Feb 07, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin (Catalog) (Jan 2019 Ed) 
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin (Catalog) (Jan 2019 Ed) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Governance

Rules and regulations governing the organization and structure for each class are the sole responsibility of the Medical Student Executive Council (MSEC) and each respective class. Each class elects a slate of officers to formally represent them on all matters concerning their class. The initial election for the freshman class is held during the first month of school and is conducted by the MSEC. Officers elected serve for an interim period. After a period of the freshman year and at the end of every academic year, elections are held to elect officers for the coming year. These elections are conducted by the MSEC or by any officer running unopposed. At any time during the year, a recall petition signed by at least 25% of the class is grounds for a new election. The class president is the official liaison between the class and the administration and faculty. The president is also a voting member of the MSEC. Each class elects vice- presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. Each class elects three representatives to the MSEC, three representatives to the Honor Council, two representatives to the AIMS Council, and two representatives to the Professionalism Committee. These representatives support the class’ interest in their respective organizations and report the actions of their group to the class. Students are urged to contact their class representatives to voice any concerns regarding the areas of the student organizations’ responsibilities. Additionally, each class has a social committee of two or three students who plan class social events, and athletic directors to coordinate involvement in intramurals.

Medical Student Executive Council

The Medical Student Executive Council (MSEC) is the governing council of the student body of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine, representing the students to the administration and faculty of the University, and the Memphis community. The Council is headed by a President and Vice President, elected annually. Other recognized members of the Executive Council include:

  • Four class representatives (16)
  • Each class president (4)
  • Honor Council representative (1)
  • Appointees to the Executive Council to represent the student body on the following committees:
    • Basic Sciences Subcommittee (4)
    • Clinical Sciences Subcommittee (2)
    • Subcommittee on Evaluation and Assessment (8)
    • Committee for Undergraduate Medical Education (2)
    • Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) to American Association of Medical Colleges (2)
    • Principles of Clinical Medicine liaison (2)
  • One representative from each medical student organization that is registered with the Office of Student Life, including but not limited to:
    • American Medical Association-Medical Student Section (1)
    • American Medical Student Association (1)
    • Family Practice Student Association (1)
    • Phi Chi Medical Fraternity (1)
    • Student National Medical Association (1)
    • CIAO representative (1)

The Council serves to represent all students in the College of Medicine, addressing academic, financial, social, and other issues affecting the students’ overall learning experience. MSEC meetings are held weekdays in the Student Alumni Center and are open to all students in the College of Medicine. Meetings are periodically visited by the Executive Dean of the College of Medicine, Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, and Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs. Student input is highly valued and sought by the administration. Many of the changes in the curriculum are a direct result of MSEC action and support, either from the Council itself or its representatives on the Committee on Undergraduate Medical Education and its subcommittees. These representatives report directly to the MSEC, as do the various other committee representatives. The effectiveness of the Council is related directly to its leadership and participation.

Minutes of the weekly meetings of the Medical Student Executive Council (MSEC) are posted on class bulletin boards and the lobby of the Cecil C. Humphreys General Education Building (GEB), and the lobby of the Student Alumni Center (SAC). A copy of the minutes is posted on the MSEC website and may be mailed to students via the student listservs. A permanent record is kept on file in the Office of Student Affairs.

Student Government Association Executive Council (SGAEC)

The Student Government Association Executive Council provides representation for all students at the UTHSC campus. The presidents of each college within the UTHSC system form this student government body. The president of the Medical Student Executive Council is the College of Medicine student representative on the SGAEC. The SGAEC studies matters of importance to students and submits recommendations expressing student views and concerns to the administration and faculty of the Health Science Center.

Honor Council

The UTHSC College of Medicine’s Honor Code was established in 1960 and is one of the oldest codes among U.S. medical schools. Please refer to the Honor Code section of this bulletin for the special provisions of the UTHSC Honor Code that pertain to the College of Medicine.

Professionalism Committee

The Professionalism Committee deals with unprofessional behavior between peers, peers  and faculty, and toward patients and staff. The committee consists of three (3) elected members from each medical school class and is responsible for fostering patient welfare, colleague cooperation and teamwork, personal growth, civic duty, professional ethics, honesty, integrity, accountability, respectful attitudes, and commitment to excellence.