Oct 05, 2024  
2024-2025 CenterScope (Student Handbook) 
2024-2025 CenterScope (Student Handbook)

Student Policies and Guidelines

Awarding of Degrees

Please review the Awarding of Degree Policy at: https://policy.tennessee.edu/procedure/em108-awarding-of-degrees/

Campus Environment Policies and Procedures

Visiting Student Procedures

Please review the Visiting Student Policy at: https://policy.tennessee.edu/procedure/em106-visiting-student-procedure/

Access to University Property

Normally, the University’s campuses and facilities are restricted to students, faculty, staff, guests, and invitees except on such occasions when all or part of the campuses, buildings, stadia, and other facilities are open to the general public. In addition, the university provides for the following:


  1. The right of peaceable assembly is a guaranteed constitutional right and one which this institution does not intend to abrogate.
  2. The following regulations are intended to enumerate the essential provisions necessary to reconcile freedom of assembly with responsibility in any campus meeting conducted for the purpose of expressing opinions of the participants.

Peaceable Assembly: Description

Student gatherings may be conducted in areas which are generally available to the public provided such gatherings:

  1. Are conducted in an orderly and peaceful manner;
  2. Do not obstruct in any way vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
  3. Do not interfere with classes, scheduled meetings, events, and ceremonies, or with other essential processes of the University;
  4. If inside a building, are held in an assigned meeting room.

Advanced Approval: Procedures

  1. Only meetings which have been approved in advance through the proper Office may be held:
    1. Within University buildings;
    2. Within University stadia, or
    3. Adjacent to residential or academic facilities of the campus.
  2. Meetings which would impose an unusual demand upon staff or facilities must have approval regardless of where they are held on campus.

Disciplinary Action

Violations of the above University policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Policy on Affirming Principles of Free Speech for Students and Faculty

For policy on Affirming Principles of Free Speech for Students and Faculty, please see: https://policy.tennessee.edu/policy/bt0021-policy-affirming-principles-of-free-speech-for-students-and-faculty/

Tennessee Divisive Concepts Act

 For information regarding the Tennessee Divisive Concepts Act and how to file a complaint, please see: https://tennessee.edu/transparency/divisive-concepts-law/ 

Solicitation on University Property

Solicitation in Non-public Areas of the University

Both commercial and non-commercial solicitations are prohibited in non-public areas of the University.

Solicitation in Public Areas

Solicitation and sales in public areas of the University are restricted to invitees and registered organizations, faculty, staff and students of the University and are subject to reasonable restrictions as to time, place and manner.

Solicitation of Funds by Student Organizations

  1. As it pertains to student organizations, solicitation is defined as the seeking of funds or support by a registered student organization from sources other than its members including the procurement of supplies, and other forms of support, and the selling and distribution of items, materials or products and services.
  2. Registered student organizations may be authorized to solicit on campus as long as such solicitation is consistent with the aims of the organization and is not for the personal benefit of members. In interpreting the aims or purposes of the registered student organization, the statement in its constitution will be followed. See Solicitation of Funds by Student Organizations available at: https://www.uthsc.edu/studentlife/forms-instructions.php.
  3. Requests for approval of any form of solicitation must be made in writing to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success not later than seven (7) business days preceding the date of the proposed date of the activity. Special forms for making requests are provided on line at the Student Life web site  http://www.uthsc.edu/studentlife/. Following approval by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success, the requesting organization must make appropriate arrangements with the administrative office of the facility to be used. Content approval for the project is not a guarantee of the availability of the space. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success will assist the organization in scheduling and coordinating outdoor space with the appropriate Facilities Management Office. Ordinarily, the academic buildings will not be used for purposes of solicitation.


  1. Complete solicitation form.
  2. These forms, along with other necessary forms, are returned to The Office of Student Life 10 days prior to the scheduled event. This includes fundraising events, advertising, and soliciting on campus.
  3. All reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. A copy of all materials to be distributed will be attached to this form when submitting to the Office of Student Life.
  5. Student organizations, advisors, departments and sponsored vendors will be sent a signed solicitation approval form via e-mail before the event date.
  6. Vendors may be required to pay a set-up fee at the time the authorization form is picked up.
  7. Any give-away item offered by a vendor on campus or any token gift offered in exchange for a purchase must be in good taste and must not promote the use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Vendors are asked to provide examples/photos of their planned giveaways as part of their application to solicit on campus. Promotional materials that celebrate UTHSC are welcome.


  1. Publicity materials (signs, posters, etc.) cannot be posted (taped, stapled, glued or tacked) outside of any university facility including on trees, fences, curbs, fire hydrants, statues, or on any brick, concrete or painted surfaces. Posting of any materials inside of a building requires the express permission of the appropriate building manager and would normally be limited to specific areas (e.g. public poster boards).
  2. Activities that intend to make use of lottery, raffle, or any similar fundraising measure are not allowed under Tennessee Law (see Chapter 17. Tennessee Charitable Gaming Implementation Law § 3-17-101).
  3. Activities that mention door prizes, or admission ticket, stub, or any advertisement must have a sample ticket submitted along with solicitation paperwork.
  4. Student Organizations, who wish to make philanthropic and charitable giving requests to UTHSC alumni/donor MUST contact the UTHSC Office of Alumni Affairs in advance of the request for approval. Please contact Tim Lanier at 901-448-5176/tlanier@uthsc.edu for more information.
  5. Student Activities Center (SAC) events: Space permitting- registered student organizations or campus departments may sponsor events (which may include sale or offer for sale of goods or services), in the SAC under the following conditions:
    1.  All items handed out at a solicitation table (Magazines, flyers, coupon books, etc…) must have the name of the sponsoring student organization or department on it.
    2. A sign with the name of the sponsoring organization or department must be displayed at the solicitation table.
    3. Items may only be distributed from behind a table (i.e. Solicitors may not walk around the campus or the food court area to sell items or services).
  6. Table location for the SAC area is at the discretion of SAC administration and may not be relocated without permission. Groups hosting events in the SAC may not interfere with the flow of traffic and must remain in the immediate area of their assigned table(s).
  7. Amplified sound is NOT allowed in the SAC area.
  8. Any organization found in violation of policies will be asked to vacate its location and the reservation will be cancelled.
  9. The SAC administration may make exceptions to the SAC policies to accommodate student programming (i.e. SGAEC, etc.).
  10. Student organizations holding events on campus who anticipate needing accommodations for students with disabilities should contact the Office of Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity 901-448-2112 in advance of the event.
  11. Student organizations wishing to post or hand out flyers on campus must include the following accommodations statement: Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations or who have questions about physical access may contact the Office of Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity 901-448-2112 in advance of the program (or film, event, etc.)
  12. Please contact the appropriate personnel below for appropriate facilities scheduling and permissions:
    • GEB - Carol Mason (GEB) 901-448-6960
    • SAC -Lynn Ivy, SAC Building Manager, at 901-448-7585/livy@uthsc.edu or 901-448-8767
    • Pharmacy Building- 901-448-6120
  13. Additional Resources: For further explanation of policies and procedures, please contact:
    • Dr. Charles Snyder - Student Success 901-448-4939
    • Melanie Burlison- Business and Finance 901-448-8030
    • Carol Mason - GEB 901-448-6960
    • Chandra Tuggle - Alumni & Development 901-448-2596
  14. University Policies and Procedures regarding solicitation can be found at:  https://policy.tennessee.edu/procedure/fi0325-h-vending-and-solicitations-on-campus/
  15. Use of Facilities and Grounds

Guidelines concerning the use of facilities and grounds shall include, but not be restricted to, the following:

  1. Signs bearing the following message, “Use of This Facility is Restricted to Students, University Employees and Guests,” shall be placed at the entrances to all facilities used primarily for student activities.
  2. Campus service and recreational facilities shall be restricted to University personnel and bona fide guests, visitors and invitees. Persons in charge of these facilities shall make periodic checks for identification or qualification.
  3. Generally programs and activities of student organizations and groups shall be restricted to members, guest-visitors and University personnel. Student organizations and groups desiring to have programs and activities open to the public shall have such events approved in advance by the Office of Student Life.
  4. The Office of Student Life, or other authorized University official, shall require, if deemed advisable, acceptable identification for admission to University events and programs not open to the public. Implementation of this requirement shall be accomplished in cooperation with the sponsoring University organization or group.

Written reports of identification checks and incidences germane to these policies shall be submitted to the Chief Student Affairs Officer, or a designee.

Use of University Property by Non-Affiliated Persons for Free Expression Activities


The purpose of this Chapter is to provide a uniform basis on which the University of Tennessee will regulate the use of University property by non-affiliated persons for free expression activities through reasonable, viewpoint neutral regulations consistent with and in furtherance of the University’s principal missions of teaching, research, and service. To the extent of any conflict between this Chapter and Chapter 1720-01-2 (Use of University Property), Chapter 1720-01-8 (Assembly Policy), or Chapter 1720-01-7 (Solicitation on University Property), this Chapter shall control.  This Chapter supersedes and replaces the “Speaker Policy” adopted by the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees on June 19, 1969.

1720-01-12-.02 DEFINITIONS.

  1. The term “academic freedom” means the academic freedom of a University faculty member described in the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees’ Policies Governing Academic Freedom, Responsibility, and Tenure.
  1. The term “designated public forum” means property that has not traditionally been regarded as open to free expression activities but which has been intentionally opened by the University for the purpose of free expression activities by members of the general public.
  2. The term “free expression activities” means expression and/or assemblies protected by the First Amendment, including, but not limited to, picketing, distributing printed materials, public speaking, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, parades, and marches. 
  3. The term “limited public forum” means property that has not traditionally been regarded as open to free expression activities but which has been intentionally opened by the University for the purpose of free expression activities by certain groups or opened by the University for the purpose of free expression activities that are dedicated solely to the discussion of certain subjects.
  4. The term “non-affiliated person” means any person or entity who is not a University unit, student, student organization, employee, or volunteer.
  5. The term “nonpublic forum” means property that is not a forum for free expression activities. 
  6. The term “printed materials” means publications, handbills, posters, leaflets, petitions, fliers and all other types of written matter.
  7. The term “public speaking” means:
  1. orally and audibly expressing;
  2. a message, idea, opinion, concept, principle, or belief;
  3. to one or more other persons;
  4. in public; and
  5. in a manner other than through a private conversation. 
  1. The term “student organization” means a student organization registered with the University in accordance with University rules.
  2. The term “traditional public forum” means property that by tradition or by government fiat is open to assembly and debate by members of the general public, such as city streets, sidewalks, and parks.
  3. The term “University” means the campuses, centers, and institutes of the University of Tennessee, and all their constituent parts, and the University of Tennessee system administration.
  4. The term “University unit” means any academic, administrative, or auxiliary department or division of the University or any other official entity of the University, functioning through University employees acting within the scope of their University employment. 
  5. The term “University property” means all land, grounds, structures, and any other physical property owned, controlled, or operated by the University.

1720-01-12-.03 GENERAL RULES.

  1. The University’s property is dedicated to the advancement of the University’s principal missions of teaching, research, and service.  The University’s property is not a traditional public forum or a designated public forum and thus is not open for use by non-affiliated persons, either by tradition or by University policy, for free expression activities, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Chapter.  Rather, with the exception of the streets and sidewalks described in Section .06, University property consists of a variety of limited public forums and nonpublic forums. 
  2. Free expression activities permitted by this Chapter are subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions in Section .08. 

1720-01-12-.04 NON-AFFILIATED PERSONS Invited to Participate in the FREE EXPRESSION ACTIVITIES of Student Organizations AND FACULTY MEMBERS Using Limited PUBLIC Forums. 

  1. The University has opened many of its outdoor spaces and indoor facilities as limited public forums for use by students and by faculty members exercising academic freedom.  In accordance with well-established First Amendment law, the University does not regulate these free expression activities on the basis of viewpoint.
  2. A student organization using a University limited public forum may invite a non-affiliated person to participate in the student organization’s free expression activities, subject to the terms of the invitation and subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions in Section .08.  The student organization that invites the non-affiliated person shall be responsible for ensuring that the non-affiliated person is knowledgeable about the restrictions in this Chapter. 
  3. A faculty member using a University limited public forum in the exercise of his or her academic freedom may invite a non-affiliated person to participate in the faculty member’s free expression activities, subject to the terms of the invitation and subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions in Section .08.  The faculty member who invites the non-affiliated person shall be responsible for ensuring that the non-affiliated person is knowledgeable about the restrictions in this Chapter. 
  4. A non-affiliated person invited pursuant to this Section .04 is not a guest of the University. Rather, the non-affiliated person is a guest of the student organization or faculty member who is using the University’s limited public forum. 
  5. A student organization or faculty member deciding whom to invite or not invite as a participant in free expression activities in a University limited public forum pursuant to this Section .04 does not exercise the governmental authority of the University or the State of Tennessee (i.e., the student organization or faculty member is not acting as a governmental official deciding who is allowed to use a limited public forum).  Rather, the student organization or faculty member is the user of the forum, with First Amendment rights to decide whom to include in the free expression activities.  An invitation extended to a non-affiliated person by a student organization or faculty member under this Section .04 shall not be construed to imply approval or endorsement by the University of the views expressed by the non-affiliated person.
  6. The participation of a non-affiliated person in free expression activities under this Section .04 is by invitation initiated by a student organization or faculty member.  Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to grant a non-affiliated person a right to solicit such an invitation from a student organization or faculty member or require a student organization or faculty member to respond to such a solicitation from a non-affiliated person.

1720-01-12-.05 NON-AFFILIATED PERSONS Invited to Participate in free EXPRESSION activities in connection with an official activity of a university unit. 

  1. A University unit may invite a non-affiliated person to participate in free expression activities in connection with an official activity of the University unit (e.g., lecture, presentation, debate, panel, symposium) if the head of the University unit determines that the non-affiliated person’s participation would advance one or more of the University’s principal missions of teaching, research, and service. In making such a determination, the head of the University unit is deciding how to use University property to advance the University’s mission. That decision is government speech, which is not subject to the restrictions of the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause. 
  2. The participation of a non-affiliated person in free expression activities under this Section .05 is by invitation initiated by a University unit.  Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to grant non-affiliated persons a right to solicit such an invitation or to require a University unit to respond to such a solicitation from a non-affiliated person.


  1. Subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions in Section .08, the following University property may be used by a non-affiliated person for free expression activities:
    1. A street owned or controlled by the University;
    2. A sidewalk owned or controlled by the University that runs parallel to a street owned or controlled by the University; or
    3. A sidewalk owned or controlled by the University that runs parallel to a street owned or controlled by a municipality, county, or the State of Tennessee.
  2. Section .06(1) does not include:  University access or service roads (i.e., roads with the primary function of providing for the movement of vehicular traffic between a street and a University facility or parking lot); parking lots; ramps; alleys; mass transit loading zones or waiting areas; driveways; or any property with the primary function of providing for the movement of pedestrian traffic, such as sidewalks not described in Section .06(1), pedestrian malls, pedestrian bridges, greenways, and trails.
  3. This Chapter does not apply to streets, sidewalks, or other traditional or designated public forums owned by a municipality, county, or the State of Tennessee, the uses of which are subject to compliance with federal, state, or local law, rule, regulation, or ordinance.
  4. For purposes of this Section .06, the term “State of Tennessee” does not include the University.
  5. Each campus shall publish on its website a map that indicates the streets and sidewalks described in Section .06(1).


  1. Subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions in Section .08, a non-affiliated person may communicate a message on “The Rock” at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 
  2. Subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions in Section .08, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prohibit a non-affiliated person who is engaged in a use of University property permitted under Chapter 1720-01-2 (Use of University Property) from engaging in free expression activities such as a private conversation, gesturing, operating a vehicle displaying written expression, standing, or wearing expressive clothing, accessories, buttons, or stickers.
  3. Certain University activities and events are open to attendance by non-affiliated persons at a designated place and time, such as athletic contests, plays, lectures, and concerts.  Subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions in Section .08, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prohibit a non-affiliated person from attending and participating in such an activity or event and participating in free expression activities germane to the activity or event (e.g., cheering at a football game, singing at a concert).
  4. The University may designate certain University property as available for lease to non-affiliated persons for free expression activities under standard terms and conditions and subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions in Section .08.  In the event of any inconsistency between this Chapter and the terms of a lease agreement between the University and a non-affiliated person, the terms of the lease agreement shall control over this Chapter.


  1. The University will regulate the time, place, and manner of free expression activities in order to prevent substantial disruption of the advancement of the University’s teaching, research, or service missions; prevent substantial disruption of normal or scheduled uses of University property by persons affiliated with the University; facilitate traffic on University property; preserve residential tranquility for students; preserve an atmosphere conducive to learning; preserve University property and prevent the use of University property contrary to law or University policies; and protect the health, safety, and welfare of persons affiliated with the University and/or persons using University property pursuant to Chapter 1720-01-02 (Use of University Property).
  2. A non-affiliated person using University property shall not:
    1. block or substantially impede vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, or other traffic, as the right of way of streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian malls must be maintained;
    2. block or substantially impede entrances or exits to University property;
    3. substantially disrupt or interfere with University operations, events, or activities;
    4. substantially disrupt or interfere with the ability of a student to sleep or study in a University residence hall between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. during an academic term, or the ability of a student to study in a University library;
    5. violate a federal, state, or local law, rule, regulation, or ordinance;
    6. engage in speech that is obscene; is defamatory; consists of fighting words; communicates an objectively serious expression of intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group; or is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action;
    7. engage in camping in violation of Tennessee law, the Equal Access to Public Property Act of 2012, unless the area on which camping occurs has been specifically designated by the University as available for camping;
    8. unreasonably threaten the health or safety of another person; or
    9. damage or deface University property, including, but not limited to, grass, shrubs, trees, or other landscaping.
  1. A non-affiliated person permitted to distribute printed materials under this Chapter shall refrain from littering and may be held responsible for costs incurred as a result of littering. 
  2. A non-affiliated person shall not place any signs, banners, posters, or other displays on or against, attach them to, or write on any structure or natural feature of University property, including, but not limited to, doors, buildings, windows, walls, the surface of walkways or roads, fountains, utility poles, lampposts, waste receptacles, trees, street signs, ash urns, benches, bus stops, University-owned signage, emergency phones, railings, newsstands, and utility boxes.  Nor may any chalk, paint, or permanent markings be placed on or against, attached to, or written on such structures or natural features.  Signs, banners, posters, and other displays causing ground penetration are prohibited.  This Section .08(4) shall not apply to “The Rock” at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 
  3. A non-affiliated person shall not distribute printed materials on motor vehicles parked on University property. 

Alcohol, Drugs and Firearms

Please review the Drug and Alcohol Policy at: https://uthsc.policymedical.net/policymed/anonymous/docViewer?stoken=de47aa28-16aa-408b-9c96-cb04f232964f&dtoken=e8afe229-08f8-432e-ba95-51034fdccc94.


In concert with all units of the University of Tennessee and in compliance with the Tennessee Non-Smoker Protection Action (SA0900-Smoking), all members of the UTHSC community are subject to the new university-wide Smoking policy adopted October 3, 2011.

Smoking is prohibited in all buildings owned or operated by The University of Tennessee.  This includes all hallways, classrooms, laboratories, seminar/meeting rooms, offices, dormitories and other University-owned housing, restrooms, indoor or open-air athletic facilities, performance halls, parking garages, and all other spaces in University-owned or operated buildings.  Smoking is also prohibited in all vehicles owned, leased, or operated by the University.

Entrances to all University buildings are designated as smoke free.   Unless otherwise posted, smoking is prohibited within twenty-five (25) feet of all doorways, windows, and ventilation systems of all University buildings.  Smokers are responsible for ensuring that all smoking activity, including the lighting and discarding of cigarettes, takes place a sufficient distance away from the doorways, windows, and ventilation systems of University buildings to avoid infiltration of smoke into the buildings.

For purposes of University policy, smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette (including an electronic cigarette), pipe, or other lighted tobacco product, in any manner or in any form.
Students may report violations of the University’s Smoking Policy to the campus/institute human resources office or to the university-wide institutional compliance office (865-974-4438).  Violations may be reported anonymously to the State Comptroller’s Fraud Hotline (800-232-5454).

Any University student who is found to have violated this policy may be subject to discipline in accordance with campus procedures.

[The University-wide Safety Policy can be accessed at:


Pets and Other Animals

The University prohibits unauthorized animals from being brought into university buildings. Special provisions will be made for handicapped individuals upon request. Please contact Accessability and Accomodations or the Office of Access and Compliance for more information on reasonable accomodations.


Raffles are not permitted on UTHSC property. Student groups are not authorized to conduct raffles on or off campus.

Computer and Internet Use Guidelines

General Guidelines

After admission to an academic program at UTHSC, students are given a net ID, password and email account to use during their tenure at the University. At the time of graduation, all student email accounts are deleted after one year unless prior arrangements have been made with the department of Information Technology Services.

The Help Desk is available to answer computer questions, reset passwords for net ID, email and course info accounts. The Service Desk hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Technical Issues can also be addressed by logging on to Footprints, the issues tracking system used by the Help Desk staff.

The Help Desk may be contacted by calling:
Tel: (901) 448-2222 or (800) 413-7830; Option 1
Email: helpdesk@uthsc.edu

Additional Phone support is available Monday-Friday: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
In addition, in case of EMERGENCY outage during hours the Help desk is closed, please call Security at 448-4444.

Rules for using Computing Resources

Each student using computer resources must have a net ID account in his/her name. Each person is responsible for everything done using his/her account. Students are not to attempt to access resources other than those they are authorized to use and must not attempt to read, modify, print or otherwise manipulate files belonging to other users unless explicitly authorized to do so. All computer users must abide by the University System’s Acceptable Use policy and other IT policies which may be found on the UTHSC website at https://uthsc.policymedical.net/policymed/home/index?ID=de47aa28-16aa-408b-9c96-cb04f232964f&. Failure to abide by these rules could result in denied access and disciplinary actions.

Students are expected to be familiar with the acceptable use policy available at: System-wide Policy: IT0110 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources.

Computer Security

Keeping our network and campus safe is a concern of everyone. Please be aware of the following:

  • Phishing - urgent emails asking you to click on links or give away your NetID and passwords, or other confidential information.
  • Passwords - use a strong password or passphrase that is HARD to guess, but EASY to remember. The longer the password, the more secure it is.
  • Security Awareness Training- keep current on the Information Security Awareness Training and other required regulatory training, such as HIPAA.
  • Social Media - be conscious of what you share on social media sites. Much of that information can be used to help steal identities.
  • Malware - use a strong malware protection package to monitor your computer for viruses, worms and other malicious content.
  • Lock your device - when you leave your computer for any given time, make sure it is locked so no one else can use it.


Know your responsibilities under the Acceptable Use Policy.


Run current anti-virus software and have current security patches applied. (You can download Microsoft security updates from http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com). For questions or more information on computer security see the Information Technology Services Security Group on the web at http://www.uthsc.edu/comp/ITSecurity or call the ITS Security Group at (901) 448-1880.

Report computer abuse or security incidents to the ITS Security Group at (901) 448-1880 or by email at itsecurity@uthsc.edu.

Electronic Mail Rules

Email is the official means of communication among students, faculty, staff, and campus administrators. Students are expected to check their email accounts at least once daily for information regarding their programs.

Social Media Guidelines

Below are recommended guidelines for social media use:

  • Avoid postings that might be contrary to state and federal laws or university policies such as those dealing with privacy issues (FERPA and HIPAA)
  • Be respectful and display professional behavior - other people notice
  • Make it clear that you are posting as an individual and not speaking on behalf of UTHSC.
  • Avoid comments/postings that could adversely affect another student - creating an unfounded rumor is an Honor Code violation
  • When expressing personal views, use your personal vs. your UT e-mail address.
  • Limit your use of social media if it begins to interfere with your commitments
  • Don’t access social media while you are in class or clinic unless part of an approved in-class assignments
  • You will be held responsible if you are discovered doing something illegal on social networking sites
  • Be aware that UTHSC staff may monitor social networking sites on occasion and egregious unprofessional postings could lead to disciplinary actions.
  • Look out for your fellow students - if their posts alarm you, tell someone (faculty, dean, class president, police).
  • Don’t use a college logo or UT seal without permission.
  • When in doubt, contact the Center for Student Success 901-448-7703.                                                                                                       

​Managing Your Identity

  • Check your privacy settings and verify who your ‘friends’ really are
    Don’t post your personal information
    Don’t provide details as to when you may be traveling (and when your house may be empty)
    Be smart - don’t post nasty comments about teachers or compromising pictures of your classmates
    Check your profile - is this how you would want to be viewed by your dean?
    Respect Others - don’t tell ‘tales out of school’ or spread rumors
    Correct Mistakes
    Think Before You Post.
    Be Aware of Personal Liability.

Postings That Should Be Avoided​

“I haven’t been to class in weeks ….”
“I will be away for the next two weeks”
“This exam was really hard - too many questions on ………”.
“Take a look at the photo of the patient that I had to deal with in the ER yesterday”
“I am in class and I know I should be paying attention, but I am really bored…”
“I am all alone on the 5th floor of the library….”
“I came across the medical records of XX, a really famous person. Did you know…?

Student Identification Cards

  1. All currently registered students are required to have a UT Health Science Center Student Identification Card. Lost and found I.D. cards should be reported to the office of campus Safety and Security. Replacement for lost cards may be obtained from the office of Safety and Security. A replacement charge will be assessed.
  2. In order to determine the identity of students, all students are required to present their University identification cards promptly on request of a University police officer or member of the administration or faculty of the University. Identification cards will not ordinarily be retained; however, a card may be retained if an emergency situation exists or if the card may be needed as evidence. The retained card, if valid, will be returned to the student as soon as possible.

Authority:  T.C.A. § 49-9-209(e) and Public Acts of Tennessee, 1839-1840, Chapter 98, Section 5, and Public Acts of Tennessee, 1807, Chapter 64. Administrative History: Original rule filed April 17, 2012; effective September 28, 2012. 

Copyright Infringement, Peer-to-Peer, and File-Sharing

What is Copyright Infringement?

Copyright infringement is the act of violating the exclusive rights of a copyright owner. Examples include copying or performing a work without the copyright owner’s permission, or creating a work of one’s own that derives from a copyrighted work. See also: https://news.uthsc.edu/announcements/copyright-notice-3/

What is file sharing?

File sharing is a general term for sharing digital files electronically. These files could be music or other audio recordings, movies, television shows, games or other computer software, or any other type of digital file.

Sharing any file of a work that you did not create yourself as an original work, that is not in the public domain, and for which you do not have permission to share, is a crime and can have serious consequences as detailed below. Sharing in this context includes everything from sharing a multitude of files over peer-to-peer networks to copying a single work for a friend.

What is peer-to-peer?

Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a method of file sharing that allows normal users (“peers”) to connect directly to other users to share files. This can be contrasted with a server-based distribution method, where users connect to a server (such as a web server via their web browser) to download files.

P2P typically requires a “client” - a software program installed on their personal computer - to share files. Examples of clients are Kazaa, Limewire, BearShare, etc. and the various BitTorrent clients. These clients connect to other clients over the Internet and allow users to send files that they have marked as “shared” to other users, as well as to download copies of files that other users have shared.

Because of its decentralized and unregulated nature, peer-to-peer file sharing is often used to share copyrighted works that those sharing the works do not have the right to share. However, it is important to remember that peer-to-peer is not anonymous, not secret, and can be unsafe.

Blocking of Peer-to-Peer

In 2007 the University received several letters from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) stating their intent to bring lawsuits against students they believe have potentially infringed copyright. In addition, on April 29, 2008 the Tennessee government passed a bill to amend Tennessee Code, Title 49, Chapter 7, relative to copyright infringement. See Tennessee Senate Bill 3974 for the text of the bill.

Part of this bill requires the University to “reasonably attempt to prevent the infringement of copyrighted works over the institution’s computer and network resources, if such institution receives fifty (50) or more legally valid notices of infringement as prescribed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 within the preceding year.”

Dangers of Peer-to-Peer

Using peer-to-peer software is a risky venture. Installing peer-to-peer software can expose your computer to attack, and using P2P software to share copyrighted works violates UTHSC’s Acceptable Use Policy - see http://policy.tennessee.edu/it_policy/it0110/

  • Personal Dangers

Many peer-to-peer software applications are dangerous to simply install on your computer. They often come bundled with spyware and other programs that can compromise your computer. By installing these programs, you risk damaging your computer and the files on it (your pictures, your papers, etc.), identity theft, and the possibility that your computer could be used to send spam and attack other computers.

  • Disciplinary Dangers

Sharing copyrighted works, as is easily done with P2P programs, is in violation of the UT Acceptable Use Policy. Violators are subject to disciplinary action. For more information, see Consequences.

  • Legal Dangers

Sharing copyrighted works without the copyright owner’s permission is also against US laws and international treaties. Violators can be subject to lawsuits and in some cases, criminal prosecution. For more information, see Consequences.

Consequences of Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement, including sharing copyrighted works without permission, is both against UT policy and against the law. Before you consider sharing music, movies, software, etc., you should be aware of the consequences of your actions. For further copyright guidance and tutorials, please see: Copyright Guidance - Copyright - Research Guides at University of Tennessee Health Science Center (uthsc.edu)

University of Tennessee Consequences

Sharing copyrighted works without permission is expressly prohibited in the University of Tennessee Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy #IT0110.

The University of Tennessee does not police or monitor its users for copyright violations; however, under the provisions of the DMCA UT is a content-neutral internet service provider (ISP) and is required to take action when a DMCA complaint from a content owner is received. In those situations in which UT receives information sufficient to track an alleged copyright offender (e.g. an IP address and date/time of incident), the following procedure applies:

  • 1st Offense
    On the first offense, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) contacts the student and does the following:
    • Explains why the alleged behavior is illegal and against University policy.
    • Instructs the student to clean the illegal material from his/her computer system.
    • Advises the student of future consequences should the offense be repeated.
  • 2nd Offense
    • The student’s network connection is disabled.
    • The student is required to take the system to the OIT Service Center to demonstrate that the copyrighted material(s) have been removed.
    • The student is advised of the seriousness of future consequences should the offense be repeated.
  • 3rd Offense
    • The network connection of the allegedly infringing computer is disabled immediately
    • The incident is reported to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA). SJA may impose sanctions in addition to those imposed by OIT.
    • The student is also required to take the system to the OIT Service Center to again prove the copyrighted material(s) have been removed.

Legal Consequences

Copyright violations are against US laws and international treaties, including but not limited to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 and other US copyright laws.

How you get caught

The University of Tennessee does not police or monitor its users for copyright violations, nor is it UT’s procedure to notify copyright holders of potentially infringing behavior should any potentially infringing activity be discovered during the course of normal operations.

Most copyright holders are represented by agencies such as the Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America. These agencies employ technological means to track and monitor peer-to-peer networks, usually by connecting to the networks as another “peer” in the network. When they monitor a computer transferring potentially infringing material, the date, time, content, and address of the infringing computer is recorded. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) that manages the network to which the allegedly infringing computer belongs is served with a copyright notice, typically under the DMCA. Provided the information provided is sufficient, the ISP (e.g. UT) then takes immediate action to take down the offending material (see UT’s procedures above).

Note that during these proceedings, the University of Tennessee does not disclose the identities of its users to copyright holders. However, should the copyright holders choose to do so, they can initiate a legal process that includes serving a subpoena to UT to discover the identity of an alleged infringer.

Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at www.copyright.gov, especially their FAQ’s at www.copyright.gov/help/faq.

The Copyright Act of 1976, as amended, extends copyright protection to original works of authorship and states that infringement occurs when unauthorized use is made of copyrighted materials. Infringement can result in civil or criminal liability. Faculty, staff and students may be held personally liable for any unauthorized use of copyrighted materials, including placing of such materials on electronic networks. The University of Tennessee Health Science Library and its employees assume no liability for its patrons’ unauthorized use of reproducing equipment in violation of the copyright law. Likewise, no University entity or its employees will be responsible for copying software documentation or other copyrighted materials unless the request is accompanied by a written explanation of why the copying is not copyright infringement (e.g. UT contract with licenser allows one back-up copy, written permission from copyright owner has been secured). The UTHSC General Counsel’s Office will assume responsibility for providing a summary of key provisions of the Copyright Act or Amendments which are applicable to UTHSC and for responding to specific questions related to the use of copyrighted material. The Copy Connection sites prominently display a copyright warning notice on all copy order forms and/or adjacent to all copying machines or the place at which orders for copies are accepted.

Policy on Infection Control for Tuberculosis for UTHSC Students

Effective date:            January 1, 2014


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) will provide an environment for the safe conduct of its mission in education, research, community service, and patient care.  This policy is intended to provide reasonable protection for medical and dental students against the transmission of infectious diseases within the environment of an educational and health care institution.  University Health Services (UHS) is responsible for the implementation and interpretation of this policy.  A provider may be reached at (901) 448-5630 at any time.


a. Tuberculosis (TB)

b. Tuberculin Skin Test (TST)

 i. Liquid called tuberculin injected into skin to see if there is a reaction

 ii. Also referred to as purified protein derivative (PPD)

c. Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA)

   i. Referred to as T-Spot or Quantiferon-TB Gold

   ii. Blood test to measure a person’s immune reactivity to tuberculosis

d. Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG)

   i. TB vaccine given to individuals living outside the United States

e. Symptoms Checklist

   i. Questionnaire and interview with healthcare worker will be completed annually for individuals that have previously tested positive

f. University Health Services (UHS)


All UTHSC students are required to have documentation of a tuberculosis test (TST or IGRA) completed within three (3) months prior to their start date.  These records must be forwarded to University Health Services for documentation and approval.  New students may elect to have a TST or IGRA test completed at UHS prior to their start date at no cost.  Students that test positive or whose documentation show a previous positive result must receive a chest x-ray.  The chest x-ray arrangements will be set up through the UHS current vendor.  If the chest x-ray is abnormal, then UHS will decide how best to have you evaluated further. This can be done by a specialist in Infectious Disease, Pulmonary Medicine or the Shelby County Health Department.  The individual may also be referred to the Shelby County Health Department for medication and sputum testing for smears and culture.  TST and IGRA tests results should take no longer than four days and the scheduling of a chest x-ray should take no longer than two business days.  No student will be able to go on rotation or begin class until all results have been identified and cleared by UHS.  For students that fail to start the process in a timely manner this may result in a delayed start date.


All UTHSC students are required to have an annual tuberculosis evaluation. UHS will determine the most appropriate TB screening which may include TST, IGRA, symptom checklist, or chest x-ray.  These services are provided to the student at no cost.  All students who will be starting their rotations must have the results of their annual exam no later 30 days before rotation begins or they will not be permitted to start until the results have been documented in UHS.


Students with newly positive TST or IGRA result, and those with known previous positive results and new symptoms, will receive a chest x-ray and may continue attending class while awaiting results.  If the chest x-ray is abnormal the student will be pulled from class or rotation and placed on leave, and the UHS staff will decide if further evaluation should be done by Infectious Disease, Pulmonary Medicine or the Shelby County Health Department.  The UTHSC faculty will evaluate and if necessary refer the individual to the Shelby County Health Department. The Shelby County Health Department can provide medication at no cost and provide sputum testing for smears and culture.  The student may not return to any school-related activities until they are cleared and released by UHS via the UTHSC Infectious Disease and/or Pulmonary faculty or Shelby County Health Department.


It is strongly recommended by the University of Tennessee for those individuals who test positive for latent TB (positive TST or IGRA with normal chest x-ray and no other evidence of TB disease) take isoniazid (or other approved drug therapy for latent TB, if isoniazid is contraindicated).  In most cases, UHS can write the prescription and provide follow-up lab work for latent TB. UTHSC cannot mandate that you take this medication for latent TB but they will be required to document it was offered and you declined to accept. Generally, active TB cases are treated at the Shelby County Health Department in cooperation with UHS.  Note that if you have active TB the Shelby County Health Department will mandate that you take the medication to be released.


No exemption is granted for the mandatory annual tuberculosis evaluation.  Students that are pregnant or breastfeeding may elect to have blood drawn for a T-Spot rather than a tuberculin test at their discretion at no cost.


UHS has the final authority to determine the appropriate tests to give students and the protocol to follow.  All requirements given by UHS must be followed by each student and their medical program. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from their medical program.


UHS will be responsible for tracking the results and follow-up for the students. UHS and the Dean or representative in each medical program will work closely to communicate information to the student. UHS will notify each medical college representative of any positive test and updates thereafter. The Dean or medical college representative will notify the faculty when a student is placed on leave and not permitted to attend class.  UHS will also notify the Dean or medical college representative when a student is permitted to return to class.  The Dean or medical college representative will notify the student’s clinical site(s) about his/her TB status.

Criminal Background Checks for Matriculating Students

Please review the Background Checks for Matriculating Students Policy at: https://policy.tennessee.edu/procedure/em102-criminal-background-checks-for-matriculating-students/ 

English Proficiency for Students

At the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, all coursework is conducted in the English language, and English proficiency is a necessary prerequisite for student success. Each college must establish a process whereby students can demonstrate or document their proficiency in English prior to matriculation.

Colleges should require appropriate documentation of English proficiency of any prospective student: a) when the applicant’s native language is not English, or b) whenever questions of English proficiency arise during the application process. In most cases documentation will involve successful attainment of a pre- determined score on an accepted language exam such as TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System).

Office of Access and Compliance

Dr. Michael Alston, Associate Vice Chancellor for Access and Compliance & Title IX Coordinator
920 Madison, Suite 825
Memphis, TN 38163
(901) 448-2112

The Office of Access and Compliance is committed to promoting inclusion, respect and the inherent value of all students, faculty and staff within the University of Tennessee Health Science Center community. As a comprehensive Health Science Center, diversity on our campus promotes a positive learning environment as well as having a positive impact on attitudes of the university community.

On June 25,2015, the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees adopted a change of policy, and we anticipate an effective date for this policy was the Fall 2015 term.

According to Pathways to Diversity, Diversity is defined as the “differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental abilities, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice and other human differences.” To ignore the importance of diversity on our campus will result in the following: increased costs in time, money and efficiency; unhealthy tensions between people with differences; loss of productivity because of the increased conflict; the inability to attract and retain talented people of all kinds; complaints and legal actions; and the inability to retain talent resulting in lost investments in recruitment and training.

The complete UTHSC policy on Diversity can be reviewed: https://policy.tennessee.edu/procedure/ed100-diversity-statement-policy/

Non-Discrimination Statement

UTHSC is committed to providing environment in which individual students, faculty and staff are free to pursue their work and studies without fear of discrimination, harassment or recrimination.

Any UT employee, student, applicant for admission or employment, or other participant in UT programs or activities, who believes that he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment), religion, national origin, age, disability or veteran status is encouraged to use the procedures outlined below for the resolution of his or her complaint.

Complaints of discrimination should be directed to the Office of Access and Compliance, 920 Madison Avenue Suite 825, Memphis, Tennessee 38163 (telephone: 901-448-2112 [voice], 901-448-7382 [TTY]). The Office of Access and Compliance website is available at https://www.uthsc.edu/access-compliance/. The complaint procedure as well as the HSC Complaint Form can be obtained on this web site.

Religious Accommodation Policy

Please review the Religious Accommodation Policy at: 


Sexual Harassment

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center recognizes that harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of the law. The University of Tennessee is committed to an environment free from explicit and/or implicit coercive sexual behavior used to affect the well-being of members of this academic community. Sexual harassment is unacceptable and grounds for disciplinary action. Students including residents who wish to file a complaint alleging Sexual Harassment should do so by contacting the Office of Access and Compliance. Persons observing sexual harassment should report the matter to the Office of Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity. Note: The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees formally adopted a new Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Policy in July, 2015. Please review the policy on Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence at: https://www.uthsc.edu/access-compliance/titleix.php

Laws relating to Sexual Harassment

Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances toward a student that become a condition of employment (or academic success) or unwelcome physical or verbal behavior of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of creating an atmosphere of intimidation violate the law.  In the work environment, sexual harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964. In a classroom setting, sexual harassment is a violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. In addition, sexual harassment may also violate Tennessee state law.

Sexual harassment is defined as, “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;
  2. submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting that individual;
  3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment.”


The question of whether a particular action or incident establishes a purely personal, nonacademic related relationship requires a factual determination. In making such a determination, the case record as a whole, as well as the totality of the circumstances, such as the nature of the sexual advances and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred, will be examined. The determination of the legality of a particular action will be made from the facts, on a case by case basis, because the same behavior may constitute sexual harassment in one context but not in another.

Examples of Sexual Harassment

Behavior that is unwelcomed and is of a sexual nature may be considered harassment. Prohibited acts that constitute sexual harassment may take a variety of forms. Examples of the kinds of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Offering or implying an employment-related reward (such as a promotion, raise, or different work assignment) or an education-related reward (such as a better grade, a letter of recommendation, favorable treatment in the classroom, assistance in obtaining employment, grants or fellowships, or admission to any educational program or activity) in exchange for sexual favors or submission to sexual conduct;
  2. Making threats or insinuations that a person’s employment, wages, grade, promotional opportunities, classroom or work assignments or other conditions of employment or educational life may be adversely affected by not submitting to sexual advances;
  3. Engaging in unwelcome sexual propositions, invitations, solicitations, and flirtation;
  4. Leering, staring at someone, or looking at someone with “elevator eyes” (i.e. looking someone up and down);
  5. Using unwelcome sexually degrading language, sexual jokes, innuendos, or gestures;
  6. Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, videotapes, graffiti and/or visuals that are not germane to any business or academic purpose;
  7. Displaying or transmitting sexually suggestive electronic content, including inappropriate e-mails;
  8. Making unnecessary and unwanted physical contact, such as hugging, rubbing, touching, patting, pinching, or massages;
  9. Engaging in sexual assault or pressure for sexual activity, including requesting sexual favors;
  10. Making unwelcome suggestive or insulting sounds, such as whistling and cat calls;
  11. Giving unwelcome personal gifts, such as flowers;
  12. Asking about a person’s sexual fantasies, sexual preferences, or sexual activities;
  13. Commenting on a person’s body, dress, appearance, gender, sexual relationships, activities, or experience; or
  14. Repeatedly asking someone for a date after the person has expressed disinterest.

Who Is Affected?

Both men and women can be sexually harassed. Sexual harassment may occur between fellow students. It may also come from supervisors, faculty, staff, vendors and visitors.

Preventing Sexual Harassment

A. Be informed about the aspects of sexual harassment.
B. Trust your instincts about possible danger.
C. Communicate clearly to the offender how you feel about offensive behavior.
D. Report inappropriate conduct immediately.

Title IX

“No person in the United States, shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX). The University of Tennessee is a recipient of Federal financial assistance for education activities, and in accordance with the provisions of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, all of its education programs and activities are subject to the prohibition of Title IX of that act against discrimination on the basis of gender. University policy (http://policy.tennessee.edu/hr_policy/hr0220/) prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in any education program or activity. Additionally, in compliance with state law, the University develops a Title IX implementation plan annually and submits it to the state Comptroller’s office. This plan reflects the guidelines set forth in the document, “Without Regard to Gender,” produced by the Office of Education Accountability. The Title IX plan produced for all UT System campuses can be found at https://titleix.tennessee.edu/.

The Title IX Coordinator monitors the University’s compliance with Title IX. Individuals with questions or concerns about Title IX, and/or those who wish to file a complaint of non-compliance with Title IX, may contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Michael Alston, Office of Access and Compliance; Telephone: (901) 448-2112; Fax: (901) 448-1120; email: mialston@uthsc.edu

Any University employee to whom sexual harassment is reported should notify the Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible after initial contact with the person reporting sexual harassment. The procedures to be used to file a complaint against a student or employee as well as the steps to be taken to initiate criminal procedures related to sexual harassment can be found above (see Student Complaint Procedures above). Other information and resources for victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual misconduct can be found at: https://www.uthsc.edu/access-compliance/titleix.php

The University’s Code of Conduct for employees can be found here: http://policy.tennessee.edu/hr_policy/hr0580/

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is the division of the federal government charged with enforcing compliance with Title IX. Information regarding OCR can be found at: www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html.

Standards of Conduct for Students Relating to Sexual Harassment

The University’s Standards of Conduct for students prohibit:

  1. Physical abuse of any person, or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person, whether such conduct occurs on or off university property. In no event shall this rule be construed to prevent speech protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
  2. Violation of local, state, or federal law, including Tennessee criminal law relating to sexual offenses (T.C.A. § 39-13-501 et seq.) and Title IX, whether on or off campus, when it appears that the student has acted in a way which adversely affects or seriously interferes with the university’s normal educational function, or which injures or endangers the welfare of any member of the university community.
  3. Violation of a University policy, such as the prohibition on sex discrimination.
    Sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: (1) grades or educational progress are made contingent upon submission to such conduct; (2) when the conduct substantially interferes with the individual’s academic performance or educational opportunities; or (3) when the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Sexual assault is a type of sexual harassment.

Standards of Conduct for University Employees

Federal regulations define sexual harassment in employment to include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting that individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. This is a summary of the University’s sexual harassment policy relating to employment. For more information, please refer to the complete policy, HR 0280, which can be found at https://www.uthsc.edu/hr/employee-relations/


University employees other than licensed practitioners in University Health Services (901-448-5630) or the Student Assistance Program (1-800-327-2255 - After Hours) cannot guarantee confidentiality, although the University attempts to treat a victim’s report of sexual harassment confidentially to the maximum extent possible under the circumstances. Information about the report may need to be disclosed to other University officials who have a need to know the information. An individual’s request regarding the confidentiality of a report of sexual harassment will be considered in light of the university’s legal obligation to the campus community to investigate complaints of sexual harassment and the due process rights of the accused to be informed of the allegations and their source. A request that the victim’s identity not be disclosed to the alleged harasser may limit the University’s ability to respond fully to a report of harassment.

The University is required by federal law to report the occurrence on campus of certain crimes, including sex offenses, in an annual report of crime statistics, but the report does not contain any personally identifiable information. The University also is required by federal law to issue a timely warning for certain crimes that represent a serious or continuing threat to the safety of students or employees, but such a warning would not contain any personally identifiable information.

Incident reports prepared by law enforcement for a law enforcement purpose generally are considered public records under the Tennessee Public Records Act and are not protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, which means they would be made available to any Tennessee citizen upon request.


Retaliation against anyone who files a complaint of sex discrimination or participates in an investigation of sex discrimination is strictly prohibited by University policy and federal law. Anyone responsible for retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action by the University.

Students who are subject to retaliation should contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Michael Alston, Office of Access and Compliance, 920 Madison, Suite 825, Memphis, TN 38103Phone: 901-448-2112, Fax: 901-448- 1120, E-mail: mialston@uthsc.edu

Student-Administration Relations

It is the right and responsibility of the individual student or groups of students to be interested in and to question the policies, regulations, and procedures affecting them. Inquiries may be directed to the administrative body in question and, if necessary, to the Chancellor. The various administrative bodies of UTHSC maintain a willingness to listen to and discuss with students, matters of concern. A written reply will follow inquiries if requested. Alteration of policies or formulation of new policies are expected to occur in an orderly process through discussion and involvement between the student or groups of students and the appropriate administrative body in question.

Student-Faculty Relations

The University of Tennessee has a responsibility to foster in students, faculty, and staff the professional and collegial attitudes needed to provide caring and compassionate health care. To maintain these attitudes, it is essential at all times to promote an atmosphere of mutual respect among teachers and students. Such an atmosphere is essential to the educational mission of UTHSC and respects the diversity of members of the academic community, even with the intensity of interactions that occur in the health care setting. No other atmosphere will be tolerated at UTHSC.

In support of this policy to promote an environment respectful of all individuals, each UTHSC college provides ongoing instruction to students, faculty, and staff emphasizing the importance of professional and collegial attitudes and behavior. The colleges have programs and activities to promote and maintain the understanding and application of positive and supportive student/faculty/staff relationships. Each college maintains a fair and objective process that seeks to foster reconciliation between parties in cases of alleged violations, and to take appropriate action in instances of proven violations. These processes are designed to protect the rights of all parties involved in a complaint. To further support positive student/faculty relationships, individual colleges have various student advising, mentoring, and advocacy programs to promote professional development and to facilitate learning. Complete descriptions of programs and processes to comply with this policy are available in the respective colleges.

Through these efforts, UTHSC promotes and seeks to maintain an open respectful atmosphere supportive of learning that is essential to achieving its educational mission of preparing health professionals for the improvement of the health of Tennesseans.

Student-Faculty Relations in the Classroom

Free and pertinent discussion is welcome within the Health Science Center. Students are to feel free to take reasonable exception to the information offered in their courses and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion. They are responsible, however, for learning the content of the courses in which they are enrolled. Students may expect their performance to be evaluated solely on an academic and professional basis. Professors may be expected to make honest professional judgments on the academic and professional performance of students in their courses.

An amorous relationship between a student and his/her faculty member is considered inappropriate due to the unequal balance of power between such individuals. Thus both faculty and students are strongly advised to avoid such relationships. Moreover, should he/she feel pressured to engage in an amorous relationship with a faculty member, the student is advised to consult with the student affairs dean in his/her program and/or with Dr. Michael Alston, (Assistant Vice-Chancellor for Equity and Diversity and Student Rights & Title IX Coordinator) for assistance in addressing the situation.

International Travel Requirements 

Please review the International Travel Requirements Policy at: https://policy.tennessee.edu/procedure/ia100-international-travel-requirements/ 

Preventing Student Mistreatment 

Please review the Preventing Student Mistreatment Policy at: https://policy.tennessee.edu/procedure/sa105-preventing-student-mistreatment/ 

Missing Student Protocol


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) has established a missing student notification policy in an effort to assist in ensuring the safety of our residential students, and as a requirement of the Higher Education Act of 2008 (20 U.S.C.S. §1092; 42 U.S.C.S. §5579). The safety of students at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is of paramount concern to the University. Those with concerns about the immediate safety of a student should contact the University Campus Police Department (“UTHSCPD”) at 901-448-4444. Those with comments or concerns regarding the University’s Missing Student policy and efforts should contact the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success at 901-448-4939.


Student Right to Know and Consumer Information

For Student Right to Know and Consumer Information see: https://www.uthsc.edu/students/consumer_info.php.