Feb 06, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin (Catalog) (Jan 2019 Ed) 
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin (Catalog) (Jan 2019 Ed) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Progress, Promotion and Graduation

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Students must achieve satisfactory academic progress in order to receive federal financial aid. The Financial Aid Office’s satisfactory academic standards mirror the academic progress policies of each individual college. Students who are required to repeat coursework may find that they do not meet federal financial aid standards for satisfactory academic progress. Those students should make an appointment to meet with the Financial Aid Office to discuss their individual circumstances. A student who is found to not be making academic progress by SAP policy is not eligible for federal financial aid. The rule may also apply to state, institutional, and private funds. For more information refer to CenterScope, Satisfactory Academic Progress, http://catalog.uthsc.edu/index.php?catoid=25.

Grade Point Average Calculation

If a student is required to repeat a course for any reason, both the original grade and replacement grade will be noted on the official transcript and both grades will be used in calculation of the student’s GPA. Students who are required to repeat the entire first professional year or the fall semester may be granted a “fresh start.” While the same policy and procedure will apply for a student granted a “fresh start,” the College of Pharmacy will calculate the GPA by hand for the purposes of academic probation and dismissal (although the official GPA listed on the student’s transcript will continue to be calculated per institutional standards).

Academic Probation

Academic probation will be imposed when the student’s academic performance meets any of the following conditions:

  1. The grade point average earned at the conclusion of the first term of the first professional year, or the cumulative grade point average at the conclusion of any term thereafter, is less than 2.33;
  2. The grade point average earned for any one term is less than 2.00;
  3. The student earns less than a C- or a “no pass” in any course.

A period of academic probation will be in effect during the term immediately following the conclusion of the term in which the student’s academic performance meets the conditions for imposition of probation. If at the conclusion of the term during which a period of probation is in effect the student’s academic performance continues to meet any conditions for probation, the student will be subject to dismissal from the College of Pharmacy. If at the conclusion of the term during which a period of probation is in effect the student’s academic performance no longer meets the above conditions for probation, the student will return to good academic standing.

During any term of probation, a student may not be elected to any office or accept any appointed positions in any College or Campus recognized organization. Although not required, it is strongly suggested that any student who is placed on academic probation resign any office(s) currently held. A student on probation is not permitted to represent the College or Campus in any official capacity and is not eligible to travel on College funds.

Academic Deficiency

A student may not progress in the curriculum with an “F” or “no pass” earned in any course. Students with outstanding deficiencies (e.g., grade of “F” or “no pass”) in the professional curriculum may not register for courses in the next professional term or for subsequent clinical rotations without affirmative action by the Academic Standing and Promotion Review (ASPR) Committee of the College and approval of the Dean. Students are not eligible to begin the next academic year until the course in which the “F” or “no pass” was earned has been repeated and the grade earned is a C- or better or “pass.” When any course is repeated, both the original grade made in the course and the newly earned grade will appear on the student’s transcript and will be used for the determination of the student’s overall cumulative grade point average.

Academic Dismissal Recommendation

A student will be subject to dismissal when any of the following conditions are met:

  1. Academic performance at the conclusion of a term is so poor as to predict strongly an inability to meet the overall requirements of the curriculum. It is recognized that this situation is most likely to occur during the first professional year, and may occur without a probationary period being imposed;
  2. A period of probation is imposed for a second time;
  3. Regardless of GPA, a student receives less than a C- and/or a “no pass” in two courses throughout the curriculum;
  4. A student fails to meet graduation requirements within 6 years of enrollment into the program, including time spent on leave of absence or due to the need to repeat course work.

Notification of Probation or Dismissal

The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will notify a student via UTHSC email if he/she meets the criteria for probation, dismissal or has a deficiency.


Students may appeal any academic action of the College (e.g., recommendation for dismissal) to the Academic Standing and Promotion Review (ASPR) Committee. The student’s written request must be received within two (2) business days of the notice of dismissal. Appeals generally occur at the end of the spring and fall terms and will be heard during the first 1-2 weeks following completion of that term’s coursework. Questions about the appeal process and expectations should be directed to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Assessment. After the ASPR Committee hears the student’s appeal and reviews available materials, the committee will make a recommendation to the Dean who will render a decision on the appeal. The decision of the Dean is final. The student has the right to appeal a dismissal to the Chancellor if the student believes there were perceived flaws or biases in the process leading up to the dismissal.

Please see the policy regarding class attendance while dismissed or under appeal.

Readmission Process

Unless a student has been permanently dismissed from the College, he/she may reapply for admission to the College, but must compete for admission with the other applicants for the entering class in that year.

Requirements for Graduation

In order to be awarded the Doctor of Pharmacy degree, a student must have completed all degree requirements and complied with the following conditions:

  1. Student must have been registered in an accredited college of pharmacy for at least four academic years; the last two academic years must have been in the UTHSC College of Pharmacy;
  2. Student must have attained a final cumulative grade point average of 2.33 or above (on a 4.0 scale) and achieve a passing grade in all required courses in the professional curriculum;
  3. Didactic and experiential courses in which an “F” or “no pass” was received must have been successfully retaken;
  4. Student must meet graduation requirements within 6 consecutive years of enrollment, including time spent on leave of absence or due to retaking courses;
  5. Student must have discharged all their financial obligations to the College and University.

Awarding Degrees and Attendance at Commencement

Degrees are conferred during commencement (May or December) following completion of requirements, with diplomas issued after degrees are conferred. Students must be enrolled in, or completing, at least one credit hour during the term of graduation.

Attendance at graduation is mandatory for students completing degrees and receiving degrees either in May or December. Those students unable to attend must file a written request to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs to receive their degree in absentia at least one month prior to commencement.

Diplomas will not be released to any graduate whose record shows an official account ‘hold’. Students should check Banner Self Service in advance of graduation to identify and address remaining obligations related to these ‘holds’.

Graduating with Honors

The College of Pharmacy is authorized to grant honors for academic excellence. Students may graduate with honors, with high honors, or with highest honors in accordance with appropriate cumulative grade point averages based on performance in the professional curriculum only. The College confers to the graduates of the PharmD program with the cumulative grade point average (GPA) that ranks in the top 2.5% of the class the distinction of graduating with “highest honors.” Students with cumulative grade point averages that rank in the next highest 5.0% qualify for the designation of graduating with “high honors.” Graduates who attain a cumulative grade point average that ranks in the next highest 10% qualify for the designation of graduating with “honors.” As the “honors” distinction must be reported to the Registrar during the spring of the senior year, the GPA established at the end of the fall term of the senior year is used to determine students qualifying for graduation with honors.


In order to become a licensed pharmacist, graduates are required to successfully pass the NAPLEX and MPJE (national licensure examinations).

Tennessee Licensure
Internship requirements of the Tennessee Board of Pharmacy include a specified minimum of 1700 clock hours. Pharmacy experience obtained after enrollment is allowed toward fulfillment of the Board requirements. The Board accepts 1700 clock hours of credit for certain clinically-oriented courses (IPPE and APPE rotations) in the pharmacy curriculum. 

Licensure in Other States
Pharmacists may become licensed in other states through two mechanisms: by Board examination in the individual state and by reciprocation of license from one state to another. In either method, application must be made to the Board of Pharmacy in the State for which licensure is desired. Students are strongly recommended to contact the specific Board of Pharmacy to determine requirements for licensure.