Feb 06, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin (Catalog) (Jan 2019 Ed) 
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin (Catalog) (Jan 2019 Ed) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Honors and Awards*

P3 Awards

(awarded at the P3 Pinning Ceremony)

Therapeutics Award - This award is presented to the student pharmacist who has not only demonstrated academic excellence in the six part therapeutics course series, but has been proficient in applying therapeutics knowledge to an individual patient.

The John H. Rodman Pharmacokinetics Award - This accolade is presented to the student who achieved outstanding academic performance in the pharmacogenomics and pharmacokinetics courses.

Medicinal Chemistry Award - The recipient of this award has demonstrated outstanding academic performance in the area of Medicinal Chemistry.

The Atul J. Shukla Pharmaceutics Award - The recipient has demonstrated outstanding performance in pharmaceutics.

Pharmacy Administration Award - Is presented to the student pharmacist who achieved a high scholastic average in pharmacy courses.

Excellence in Communication and Clinical Skills Award - Is granted to the student who has demonstrated scholastic achievements and practice excellence in the skill of patient examination, assessment, and communication as determined by performance in the interprofessional education and clinical simulation course series.

Professionalism Award - This award is chosen by student colleagues and is presented to the student pharmacists deemed as the most professional in their Class.

Leadership Award - This award is selected by student colleagues and is presented to the student pharmacists deemed to have exhibited admirable leadership qualities during their tenure as a student in the College.

Community Service Award - This award is selected by students in the class and is generally awarded to students that have invested significant time and energy during their time as a student to improve the health of Tennesseans.

The Martin L. Hamner Award - This award is given to the student who served as Honor Council president.

P4 Awards

(awarded at Graduation)

Valedictorian - The recipient will be the graduating student who has achieved the highest academic average in the professional pharmacy curriculum.

Salutatorian** - The recipient will be the graduating student who has achieved the second highest academic average in the professional pharmacy curriculum.

Hospital Pharmacy Leadership Award - Presented to the graduating student who has displayed an interest in pharmacy practice in organized health care settings and who has demonstrated academic excellence (upper 50% of class) and leadership ability.

Tom Sharp Sr. Leadership Award - The recipient is a student pharmacist who has demonstrated exceptional participation and leadership in College activities, in memory of Mr. Tom Sharp, Sr. who served as the Executive Director for the Tennessee Pharmacists Association for more than 30 years.

The John Butler Award - This award is presented to the graduating student who has exhibited outstanding leadership and interest in institutional, administrative, and management areas.

Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice - The U.S. Public Health Service presents this award to the graduating student who has demonstrated a commitment to public health and public health practice.

Clinical Pharmacy Award - Is presented by the Department of Clinical Pharmacy for dedication to the principles of clinical pharmacy and for exemplary performance in the application of knowledge to patient care.

Patient Care Award - The graduating student who has demonstrated an ability to apply and disseminate therapeutic knowledge in a way that results in compassionate care that enhances a person’s quality of life.

Pharmacy Communications Award - The recipient is selected on the basis of (1) demonstration of knowledge application in the practice of pharmacy to patients and to other health practitioners; (2) providing instructions and guidance to patients in the clinical practice of pharmacy; and (3) demonstration of commitment to the pharmacy profession, compassion towards patients and being career oriented.

Mylan Pharmaceuticals Excellence in Pharmacy Award - Recipient should be in upper 25% of class, demonstrate high professional motivation and the intent to enter practice upon graduation, and demonstrate superior proficiency in provision of drug information services.

Facts and Comparisons Award of Excellence in Clinical Communication - The recipient should be a student pharmacist who has demonstrated superior verbal and written clinical communication skills.

TEVA Outstanding Student Award - Is presented to the graduate who has consistently excelled in the study of pharmacy.

The Merck Award - This award recognizes a graduate who has demonstrated outstanding performance in both academic and non-academic activities.

Outstanding Student Award - The graduating student selected by classmates as the person possessing the professional characteristics of an outstanding future pharmacy practitioner.

Community Pharmacy Practice Award - Is presented to the student who has demonstrated exceptional interest and achievement in community pharmacy practice.

Community Pharmacy Leadership Award - This award recognizes a student who has demonstrated exceptional commitment and leadership in community pharmacy practice.

Ambulatory Care Award - Is presented to graduates excelling in clinical practice in the ambulatory care environment and in recognition of outstanding ability to communicate with patients.

Natural Medicines Graduation Award - This is presented to the student who has exhibited a special interest in natural medicines and evidence-based approach to natural medicines.

MAPS Outstanding Leadership Award - This award is presented by the Memphis Area Pharmacists Society to a graduate with outstanding community service and leadership activities.

MSCCP Outstanding Achievements in Clinical Pharmacy Practice - The recipient demonstrates outstanding commitment to the principles of clinical pharmacy and dedication to the promotion of pharmacy practice as a vital component of patient care.

Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges - Graduating students who have demonstrated academic performance, participation in extracurricular activities, community service and future leadership ability. Selection is limited to 10% of the graduating class with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

Academia Award - Is presented to a student who has demonstrated a commitment to a career in academia.

Scholarship and Research Award - Is presented to the graduate who has demonstrated excellence in research that is accompanied by presentation and publication of new therapeutic knowledge.

The Legislative and Policy Award - This award is presented to a graduate who has demonstrated outstanding service in advocating for the pharmacy profession.

* Awards are subject to change.

** Not given if more than one valedictorian.