dehghan

  • RESD 109 - Operative Composite Resin (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 1 (0-24-0)
    This course consists of tooth-colored restorative laboratory projects. The projects will be taught in a step-by-step format for preparation design and placement (inserting, contouring, finishing, and contouring) of conservative tooth-colored restoratives (i.e., composite resin, glass ionomer, and supporting materials). The procedures to be taught in the laboratory are: (1) sealants, (2) PRR, (3) Class II, III, IV, V preparation designs and placement of composite resin material, (4) Class preparation design and placement of glass ionomer material, (5) direct composite veneers, (6) management of root caries, (7) detection and management of caries, and (8) resin bonding exercises. Class lab exercises will be done on natural teeth mounted in stone. All practical exercises will be done on plastic teeth mounted in stone.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Anne Hill
    Spring - Instructor of Record: Anne Hill
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Waletha Wasson
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: Ashanti D Braxton
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Daranee Versluis
  • RESD 113A - Biomaterials

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (8-0-0)
    A basic course in the study of dental materials that includes physical, chemical and mechanical properties and the interaction of basic materials with the biological system. A laboratory is included to illustrate both properties and manipulation of dental materials.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Fall

    Fall - Instructor of Record: Daranee Versluis
    Fall - Additional Instructor 1: Barry Mark Owens
    Fall - Additional Instructor 2: James F Simon
    Fall - Additional Instructor 3: Russell A Wicks
  • RESD 113B - Biomaterials

    Cr Hrs: 1 (10-2-0)
    A basic course in the study of dental materials that includes physical, chemical and mechanical properties and the interaction of basic materials with the biological system. A laboratory is included to illustrate both properties and manipulation of dental materials. Section B is a continuation of section A which is offered in the Fall.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Daranee Versluis
    Spring - Additional Instructor 1: Barry Mark Owens
    Spring - Additional Instructor 2: James F Simon
    Spring - Additional Instructor 3: Russell A Wicks
  • RESD 115 - Introduction to CAD/CAM Dentistry

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (2-16-0)
    This is a laboratory course designed for first year students to apply the technical procedures necessary to fabricate a CAD/CAM designed restoration.

    Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
    Instructional Method: Lecture, Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: James Simon
  • RESD 205 - Complex Intracoronal Preparations/Restorations (Lecture)

    Cr Hrs: 0.5 (8-0-0)
    This course will expand upon the principles of amalgam and composite resin preparations/restorations. Preparation design for compound and complex restorations will be discussed, including the indications and usage of pins, amalgapins, secondary retention features with/without bonding, and replacement of cusps. Introduction of additional, other than alloy based (amalgam) restoratives such as composite and/or composite core materials will be included. Other topics of this course include caries detection/removal and appropriate use of liners and bases in restorative treatment.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lecture
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Ashanti Braxton
  • RESD 206 - Complex Intracoronal Preparations/Restorations (Lab)

    Cr Hrs: 1 (0-24-0)
    This Laboratory course will include projects allowing the student doctor to work on typodont (plastic) teeth with/without simulated caries and treat natural teeth, simulating real-case clinical scenarios. Exposure to different restorative materials and diverse clinical techniques will be expanded. Student doctors will learn to prepare and insert compound and complex restorations, using both amalgam and composite resin materials, involving cusp replacement, as permanent restorations or build-up restoratives for future prosthodontic care.

    Grade Mode: Standard
    Instructional Method: Lab
    Location offered: Memphis
    Term offered: Spring

    Spring - Instructor of Record: Ashanti D. Braxton

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