Oct 05, 2024  
2024-2025 CenterScope (Student Handbook) 
2024-2025 CenterScope (Student Handbook)

Student Organizations & Opportunities

SGAEC - Student Government Association Executive Council

The SGAEC is composed of the presidents of each of the six UTHSC college student government associations and one person who serves as president of the council. The president of the SGAEC is elected from one of the colleges on a rotational basis and represents all students on the UTHSC campus in a variety of capacities. The SGAEC serves as the official liaison between the Administration and students and is responsible for acting on student-related matters. The SGAEC has responsibility for the planning and administration of the Student Activities Fee, and is also responsible for making student appointments to university committees.

Quarterly meetings are held with the Chancellor and weekly meetings are held with the Student Life staff. The structure of the SGAEC, with specific duties and responsibilities, is further explained in the SGAEC Constitution.


2023 - 2024 SGAEC Officers

President - Corrine Gibson, Medicine

Christ Pitzer- Graduate Health Science

Mecca Gordon- BSA

Sarah Hartsell- Health Professions

Parth Desai- Dentistry

Christian Phillips- Pharmacy

Jessica Wooten- Nursing

Payton Grande

Caiden Weber






The name of the organization shall be Student Government Association Executive Council (SGAEC) of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.


  1. The Executive Council shall provide representation for all students at UTHSC and shall be empowered to represent, negotiate, and act on behalf of the student body in matters affecting the environment and lives of students at the University.
  2. The SGAEC shall study matters of importance to students and submit recommendations expressing student views and concerns to the administration and faculty of the University.
  3. On matters that affect the student body, the SGAEC will be called on to assist and cooperate in the promoting, clarifying, and implementing of these matters.
  4. The SGAEC, in order to truly represent the interests, the concerns, and the wishes of the students at UTHSC shall, through its membership, be available and solicitous to all students, so as to become aware of and to act upon any problem or anticipation.
  5. The SGAEC members shall serve as their college’s representative and shall present the concerns, problems, and wishes of their constituency.


The membership of the SGAEC shall be as follows:

  1. Each college at UTHSC shall be entitled to one representative on the SGAEC.
  2. The President of each college’s Student Government Association shall be considered that college’s representative to the council, unless that college chooses to select their representative in another way.
  3. There shall be no restriction on the length or number of times a representative may serve on the SGAEC.
  4. Substitution: An official representative to the Council may designate a substitute from his/her college to attend Council meetings if it is impossible for that representative to attend. This privilege should be used only in emergency or unusual situations or when the representative must be away from school for academic requirements.
  5. Election or Appointment: Elections or appointments for Council positions should be accomplished by April 1 of the Spring term.
  6. There shall be one extra representative, elected from the college that is responsible for furnishing the President (i.e., one shall be the president of the SGAEC and the other to represent that college).

Ex-Officio Members:

  1. The Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs shall be an ex-officio and non-voting member of the Council.
  2. The secretary of the SGAEC shall be a staff member from the Office of Student Life and shall be an ex-officio and non-voting member.
  3. The Office of Student Life staff members shall serve as ex-officio and resource members as needed.


  1. Quorum: A quorum of (4) members must be present to transact official business.
  2. An official representative to the SGAEC or a designated substitute is entitled to vote on all voting matters.
  3. On all matters with exception of constitutional and bylaw changes, action will be decided by a simple majority of voting members present. By-law revisions and constitution changes require (4) votes of the council.
  4. Absentee Voting: A representative may not proxy his vote to another representative, but may place a vote in absentia with the secretary prior to the meeting.
  5. The President shall act as tie breaker on all voting matters.


  1. Meetings of the SGAEC shall be called by the president or the secretary. Any member of the Council may request a meeting to be held by requesting in writing or in person to the President, any officer, or the Office of Student Life that a meeting be held. The purpose of the requested meeting should be described.
  2. The SGAEC shall meet at least one time per month when school is in session.
  3. The SGAEC shall meet at least one time per month with the Chancellor or another designated administrative official.


  1. The officers of the SGAEC shall be: President and Vice President.
  2. Office rotation system: The Presidency and Vice Presidency of the SGAEC shall be determined by a rotation plan that follows the order of the colleges and offices set forth below:
    1. Medicine
    2. Dentistry
    3. Pharmacy
    4. Nursing
    5. Graduate Health Sciences
    6. Health Professions

Ex.: When the College of Medicine holds the Presidency, the College of Dentistry holds the Vice Presidency. The following year the College of Dentistry holds the Presidency.

  1. The secretary of the Council shall be provided by the Office of Student Life.
  2. Term of Office: The term of office shall be from July 1 to May 31.

Alteration to the rotation plan: In the event a college elects not to hold the office earned in the rotation system, that prescribed office is passed to the next college in the rotation system. Each additional office therefore passes to the next in line for the vacant office.


  1. Council members shall serve on a variety of campus-wide committees. These appointments shall be made by the President.
  2. Each council member shall chair or co-chair a SGAEC committee. Committee chairs shall be designated by the President.
  3. The President shall appoint standing committees as needed. Committees that require SGAEC representation include the following committees:
    1. Campus Improvement Fund Planning Committee
    2. Community Service Committee
    3. Enrollment Services and Bursar Advisory Committee
    4. Fitness Center Advisory Committee
    5. Student Assistance Committee
    6. Student Computer and Technology Committee
    7. Student-Faculty Disciplinary Appeals Committee
    8. Student Parking Appeals Committee
    9. Student Services Advisory Committee


  1. Responsibilities of the President
    1. Serve on university-wide committees including Alumni Association Board of Governors, Board of Trustees and Student Counselors to the President
    2. Serve on campus-wide committees
    3. Be in communication with university administrators about all matters related to students
    4. Be in communication with Council members about all matters pertinent to the student body
    5. Set the agenda and call meetings of the Council 
  2. Responsibilities of Members
    1. Represent the interests of the students of their college to the SGAEC
    2. Serve on campus-wide committees as appointed by the President
    3. Chair SGAEC committees as appointed by the President 
  3. Appointments to UTHSC Committees: The SGAEC through its members shall be responsible for appointing their respective college representatives to the following committees:
    1. Library Advisory Committee
    2. Parking Authority
    3. Student-Faculty Disciplinary Appeals Committee
    4. Student Health Advisory Committee
  4. Programming Responsibility: The SGAEC shall be involved in the planning, administration and sponsorship of social, cultural, educational, and special events for students.


Every four years the UTHSC campus will provide the student member. The SGAEC shall hold the selection process to name three students as nominees. These nominees will then be reviewed by the Chancellor and submitted to the Governor. The final appointment of this member is the duty of the Governor of the State of Tennessee.

Board of Trustees Student Member Selection Process

  1. Selection Committee
    1. The Selection Committee is composed of the Student Government Association Executive Council. Should an Executive Council Member wish to apply for the position, then that person should appoint their vice-president or appropriate delegate to represent their college on the Selection Committee.
    2. Each member of the Selection Committee will have an equal vote during the selection process.
    3. All decisions of the Selection Committee will be made by a majority vote.
    4. The Selection Committee will approve the timetable at the beginning of the selection process.
  2. Applications
    1. All UTHSC students applying for this two year position must be enrolled while serving in this capacity.
    2. Each applicant must submit a CV and letter of intent to the Selection Committee.
    3. Each member of the Selection Committee must read and evaluate each CV and letter before the interviews begin.
  3. Interviews
    1. The Selection Committee can exclude an applicant from receiving an interview by a majority vote.
    2. During the interviews, each applicant will be asked the same questions, which will be decided by the Selection committee before the interviews begin.
    3. Each applicant will be evaluated using the same format.
  4. Selection
    1. The Selection committee will decide the numerical scale used to evaluate the applicants before the process begins.
    2. The three applicants with the highest scores will be sent to the Chancellor for approval before being sent to the Governor for final selection.
    3. In the event of a numerical tie, the Selection Committee will break the tie with a majority vote. If the Selection Committee is locked in a tie decision, the SGAEC President will break the tie.


Each college president appoints students to serve on the following committees. The Office of Student Life maintains a listing of these committee members. Call the Office of Student Life at 448-5610 if you need further information about committees.

Appointment to Student Committees


One student from each college whose purpose is to promote community service among the colleges as a whole, such as the blood drive. Contact: Dr. Charles Snyder


One student from each college to enhance and encourage open lines of communication between college administrators and the Office of Enrollment Services and Bursar. Contacts: Lyndsay Pitman


One student from each college whose purpose is to bring ideas, suggestions, and comments concerning problem areas to the attention of the Director of Campus Recreation Center and to help support projects and equipment needs as they arise. Contact: J. Lee Taylor


One student from each college to assist and make recommendations to the Office of Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion.  Contact: Kathy Gibbs


One student from each  college whose purpose  is to determine  student needs relating  to computer technology; to advise Computer Center staff in developing technological support for students; to promote student computer literacy and use. Contact: Vikki Massey


One student from each college whose purpose is to hear appeals of campus student parking tickets. Contact: Will Ross

Appointment to Campus-Wide Committees

Students are also appointed to these committees by the SGAEC:


One SGAEC member and one other student, traditionally from Graduate Health Sciences, to provide a communication mechanism for faculty and students and the Library; and to serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of Library Operations with respect to Library planning and policy. Contact: Dr. Rick Fought


One SGAEC member to develop a parking plan within the available resources for the campus. Contact: Will Ross


One student from each college to help coordinate and develop operations and procedures relating to the University Health Services. 


Two students from each college whose purpose is to hear appeals from students who have been judged guilty of violations of student conduct. Appeals may be made on decisions of discipline issued by the Student Conduct Officer. Contact: Michael Alston


One SGAEC member and one student from each college to enhance and encourage open lines of communication between the student services areas (Bursars Office, Bookstore, Campus Police, Food Service, Parking Services and Print Shop) and the students. 

Recognition & Conduct of Student Organizations


  1. When groups of students wish to have a continuous association, intended to last beyond the term of those immediately involved, it is proper that they be required to qualify for and be recognized by the University. All recognized associations should be accorded the same privileges and bound by the same obligations. University recognition does not mean endorsement of the purposes or activities of any association by the faculty or administration. It means only that the association is accepted as meeting the minimum requirements set for all student associations.
  2. National professional fraternities and sororities have their own governing and advisory organizations. Acceptance of these organizations as responsible agencies, through which the University may deal with their affiliates on the campus, is a part of the continuing University recognition.

Student Organization Recognition

Any association of students wishing to have itself officially recognized as a campus organization in order to utilize University facilities or funds allocated by the state for student activities must submit an application for review by the SGAEC.

  1. The Student Government Association Executive Council may recommend recognition of any student organization to the Office of Student Life.
  2. The Office of Student Life will advise, in writing, the student organization seeking recognition within seven (7) business days, whether or not the recommendation is approved.
  3. The decision of the Office of Student Life may be appealed to the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs.
  4. The Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs will review the appeal and advise the Office of Student Life of his/her decision.
  5. Student Organizations must update their registration with the Office of Student Life annually to maintain recognition. 

Obtaining Recognition

  1. Procedure
    Any group seeking recognition must file application with the Office of Student Life. The Office of Student Life in turn must submit to the Student Government Association’s Executive Council for review and recommendation.
  2. Constitution
    Any group petitioning for recognition as a student organization must present a constitution following a standard form to facilitate reference. Professional fraternities may be required to submit the equivalent national affiliation or other pertinent information. The constitution must contain the following information:
    1. the name of the organization; a statement of purpose for the organization;
    2. membership eligibility requirements;
    3. a listing of officers by title, and any special functions of the offices;
    4. a statement of the terms of the officers, and time and method of election;
    5. frequency of meetings;
    6. a statement of any membership dues, including amount of frequency of payment and provision for disposition of any funds in the event of dissolution of the organization;
    7. the name of the faculty advisor of record for the organization along with a signed form (see below and on the Student Life web site) indicating that the faculty member has agreed to provide the expected level of oversight for this organization. [Note that the student organization is responsible for notifying Student Life if the faculty advisor changes and for ensuring that the new advisor of record completes and returns the faculty advisor form].
    8. any other provision relating to the purpose and function of the particular organization.
  3. Purpose
    The statement of purpose shall be acceptable:
    1. If it is reasonably clear and specific as to the aims and activities of the organization.
    2. If the stated aims and activities of the organization are compatible with the academic function of the University, with the maintenance of order and propriety on the campus, and with the requirements of the University as a corporate entity with legal obligations.
  4. Size and Continuity
    No maximum or minimum number of members shall be required for recognition. The group petitioning, however, and the anticipated membership as represented by the eligibility requirements, should be sufficient to give reasonable prospects of continuity for the organization, and ability to carry out the purpose stated in the constitution.
  5. Membership, Eligibility and Records
    Voting membership in registered student organizations shall be limited to students of the University except where membership of faculty or other University staff is consistent with the structure and purpose stated in the constitution. Accurate membership records must be maintained and available to the faculty advisor.
  6. Officers must be full-time students; if nonstudents, they must be members of the faculty or University staff. When an election is held in a registered student organization, the names of the new officers must be transmitted to the Office of Student Life.

Responsibilities of Faculty/Staff Advisors for Student Organizations

Information for Faculty Advisors to Student Organizations

Important information for Faculty/Staff Student Organization Advisors is available at: https://www.uthsc.edu/studentlife/forms-instructions.php.

Responsibilities of Faculty/Staff Advisors to Student Organizations

1.   Have a working knowledge of campus policies relating to student organizations as well as an interest in the student organization for which you are an advisor.

2.   For new organizations, assist in the development of the group’s mission statement and charter and in other steps needed for the group to gain formal recognition by the SGAEC. For existing organizations meet with new officers at the beginning of each academic year to determine whether the group’s mission and charter are still appropriate and to set goals for the year.

3.   Keep abreast of topics/areas of interest for the organization.

4.   Where relevant, serve as interface between the student organization and any external agencies with which they may be affiliated, assuring compliance with campus policies.

5.   Serve as an interface with university officials, making sure that the student organization is aware of, and in compliance with, any changes to system and campus policies, procedures that might affect the organization.

6.   Make sure that you, or someone in your college (such as the business manager) provides oversight of fundraising, fund accounting, and fund disbursement (including reimbursements for travel and/or for group activities on or off campus)

7.   Assist in planning of all social and formal functions, whether on or off campus and participate in group functions, providing guidance to assure compliance with university regulations

8.   Encourage initiative and leadership within the specified organization

9.   Ensure that student organizations complete annual registration with the Office of Student Life including updated officer rosters and constitution

10.   Assist in resolving any disputes that arise (within the organization, with other student organizations or with administration.)

Note: In some organizations, the above duties may be shared by multiple faculty advisors and only one of these advisors, the advisor of record, needs to complete and submit this form. Questions as to duties and liabilities of faculty advisors should be directed to the Director of Student Affairs and Community Engagement. In addition, please review information on the Student Affairs website and Student Organization Advisors FAQ.


UTHSC students and student organizations are prohibited from engaging in hazing activities.


Recognized student organizations may be affiliated with organizations off the campus where such affiliation is:

  1. Clearly indicated, either by the title of the organization or its constitution at the time of registration, or by specific statements in connection with any activities growing out of a later affiliation.
  2. Consistent with the purposes set forth in the constitution of the organization, and with the provisions of this document governing student association on the campus.
  3. Not such as to change significantly the fact that the organization is an association of students, with primary interest on the campus. University facilities may be reserved for organizational and other ad hoc meetings;
  4. Limited in scope with respect to the level of financial and intellectual support provided, such that the affiliation conforms to the campus “Conflict of Interest Policy” relating external agencies (see https://uthsc.policymedical.net/policymed/anonymous/docViewer?stoken=de47aa28-16aa-408b-9c96-cb04f232964f&dtoken=37087033-e2d0-4fcd-9754-76fa15156d5a) and to campus expectations that student organizations define their own meeting agendas and topics for external speakers.
  5. In keeping with the principles of this policy and with University regulations, responsibility shall be fixed on the individual or individuals making the request. Groups which have not registered within a reasonable period of activity (normally a period of three (3) months or a series of three meetings necessitating requests for University facilities) may be denied any of the privileges accorded student organizations. All temporary groups are expected to follow the requirements of this policy for activities on campus, with regard to use of facilities, and the posting and distribution of reprinted materials.

Suspension of Recognition Due to Inactivity

When the organization does not complete annual recertification or show a reasonable amount of activity in promoting the ends and purposes in its constitution, as evidenced by membership, meetings and other activities, recognition may be suspended.

Recognized student organizations are expected to provide a report of their year’s activity to the Office of Student Life. An organization suspended due to inactivity may be reactivated by application to the Office of Student Life, subject to review by the SGAEC, by a group reaffirming its existing constitution and showing reasonable prospects of organizational continuity. Recognition shall be withdrawn from any organization suspended as inactive for four (4) years.

Suspension of Committee Recognition for Cause

  1. Recognized student organizations are expected to conduct their activities in accordance with their constitutions, and with the procedure and limits set forth in this document. Any organization which ignores the procedure or exceeds the limits stated herein shall be warned by the Office of Student Life. If repeated or flagrant violations occur following such warning, registration of the organization may be suspended by the SGAEC, subject to appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs. A suspended organization may not hold meetings on the campus, or otherwise request privileges of a recognized organization.
  2. The group must petition for re-establishment by submitting a new constitution, or submitting the old one, in order to reactivate the organization.

Denial of Recognition

  1. A refusal by the SGAEC to recommend, to the Office of Student Life, recognition for a student organization must be based on one or more of the following:
    1. If the objectives or purposes are illegal under local, state, or federal laws or do not conform to regular University regulations.
    2. If the organization would, in the opinion of the SGAEC, constitute a clear and present danger to the continued or proper functioning of the University, or if its purposes are outside of the educational functions of the University.
  2. The SGAEC shall use the following procedures prior to any recommendation that an organization not be recognized:
    1. If the organization’s constitution does not conform to those requirements set forth in the policies governing student organizations, the council or its representative(s) shall meet informally with the organization in order to explain the violations and how the organization can meet the requirements by revising its constitution.
    2. If the violations are not eliminated or seen to fall under those criteria listed under Paragraph ‘a’ above, the SGAEC shall hold a hearing to determine whether the organization should be registered.
    3. Prior to the hearing, the SGAEC shall issue to the organization an order to show cause why recognition should not be denied and stating the reasons for issuance of said show cause order.
    4. It shall notify the organization in writing of the date, time, and place of hearing before the SGAEC on the show cause order.
    5. It shall permit the organization to appear at the hearing with an advisor of its choice and to present evidence and argument in its behalf.
    6. If the SGAEC determines that registration should not be granted, it shall issue a written report, a copy of which must be given to the organization, explaining the reasons for its negative recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student


  1. On the Campus
    Recognized student organizations are encouraged to hold their meetings on the campus, and University facilities shall be made available to them whenever possible.
  2. Conduct at Meetings
    All meetings should be conducted in an orderly fashion and in compliance with University rules and regulations. When an organization opens a meeting to the public, it has the obligation to see that any portion of the meeting given over to audience discussion is open to all present so far as time permits.

Notices & Other Printed Materials

Notices, placards, pamphlets, and other materials may be printed and distributed by recognized student organizations to further the purposes stated in their constitution, subject to the following limitations:

  1. Identification and Responsibility
    Recognized organizations shall be responsible for notices or printed materials bearing the names of individuals identified thereon as officers or members of the organization.
  2. Libelous, Scurrilous and Inciting Materials
    The right to distribute notices and printed materials shall not extend to libelous, scurrilous, or personally defamatory statements. Neither shall this right extend to materials encouraging and promoting violations of the public laws and the public peace, or the regulations of the University.
  3. Distribution of Printed Materials
    Distribution must not invade classrooms, interfere with classes, infringe on dormitory regulations, or be done in a manner that adds to litter on the campus. Organizations proposing to distribute printed material on the campus must obtain permission from the Office of Student Life. If such permission is not obtained or if materials are posted in areas other than those that are approved, posted materials will be removed. The purpose of this permission, with the requirements which may accompany it, is to protect the appearance and the normal operation of the campus, not to censor materials beyond the limits set in “B” above.

Political Activity on Campus

  1. Printed Materials and Speakers
    Recognized student organizations may include among their purposes, an interest in public elections and political parties, which may be expressed through invitations to speakers, printing and distribution of materials, and other activities. Politically related activities of recognized student organizations shall be within the limits set for similar activities in this policy.
  2. Activities in Primary Elections
    Recognized organizations affiliated with or particularly interested in, a political party, may give partisan support to the party’s candidates in a party primary. Organizations which invite a primary candidate to participate in a sponsored program on the campus should extend similar invitation, not necessarily for the same occasion, to other candidates for party nominations for the same office.
  3. Candidate Organizations
    Organizations to promote a particular political candidate, as shown either in the title or statement of purpose, or in the clear intent of the organization’s activities, will not be recognized on the campus. Students may join with political groups off campus in support of particular candidates. They may request University facilities for their candidate or someone speaking for him on a particular occasion, as a non-recognized group in accordance with the Section below, but not as an organization of the University of continuing activities.

Temporary Associations

It is natural that informal and temporary associations of students should arise from time to time, for particular purposes. Such temporary groups, including student political groups dedicated to the election of candidates in student elections, should be able to request the use of meeting rooms on a limited basis.

Programs and Activities

Student organizations and groups desiring to have programs and activities open to the public shall have such events approved in advance by the Office of Student Life.

Special Statement on Social Events for Cultural Sensitivity and Rules for Student Organizations

In order to be sensitive to fellow students and to be certain that the cultural diversity of UTHSC be considered in the planning of social activities and special events, the University of Tennessee’s policy on Social Clubs will be utilized. The official policy (2.323 of the Administrative Manual) states:

  1. No funds of the University of Tennessee may be used to pay for memberships in country clubs or social clubs.
  2. The University of Tennessee will not host functions in facilities where members of the university community may feel unwelcome because the facility has membership or use criteria based upon race, sex or religious discrimination.

It is recommended that no student funds, such as student organization membership dues, class dues, or social dues, be used to host events at locations that, because of their membership rules or practices, would discriminate against any person, or make them feel unwelcome or uncomfortable at social or special events. This statement has been carefully considered and endorsed by the UTHSC Diversity Awareness Committee and the SGAEC and became effective spring, 1994.

Rules for Student Organizations

  1. Constitutions
    All student organizations must keep a current copy of the organization’s constitutions and/or bylaws on file in the Office of Student Life.
  2. Officers
    All student organizations must keep a current copy of the organization’s officers on file in the Office of Student Life and this listing must be updated each academic year.
  3. Faculty/Staff Advisors
    All student organizations must have a faculty or staff advisor, and the name(s) should be submitted to the Office of Student Life for each academic year.
  4. Posting Notices
    Organizations may only post notices and/or announcements on the bulletin boards in the GEB, not on walls, glass, wood, or painted surfaces. In the SAC, notices may be posted on the wooden rails on the second and third floors, and on bulletin boards on the first floor. All notices will be removed (which are not posted properly) by the UTHSC Housekeeping staff. Check with building managers in other UTHSC buildings before posting notices. All notices MUST be removed by the student organization on the week day immediately following the event.
  5. Banking
    Organizations may not include the name “University of Tennessee” in their bank account titles. Most banks now require organizations to have an IRS tax number before a bank account may be opened.
  6. Fundraisers
    Requests for approval of any form of solicitation must be made in writing to the Chief Student Affairs Officer not later than seven (7) business days preceding the date of the proposed date of the activity. Special forms for making requests are provided online at the Student Life web site http://www.uthsc.edu/studentlife/. The purpose for which the money will be used must be stated before approval will be granted.
  7. Bake Sales
    Student organizations wishing to raise funds through bake sales must also seek approval at least seven (7) business days preceding the date of the proposed date of the activity. Special forms for making requests are provided online at the Student Life web site
    http://www.uthsc.edu/studentlife/. All foods must be packaged individually when being sold. In certain buildings, including the GEB, only home baked goods are allowed to be sold. This is due to a contract with the vending company which prohibits the selling of items which are available for sale in the vending machines. Advertising a bake sale on campus vending machines, in campus vending areas, or in the dining areas in the SAC is strictly prohibited.
  8. Use of Campus Space/Facilities for events involving a Non-UT-Affiliated group/individual
    Student organizations must comply with campus regulations involving the use of campus facilities whenever group activities will include non-UT-affiliated groups/individuals. These regulations are detailed in two policies available on the Academic Affairs website - “Student Organizations - Guidelines for Invited Speakers,” and “Use of Outdoor Space by Non-Affiliated Persons”. These regulations in no way abrogate the exercise of First Amendment freedoms by students/student organizations and there are no restrictions on whom a student organization includes in its use of University-controlled property, or chooses not to include; nor are there restrictions on the topics or points of view expressed by a student organization or non-affiliated person. That said, any student organization that includes a non-affiliated person in its activities shall be responsible for ensuring that the non-affiliated person complies with the restrictions specified in the campus policies. Student organization should register all events involving non-UT affiliated individuals at least seven (7) business days in advance using a form that can be found on the Student Life website.
  9. Volunteer Service
    All organizations are expected to report their volunteer or community service activities to the Office of Student Affairs and Community Engagement through UTHSC Engage (https://uthsc.givepulse.com). In some instances, such reporting must occur prior to the proposed activity to assure that students have proper liability coverage (e.g., when the activity will involve some form of health care in the community) and involve licensed faculty providers. In these cases, notice should be provided at least 7 business days in advance of the proposed activity and the student organization must indicate the name(s) of those faculty members who have agreed to participate. All other events/activities should be reported no later than at the end of each term, indicating the type of activities performed, the number of students participating, the number of hours contributed and estimates of the number of individuals served where relevant. Records of volunteer activities are required by the campus to complete reports for the UTHSC campus and to promote the many positive activities which students are performing during their personal time. With prior knowledge of events, additional assistance and support may also be available. Student organizations completing community activities without prior approval according to this policy will be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct. 
  10. Publicity
    The UTHSC Marketing and Communication Department can provide assistance with off campus publicity. Assistance with banners, fliers, tickets, programs, or other promotional print material provided by the Office of Student Life, must be requested at least two (2) weeks in advance.
  11. Photocopying
    Recognized student organizations are eligible for a free print quota for organizational business. Requests for such accounts should be made to Brad Terhune (bterhune@uthsc.edu); he in turn will verify that the group has obtained formal recognition by contacting the Office of Student Life. Organizations will be billed once the free quota has been exceeded. Charges must be paid in the Office of Student Life within two weeks of receipt of the invoice.
  12. Solicitation
    Solicitation of funds from private sources (individuals, corporations, foundations, organizations) must be approved at least ten (10) days in advance by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs who will determine if approval is also required by the Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Affairs. Representatives from student organizations must not represent themselves as officials of the University of Tennessee when soliciting funds. Donations made directly to student organizations are not tax-deductible contributions.

Solicitation of Funds by Student Organizations

 ”Solicitation” is defined as the seeking of funds or support by a registered student organization from sources other than its members including the procurement of supplies, and other forms of support, and the selling and distribution of items, materials or products and services.  Registered student organizations may be authorized to solicit on campus as long as such solicitation is consistent with the aims of the organization and is not for the personal benefit of members. See RULES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE  1720-1-7-.03 Solicitation of Funds by Student Organizations available at: http://tn.gov/sos/rules/1720/1720-01/1720-01.htm.


  1. Complete form in its entirety.
  2. These forms, along with other necessary forms, are returned to The Office of Student Affairs 10 days prior to the scheduled event. This includes fundraising events, advertising, and soliciting on campus.
  3. All reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. A copy of all materials to be distributed will be attached to this form when submitting to the Office of Student Affairs.
  5. Student organizations, advisors, departments and sponsored vendors will be sent a signed solicitation approval form via e-mail before the event date.
  6. Vendors may be required to pay a set-up fee at the time the authorization form is picked up.
  7. Any give-away item offered by a vendor on campus or any token gift offered in exchange for a purchase must be in good taste and must not promote the use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Vendors are asked to provide examples/photos of their planned giveaways as part of their application to solicit on campus. Promotional materials that celebrate UTHSC are welcome.


  1. Publicity materials (signs, posters, etc.) cannot be posted (taped, stapled, glued or tacked) outside of any university facility including on trees, fences, curbs, fire hydrants, statues, or on any brick, concrete or painted surfaces.  Posting of any materials inside of a building requires the express permission of the appropriate building manager and would normally be limited to specific areas (e.g., public poster boards).
  2. Activities that intend to make use of lottery, raffle, or any similar fundraising measure are not allowed under Tennessee Law (see Chapter 17. Tennessee Charitable Gaming Implementation Law § 3-17-101).
  3. Activities that mention door prizes, or admission ticket, stub, or any advertisement must have a sample ticket submitted along with solicitation paperwork.
  4. Student Organizations, who wish to make philanthropic and charitable giving requests to UTHSC alumni/donor MUST contact the UTHSC Alumni Association in advance of the request for approval.  Please contact Tim Lanier, Associate Vice-Chancellor for Alumni Affairs, at 901-448-5176/email: tlanier@uthsc.edu for more information.
  5. Student Activities Center (SAC) events: Space permitting- registered student organizations or campus departments may sponsor events (which may include sale or offer for sale of goods or services), in the SAC under the following conditions:
    1. All items handed out at a solicitation table (Magazines, flyers, coupon books, etc…) must have the name of the sponsoring student organization or department on it.
    2. A sign with the name of the sponsoring organization or department must be displayed at the solicitation table.
    3. Items may only be distributed from behind a table (i.e. Solicitors may not walk around the campus or the food court area to sell items or services).
  6. Table location for the SAC area is at the discretion of SAC administration and may not be relocated without permission. Groups hosting events in the SAC may not interfere with the flow of traffic and must remain in the immediate area of their assigned table(s).
  7. Amplified sound is NOT allowed in the SAC area.
  8. Distribution of food or beverages must be approved through the student solicitation process. Request for a waiver of campus food services should be made to UTHSC Catering Services, in conjunction with food sales information sheet.
  9. Any organization found in violation of policies will be asked to vacate its location and the reservation will be cancelled.
  10. The SAC administration may make exceptions to the SAC policies to accommodate student programming (i.e. SGAEC, etc.).
  11. Student organizations holding events on campus who anticipate needing accommodations for students with disabilities should contact the Office of Equity and Diversity 901-448-2112 in advance of the event.
  12. Student organizations wishing to post or hand out flyers on campus must include the following accommodations statement: Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations or who have questions about physical access may contact the Office of Equity and Diversity 901-448-2112 in advance of the program (or film, event, etc.)
  13. Please contact the appropriate personnel below for appropriate facilities scheduling and permissions:
  • GEB - Carol Mason (GEB) 901-448-6960
  • SAC-Lynn Ivy, SAC Building Manager, at 901-448-7585/livy@uthsc.edu or  901-448- 8767
  • Pharmacy Building- 901-448-6120
  1. Additional Resources: For further explanation of policies and procedures, please contact:
  • Dr. Charles Snyder  - Student Affairs and Community Engagement 901-448-4939
  • Pam Vaughn - Business and Finance 901-448-5523
  • Carol Mason - GEB 901-448-6960
  1. University Policies and Procedures regarding solicitation can be found at: http://www.uthsc.edu/policies/w932_document_list.php?app=FSC  

University Liability

Fraternities, sports clubs, and other student organizations, even though registered or otherwise permitted to operate on or near University property and even though required to conform to certain prescribed University procedures in some cases, are not in any way or manner operated under the general supervision of the University or its Trustees, officers, administrators, or employees. Neither the University nor any of its Trustees, administrators, officers, and employees are in any way or manner liable for acts or failures to act on the part of such organizations. It is especially noted that the University is not responsible for bodily harm or death to participants in voluntary organizations or activities including voluntary athletics, hiking, karate, judo or other such organizations in which risk is incurred.

Currently Recognized Student Organizations


Faculty Advisors: Dustin Fulton.

The Black Student Association is a group of students interested in promoting cultural and ethnic awareness among all students at UTHSC. The association also serves as a network of support and fellowship for African-American students. Membership is open to any interested UTHSC student. Faculty and staff members are also invited to participate in activities and functions of the association. 



The Imhotep Society is an organization for the recognition of students, faculty, staff and alumni who have significantly contributed to student life and student process at UTHSC. Each college student executive council has developed and adopted their own individual classification and point system that awards value points for leadership and service involvement. A minimum accumulation of points can result in nomination to the society. While the principal objective of the Society is to reward and recognize student leadership on campus, a secondary goal is to inspire students to continue in leadership and service roles as alumni of the university. Additional information may be obtained in the Office of Student Life, SAC 300.


Faculty Advisor: Peg Hartig, Ph.D.

The IPSC is a student initiative that shall promote opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration in educational, clinical, research, and community outreach settings. IPSC seeks to advance Interprofessional Education (IPE) and ensure that students are educated to deliver patient- centered care and improve health outcomes as members of an interdisciplinary team. Membership requirements: Each UTHSC College is entitled to have up to five representatives on the IPSC. This group will meet at least once per month when school is in session.


Faculty Advisor:  Isaac Donkor, Ph.D. and Don Thomason, Ph.D.

The purpose of the UT International Association is to help international students become familiar with the university and the city, to assist international students with communication, to help foster understanding of foreign cultures and the American culture, and to promote and establish a network of former members in academia and industry. Membership is open to any UTHSC student, faculty, and staff or fellow. Additional information may be obtained from the UT International Association president.


Faculty/staff advisor: Dr. Martin Donaldson and Kathy Gibbs

To increase visibility and provide support for people with sexuality concerns; invite speakers to address managing sexual minority patients; facilitate volunteer opportunities related to BGLT concerns.  Meetings are held for small groups weekly and general assemblies are held one to two times per semester.  All faculty, staff and students associated with UTHSC are eligible for membership.



American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD)

Faculty Advisor: Janet Harrison, D.D.S.

The UT Chapter of the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD) was formed to foster mutual support among female dental students and to provide personal, social and professional association with women dentists.

American Dental Education Association (ADEA)  

This is a national organization to promote and improve dental education. Its mission is to lead faculty, students and institutions of the dental education community to address contemporary issues influencing education, research, and the delivery of oral health care for the improvement of the health of the public. Contact: Sue-Ellen Young Cho, President Email: scho15@uthsc.edu

Dental Hygiene students qualify as student members of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) and the National Dental Hygienists’ Association (NDHA); MDH students may also qualify for student membership in ADHA and NDHA as well as the American Dental Education Association.

American Student Dental Association

Faculty Advisor: Stan Covington, D.D.S.

The University of Tennessee College of Dentistry chapter of the American Dental Association is recognized as the student governing body of the College. It is part of the national organization, which is associated with the American Dental Association. Dental students may join the American Student Dental Association and receive the ADA journal, as well as be eligible for the Association’s insurance programs and other benefits. The membership fee is 65 dollars per year for students. In addition to maintaining an excellent liaison with the faculty and administration, the organization encourages active participation of each student to work for the highest ideals of the profession.

College of Dentistry Student Government Association (CoDSGA)   

Faculty Advisor: Stan Covington, D.D.S.

The objectives of the CoDSGA are to serve as the collective official voice of the students in the College of Dentistry of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and to function as the forum of local dental student government. It represents all students in the College of Dentistry addressing academic, financial, social and other issues affecting the students’ overall learning experience. It stimulates interclass relationships and provides a common format for individual dental student’s voice and expression. The CoDSGA sponsors educational, cultural, intellectual and social projects for the betterment of the organization, the dental school, the dental profession and the community. The CoDSGA assists the Dean in implementing favorable relationships and communication between the students and faculty and serves as a liaison between the two. CoDSGA provides an opportunity for the development of leadership qualities and promotes and fosters knowledge of the structure of the dental profession.

Dental Students Research Group (SRG) A chapter of the Student Research Group was established in 1985. Students are encouraged to join the American Association of Dental Research/International Association for Dental Research (AADR/IADR). The University of Tennessee Health Science Center chapter of the SRG is represented annually at the national meetings of the AADR/IADR. Research seminars and Journal Club meetings are held periodically to discuss ongoing research and review literature related to dental research.

Fraternities The University of Tennessee Health Science Center campus is home to chapters of two national dental fraternities: Psi Omega and Xi Psi Phi. The Interfraternity Council aids in the formulation of policies relating to the activities of the fraternities. Through the help of the Council, each fraternity has a program that augments that of the College of Dentistry in preparing dental graduates for successful lives in the dental profession.

Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honor Society

Membership in this national honor fraternity reflects recognition of high scholastic standing and consistent, earnest study throughout the curriculum. To be eligible for election a student must rank in the upper twenty percent of the class scholastically, be of high moral character, and show promise of making significant contributions to the profession after graduation.

Remote Area Medical (RAM) UTHSC Campus Chapter

Faculty Advisor: Bob Hatch, D.D.S.

This organization is an unincorporated, student-run, student-led group. It is a branch off of the Remote Area Medical Foundation that serves to advocate on behalf of people in need of healthcare access and for an end to suffering because of lack of healthcare services.

Student Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 

The purpose of the organization at UTHSC is to initiate and promote a better understanding and appreciation of dentistry for the children among the dental students at UTHSC.  The ultimate objective is to foster a relationship between the dental students and the pediatric community through educational presentations, screenings, and dental projects.  Membership is open to all pre-doctoral dental students at UTHSC.  The organization will meet monthly.

Student National Dental Association

Faculty Advisors: Waletha Wasson, D.D.S. and Ashanti Braxton, D.D.S.

The Student National Dental Association (SNDA) strives to promote and encourage an increase in minority enrollment in all dental schools. The SNDA is committed to the improvement of the delivery of dental health to all people, with an emphasis on minorities and the under-served. This organization assists those programs within the greater community which require some measure of dental expertise, by educating and involving its members in the social, moral, and ethical obligations of the profession of dentistry and promoting a viable academic and social environment which is conducive to the mental health of minority students.

UTHSC Volunteers For Science (UTVS) 

Faculty Advisor: Tom Korioth, Ph.D., D.D.S.

This is a service organization that seeks to inspire local middle school and elementary students with a fascination in the sciences. Membership is open to all UTHSC students.  The group will meet on a monthly basis during the school year.



Graduate Health Science Student Government Association

Faculty Advisor: Isaac Donkor, Ph.D.

The objectives are to serve as the collective official voice of the students in the College of Graduate Health Science of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and to function as the forum of local Graduate Health Sciences student government. It represents all students in the College of Graduate Health Science addressing academic, financial, social and other issues affecting the students’ overall learning experience. It stimulates interclass relationships and provides a common format for individual dental student’s voice and expression.

American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Student Chapter - UTHSC

Faculty Advisor: Hassan Almozaen, Ph.D.

The purpose of this organization is to increase the awareness of career opportunities in the pharmaceutical sciences, to gain access to educational opportunities for professional advancement and leadership development, and to enhance their knowledge of the latest advances and discoveries in this field.  To be a member, one must be a part of the AAPS.  This group will meet every Wednesday at noon in both the fall and spring semesters.

UTHSC Chinese Students and Scholars Association

Faculty Advisor: Don Thomason, Ph.D.

The function of this organization is to help Chinese students adapt to new circumstances and to help them learn and study well.  Membership is open to all Chinese students and post doctors including those from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao and any other students interested in knowing more about China and or making friends with Chinese people.  They will meet at least twice a year.



Delta Psi Theta Fraternity

Faculty Advisor: Penny Head,

This is a professional physical therapy organization dedicated to cultivating and advocating for excellence in the physical therapy profession.  The mission will be to apply the APTA’s core values of accountability, altruism, compassion/caring, excellence, integrity, professional duty and social responsibility to the five pillars established by the fraternity: research, community outreach, professional development, PT advocacy, and social events.

Health Professions Student Government Association

Faculty Advisor: Richard Kasser, Ph.D.

The objectives are to serve as the collective official voice of the students in the College of Health Professions of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and to function as the forum of local Health Professions student government. It represents all students in the College of Health Professions addressing academic, financial, social and other issues affecting the students’ overall learning experience. It stimulates interclass relationships and provides a common format for individual dental student’s voice and expression.

All currently enrolled health professions students are members of the Health Professions Student Government Association (HPSGA). The HPSGA Executive Council (composed of student class presidents elected in the college each year) meets regularly with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs to discuss issues and advise the college regarding student views and concerns. The president of the HPSGA Executive Council is elected annually from the allied health programs, and represents allied health students in the campus level Student Government Association Executive Council (SGAEC). The SGAEC represents views of The University of Tennessee Health Science Center students, studies matters of importance to students, and makes recommendations to The University of Tennessee Health Science Center administrators and faculty. The HPSGA president reports on activities of the campus student government association at meetings of the HPSGA Executive Council.

Student Professional Associations

Health Professions students are eligible for student membership in the professional association(s) of each discipline. Audiology and Speech Pathology students qualify for student membership in The National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and Audiology students also qualify for membership in The Student Academy of Audiology. Cytotechnology/Histotechnology students may become  student members of several associations including the American Society for Cytotechnology, the American Society of Cytopathology and the National Society for Histotechnology; health informatics and information management students may join the American Health Information Management Association and can be student members of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society; medical technology students are required to join the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science as student members; occupational therapy students may join the Student Occupational Therapy Association, American Occupational Therapy Association and the Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association; and physical therapy students may become student members of the American Physical Therapy Association.


Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (AOA)

The AOA is an esteemed society whose purpose is to perpetuate excellence in medicine. Selection to AOA is competitively based upon academic achievement and demonstration of attributes exemplary of a physician. The society sponsors two programs annually: AOA Distinguished Professorship and AOA Student Research Day. http://www.uthsc.edu/Medicine/students/aoa/

American Medical Association Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS)  

The AMA-MSS is a national organization of medical student members of the AMA which is dedicated to improving medical education, developing leadership and promoting activism for the health of America. The AMA- MSS offers students unique opportunities to interact with students and physicians from across the state and the country and UT Memphis has a long tradition of producing national leaders for the AMA-MSS.As a member of the AMA-MSS, students are full members of the AMA and as such receive all the benefits that are available to physician members of the AMA.

American Medical Student Association (AMSA)

Faculty Advisor: Valerie Arnold, M.D.

The AMSA is a national organization which offers students an opportunity to become involved in community outreach projects through locally organized chapters. AMSA is well known for its commitment to facilitating student impact on medical education and practice by developing networks that would increase physicians’ awareness and sensitivity to their patients and communities. As a national organization, AMSA offers many opportunities, such as preceptor ships in a variety of specialties across the country, participation in the International Medical Student Association, and access to experiences of other AMSA chapters. AMSA chapters receive support from AMSA national staff and task forces. AMSA task forces publish newsletters and hold seminars on areas of interest other than those already covered by our curriculum. These task forces include: Nutrition and Preventive Medicine, Death and Dying, Women in Medicine, Law and Medicine, and many others. Another positive aspect of involvement with AMSA is the opportunity to meet and work with students attending other medical schools via regional and national conferences.

Anesthesiology Student Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Robert Craft, M.D.

The purpose of this group is to inform medical students about the specialty field of Anesthesiology The group meets PRN per call of the group’s President and membership is open to any faculty and students.

Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association

Faculty Advisor: Bindiya Bagga, M.D.

This organization focuses on addressing the health issues and disparities that exists within the Asian community through general body meetings, guest lectures, and community outreach programs.  To be a member one is required to attend general body meetings and events.  All members must pay a one-time membership fee and the group is open to all UTHSC colleges.

Best Buddies

Faculty Advisor: Melissa Hoffmann, Ph.D.

The purpose of this group is to build a one-on-one relationship between students and those with mental/physical disabilities. The group meets once a month and membership is open to all students.

Council on International & Area Outreach (CIAO)

Faculty Advisor: Susan Brewer, M.D.

As the umbrella organization for all student outreach initiatives in the UT College of Medicine, the Council on International & Area Outreach will strengthen student commitment to our local community, promote awareness of our global health care needs and our responsibility to meet those needs, facilitate opportunities for education abroad, and support other student organizations engaged in public service. As such, CIAO will help to set a standard of global responsibility by demonstrating our willingness as future physicians to help others.

Emergency Medicine Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Alan Taylor, M.D.

The purpose of the group is to introduce students to the study of emergency medicine as a specialty and serve as a source of information for students who wish to pursue residency training in emergency medicine. Meetings are held monthly and the location varies. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in emergency medicine. No dues are required.

Family Medicine Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Goodfred, DO

The organization is student-run and is designed to promote professionalism, create interest in Family Medicine, disseminate information about Family Medicine, and promote medical student leadership in Family Medicine. Students applying for membership must be enrolled in a medical or osteopathic school approved by an appropriate US accrediting institution. There is a one-time national due of $15.00 for membership throughout your medical school career (paid for by family medicine department)

Health Students Teaching Memphis Youth

Faculty Advisor: Jeanie Dassow, M.D.

The Health Students Teaching Memphis Youth is an organization designed to educate underprivileged children aged 7 - 15 on relevant health topics in order to improve their attitudes towards their own health. Membership is open to UTHSC Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry.  This group meets once a week during the regular school year.

Healthcare Business Student Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Jerry Thompson, M.D.

The purpose of the group is to further students understanding of how business operates in healthcare. This group will have one to two meetings per semester.  To be a member, one must be currently enrolled at UTHSC.

Hematology/Oncology Student Interest Group (HOSIG)

Faculty Advisor: Mike Martin, M.D.

To promote the interest in the Hematology/Oncology subspecialty at the UTHSC College of Medicine; to provide students with different perspectives through organizing informational seminars and inviting guest speakers. For membership, must be either a medical or graduate student at UTHSC. Meetings are once a month.

Internal Medicine Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Susan Brewer, M.D.

To inform medical students of the variety and exciting possibilities of internal medicine. To be a member, one just needs to attend the meetings which are held every few weeks.

Interventional Radiology Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Wes Angel, M.D.

The purpose of this organization is to raise awareness and provide insight into the field of interventional radiology; to provide networking and shadowing opportunities; and to serve as a bridge for faculty and peer mentorship.  Membership requirements, one must be in good standing with the colleges at UTHSC, pay dues to be eligible to be a voting member and demonstrate support for the purpose of this organization.  There will be quarterly meetings and sometimes special meetings will be called.

Medical Spanish Club

Faculty Advisor: Alicia Diaz-Thomas, M.D.

The purpose of the club is to allow students to practice medical Spanish in order to improve their communication skills with Spanish-speaking patients. To highlight the importance of Spanish language and Hispanic culture in the healthcare profession and increase the cultural competency of the UTHSC community. Membership is open to all active students and faculty at UTHSC. The group meets on a weekly basis, but one is not required to attend every week if one’s schedule does not permit.

Medical Student Executive Council (MSEC)

Faculty Advisor: Catherine Womack, M.D.

The purpose of the Medical Student Executive Council is to represent the student body in various settings within the College of Medicine and the UTHSC campus. Composed of leaders from each medical student organization on campus, the MSEC provides continuity of programs and activities between the different student groups within the College of Medicine.

Ob/GYN Student Interest Group

Faculty Advisor:  Owen Phillips, M.D.

The Ob-Gyn special interest group educates students about career opportunities in women’s health through discussions of health related issues particular to women. Membership is open to all active students and faculty at UTHSC. The group meets on a bi-monthly basis and at various locations.

Organization of Student Representatives (OSR)

The Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) provides student input into the Association of American Medical Colleges. The AAMC is a group with membership from American, Puerto Rican and Canadian Medical Schools, over 400 teaching hospitals, and 60 major academic societies. The Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) has both national and regional meetings once a year. During these meetings, the student members discuss the status and trends in medical education nationwide, pass resolutions, and elect officers who meet during the year to act upon those resolutions. For the College of Medicine, representatives are chosen by the Medical Student Executive Council. OSR representatives have information concerning issues at other medical schools and at the national level in medical education.

Otolaryngology Student Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Jerome Thompson, M.D.

The mission of OSIG is to educate medical students about Otolaryngology as a field of Medicine, to offer opportunities that aid in becoming a competitive applicant for Otolaryngology residency and to increase member knowledge of relevant diseases, conditions, and syndromes relative to the field of Otolaryngology.  Member eligibility is open to current students in the College of Medicine, residents, faculty and staff of UTHSC Department of Otolaryngology. This group meets on an on-call basis and at the beginning of the fall semester.

Pathology Student Interest Group (PSIG)

Faculty Advisor: Mary Gupta, M.D.

To introduce students to the medical specialty of pathology as well as the sub-specialties contained within it.  Membership is open to all full and part-time students enrolled in any of the colleges of UTHSC. Meetings will be held every six to eight weeks, as scheduling allows.

Pediatric Interest Group (PIG)

Faculty Advisor: Emilee Dobish, M.D.

The UT Pediatric Interest Group is dedicated to helping students learn more about the field of pediatrics and connect them to mentors, research and community service opportunities. Membership is open to any College of Medicine student.  They meet bi-monthly.

Peri Ankh Student Endowment Fund

Faculty Advisor: Susan Brewer, M.D.

Peri Ankh, Egyptian for “house of life,” was founded in 2004 by students for students as the University of Tennessee College of Medicine’s only Student Endowment Fund. Peri Ankh was established to become the “house of life” for the College of Medicine by improving its medical education, an education which serves as the foundation for both past and present students’ professional successes. In moving forward with our mission, we are dedicated to promoting student-alumni interactions in order to foster a legacy of giving among UT’s alumni.

Phi Chi Medical Fraternity

Faculty Advisor: Susan Brewer, M.D.

Located on the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center campus in Memphis, TN, the Alpha Beta chapter of Phi Chi is the largest chapter of the largest medical fraternity in the country. The goal of Phi Chi is to offer all medical students an opportunity to join an organization that will help them make the best of their medical school years. Phi Chi prides itself as a co-ed fraternity in which all members have equal access to all of our resources.

Professionalism Committee

The professionalism committee of the College of Medicine strives to instill and uphold the values and ideas set forth in the University of Tennessee College of Medicine’s Code of Professionalism among students, residents, and faculty.

Psychiatry Student Interest Group (PSYCHSIGN)

Faculty Advisor: Renate Rosenthal, Ph.D.

PSYCHSIGN provides a forum for students interested in the psychological aspects of medical care, and to serve as a source of information and guidance for students who want to explore specialty training in psychiatry. The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month. Membership is open to any student and faculty member sharing an interest in human behavior, and in the complex interplay between mental and physical processes in health and disease.

Radiology Student Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Brian Green, M.D.

The group is focused on the education and discussion of all aspects of the radiology world. Elections are held in April for positions by the class for the positions of president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Membership is open to all UTHSC colleges. They meet three to four times per semester during lunch.

Street Medicine Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Scott Morrison, M.D., M.Div.

The group’s goal is to seek out unreached homeless individuals on the streets of Memphis, TN and provide them with continual point-of-care medical attention as an avenue to build individual relationships and highlight each person’s unique value to our community. Membership is open to UTHSC medical students in good standing, and they meet on a monthly basis.

Student Advisory Group (SAG)

The structure of the Student Advisory Group is designed to provide the Office of Student Affairs the best possible advice and counsel in exercising its responsibilities to the College of Medicine students. The elected representatives (VP’s for Student Affairs) from each class, along with its elected OSR’s, are best able to provide this representation. Issues addressed are non-academic and deal with advancing the personal development and professional life of students.

Student Committee on Research in Education (SCORE)

Faculty Advisor: Suzanne Satterfield, M.D.

SCORE was formed to promote interest and accessibility to student research on campus and maintain a website to help facilitate this goal. The group meets bi-monthly. To be a member, one must be a current student in the College of Medicine in good academic standing.

Student Orthopaedic Association

Faculty Advisor: Karen Hasty, Ph.D.

The purpose of this organization shall be to facilitate interest in orthopaedic surgery, empowering its members to succeed by bridging the gap between medical school and residency programs by providing lectures, workshops, and research opportunities.  Membership is open to medical students at UTHSC with a strong interest in orthopaedic surgery and they meet twice a semester and at least four times per academic year.

Student Interest Group in Dermatology

Faculty Advisors: Robert Skinner, M.D. Community Advisor: Robert Kaplan, M.D.

This group is dedicated to helping UTCOM students explore a career as a skin health professional. This group is open to all students at UT College of Medicine. Members are self-selected based on interest. They meet on a monthly basis.

Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)

Faculty Advisor: Mervat Wahba, M.D.

The purpose of this group is to introduce students to the study of Neurology as a specialty and serve as a source of information for students who wish to pursue residency training in Neurology. Meetings are held monthly, and the location varies. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Neurology. No dues are required. Additional benefits of the group: scholarship funds are often available to those students who wish to attend the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.

Student Interest Group in Ophthalmology (SIGIO)

Faculty Advisor: Bill Morris, M.D.

SIGIO educates medical students at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine about the specialty of Ophthalmology as a career choice; Increasing students’ knowledge of diseases of the eyes, examination techniques, and the eyes’ relationship to systemic diseases; Offering opportunities for medical students to become involved in community service, research, or other scholarly activities of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Of Tennessee Health Science Center College Of Medicine. This group meets approximately once quarterly. Website:  http://osha.eye.uthsc.edu/sigio

Student National Medical Association (SNMA)

Faculty Advisor: Gerald Presbury, M.D.

The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) was founded and organized in 1964. It is a non-profit corporate association of minority students in pursuit of a medical education. The SNMA is dedicated to: Leadership development by augmenting and enhancing individual efforts as well as providing collective group development of minority medical students, social awareness through student interaction with minority consumers and other health professional groups to keep abreast of social changes and their implications for the minority communities, and service to humanity through a commitment to professional excellence which will ultimately  benefit others  in their chapters  and in the community. The SNMA supports the concept of a well-rounded, thoroughly-trained physician - one who can treat people, not just disease - and who can communicate with and understand the health needs of all Americans.

Student Surgical Society

Faculty Advisor: Gayle Minard, M.D.

The Student Surgical Society provides career counseling, fellowship and professional mentoring opportunities to medical students in pursuing professions in general surgery and the surgical subspecialties. Meetings are held monthly, and the location varies. Membership is open to Medical students enrolled at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine.

Student to Student

Faculty Advisor: Roger Young, M.D., Ph.D.

To help educate middle and high school students in public and private schools about sexual health and wellness. Meetings are held once per month. All full time registered medical students are eligible for membership.

Ultrasound Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Steve Nace, M.D.

A program designed to build leadership in the use and understanding of ultrasound technology.  To teach and encourage proper use of this tool in the clinical setting.  It is a mentorship program open to all currently enrolled students at UTHSC.  They will meet quarterly and on an “as needed” basis.

Urology Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Robert Wake, M.D.

To support a group of peers who are interested in pursuing a career in urology; to provide the opportunity for students and urologists in the community to interact via shadowing opportunities, conference attendance, or social events.  To be a member of this organization, one must be a UTHSC College of Medicine student. They have two meetings a year.

UT Cardiology Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Dwight Dishmon, M.D.

The purpose is to expose students of UTHSC to the field of cardiology and promote the professional development of those seeking to enter the field of Cardiology.  Membership is open to anyone interested in the field of Cardiology and who is a full-time student at UTHSC.  They will meet quarterly.

UT Committee for Blood Collection

Faculty Advisor: Robert Johnson, M.D.

The organization will coordinate blood drives with the UTHSC campus and promote them on campus and will raise awareness for the need of blood donors.  Membership eligibility is open to currently enrolled UTHSC students and selected by the members. Meetings will take place on a monthly basis.

UT Student Neurosurgical Society

Faculty Advisor: Frederick Boop, M.D.

The purpose of the society is to serve as a forum by which UT College of Medicine students with an interest in neurosurgery may come together to increase their knowledge of the field of neurosurgery. Membership is open to all UT College of Medicine students. Meetings will be held once a quarter at a date and time convenient for the invited speaker and society members.

UT Plastic Surgery Interest Group

Faculty Advisor: Robert Wallace, M.D.

To raise awareness and provide insight into the field of cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery; to provide networking and shadowing opportunities; and to serve as a bridge for faculty and peer mentorship. One must be a student in good standing with the College of Medicine to become a member and the group meets on a monthly basis.

UT Radiation Oncology Student Society (UT ROSS)

Faculty Advisor: Michael Farmer, M.D.

To introduce students to the field of Radiation Oncology and serve in support of students who wish to pursue residency in Radiation Oncology. To become a member, one must be a medical student at UTHSC or in the Radiation Oncology community and have an interest in Radiation Oncology or UT ROSS activities.  This group meets on a quarterly basis.

UT Students for Preventive Medicine

Faculty Advisors: James Bailey, M.D. and Susan Brewer, M.D.

To increase understanding of Preventive Medicine challenges faced within the Memphis community and globally through speakers, seminars and workshops. All students, residents, and staff members of UTHSC shall be eligible for membership. Executive team meeting is once a month and 2 other events are scheduled each month.

UTHSC Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP)

Faculty Advisor: Roger LaBonte, M.D.

The purpose of the organization will be to organize a grassroots effort to advocate for a single-payer, “Improved Medicare for All” healthcare system at a state and federal level. Membership in this organization shall be open to any enrolled UTHSC student.  The only requirement is that all members must electronically sign the official PNHP Tennessee chapter resolution.  This group will meet once per semester and on an on-call basis.

UTHSC COM Medical Genetics Interest Group

Faculty Advisors: Vicki Park, Ph.D., Jewell Ward, M.D. Ph.D.

To further improve and expand the genetic knowledge of all future physicians, prepare students in the health profession for a future in which genetics will play an integral role and to provide a source of information, references, experience, and direction to students interested in pursuing a career in this field. This group will meet on a monthly basis during the school year.

UTHSC Nature Conservancy

Faculty Advisors: Michael Whitt, Ph.D. and Mark Miller, Ph.D.

To partner with local wildlife and natural areas, conservation groups to preserve, improve and enjoy all natural areas around Memphis. There is no membership requirement, and the group meets every one to two months.

Wilderness, Austere and Rescue Medicine (WARM)

Faculty Advisor: Barbara Geater, M.D.

Wilderness Medicine focuses on dealing with issues away from definitive care and in exciting yet remote settings. Our setting in the southern Appalachian Mountains provides us with an ideal “classroom” for experiencing outdoor sports of all kinds, and learning the appropriate management of emergency issues that arise in these arenas. Our Wilderness Medicine program, through didactics and hands-on experience, is designed to provide training that will give the practitioner skills to confidently handle these situations.

Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS)

Faculty Advisors: Dianna Johnson, Ph.D.; Vicki Park, Ph.D.; Suzanne Satterfield, M.D., D.P.H.

WIMS is a student-led organization designed to facilitate communication and networking among its members and to provide advocacy to all female students and trainees at The UT Health Science Center in order to build a support community that will nurture the professional development of current and future women in medicine and science.


Nursing Student Government Association (NSGA)

Faculty and Staff Advisors: Emma Murray, DNP and Jamie Overton, M. A. Ed.

The NSGA maintains and upholds the ideals and standards of the UTHSC College of Nursing, to encourage an attitude of professional responsibility, to facilitate faculty and student interaction, to act as a liaison for students with the College of Nursing faculty and administration, and to foster positive community public relations.

Student Nurses Association (SNA)

Faculty Advisor: Jami Smith Brown, DHEd.  

The SNA assumes responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality healthcare, provide programs of professional interest, and aid in development of the whole person. The University of Tennessee Health Science Center - College of Nursing chapter was formed in 2006. It is open to all nursing students.



American Pharmacists Association, Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP)

Faculty Advisors: Chasity Shelton, Pharm.D.; Nancy Hart, Pharm.D.; Leslie Hamilton, Pharm.D.

The Academy of Student Pharmacists (AphA-ASP), with over 30,000 members from each of the schools and colleges of pharmacy in the US, is the student branch of the American Pharmacists Association (AphA). The mission of AphA-ASP is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, and to envision and actively promote the future of pharmacy. Our chapter here at the University of Tennessee is the college’s largest student organization and one of the most active chapters in the country. Our success with patient care projects and community outreach programs have earned us recognition as being either the Chapter of the Year or Divisional Chapter of the Year for many years in a row - the only chapter ever to have done so!  We owe all of our success to the enthusiasm and dedication of our members and the patients we graciously serve.

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship international (CPFI)

Faculty Advisors: TBD

The student chapter of Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) at the University of Tennessee exists to serve Christ and the world through Pharmacy.  As a direct reflection of the national core values of CPFI, our chapter seeks to provide fellowship among like-minded professionals, challenge and promote spiritual growth, encourage the advancement of knowledge and ethics in the practice of pharmacy, encourage evangelism and integration of faith into practice, and provide support and opportunity of service in both home and foreign missions.

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity

Faculty Advisors: Chris Wood, Pharm.D.

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Incorporated is the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world. Currently, there are 110 Collegiate and 81 Graduate Chapters across the United States and Canada, and that number continues to grow with each passing year. As the first national pharmaceutical fraternity, Kappa Psi has acquired thousands of members who are actively practicing in many facets of pharmacy. The Psi chapter at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is one of the largest chapters in the country with over 200 members.

Pharmacy Student Government Association

Faculty Advisors: Jennifer Williams, Pharm.D.

The purpose of the Pharmacy Student Government Association is to represent the student body in various settings within the College of Pharmacy and the UTHSC campus. Composed of leaders from each pharmacy student organization on campus, the PSGA provides continuity of programs and activities between the different student groups within the college of pharmacy. In addition to representing to the student body, the PSGA is responsible for coordinating a variety of services that benefit our students individually. From student led orientations to leadership development retreats, we are constantly striving to enhance our student’s personal and professional development.

  Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity

   Faculty Advisors: Kirk Hevener, Pharm.D., Ph.D.

Based in the University of Tennessee Health Science Center of Memphis, TN, the Omega Chapter of Phi Delta Chi is the premier branch of the nation’s largest pharmacy fraternity. The mission of Phi Delta Chi is to develop leaders that will advance the profession of pharmacy. In this realm, the Omega Chapter has been a frequent recipient of many national awards, including the Thurston Cup, Leadership Report, Brotherhood Report, Scholarship Report, Chapter publication and Window Display. In addition to many awards, the Omega chapter has the luxury of being located near the national philanthropy, St. Jude’s Childrens Research Hospital.  This affords us the opportunity to closely work with them and better understand the patient population that they work with.

Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society

Faculty Advisors: Joseph Swanson, Pharm.D.

The purpose of Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, is to promote the development of leadership qualities, especially among pharmacy students. By peer recognition, the Society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities. Since membership crosses fraternal and organizational lines, the Society does not compete with other pharmacy organizations. Phi Lambda Sigma honors leadership. Members are selected by peer recognition and faculty recommendation. No greater honor can be bestowed upon an individual than to be recognized as a leader by one’s peers. Such recognition instills and enhances self-confidence, encourages the less active student to a more active role and promotes greater effort toward the advancement of pharmacy.

Rho Chi Honorary Society

Faculty Advisor: Brad Boucher, Pharm.D.

The Rho Chi Society encourages and recognizes excellence in intellectual achievement and advocates critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy. The Society seeks universal recognition of its members as lifelong intellectual leaders in pharmacy, and as a community of scholars, to instill the desire to pursue intellectual excellence and critical inquiry to advance the profession. Selection: Members are selected based on GPA (grade point average).  The top 15% of each class is accepted after completion of 3 semesters, and additional 5% after the 5th semester.  The high standards maintained for membership in Rho Chi have resulted in the widespread recognition of the Society not only by the profession of pharmacy, but also by the academic world in general.  Since 1947 the Society has been a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.

Student National Pharmaceutical Association

Faculty Advisor: Joanna Hudson, Pharm.D., BSPS;  Shaun Rowe, Pharm.D., BCPS; Ken Hohmeier, Pharm.D.

The University of Tennessee chapter of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) is the largest of the 90 chapters on pharmacy school campuses across the United States.  As pharmacy students, we learn how to optimize medication therapy, and our SNPhA members take pride in using our knowledge to help people in our communities get better results from their medications. Our efforts on our local campuses (in Memphis, Knoxville, and Nashville) have been recognized on the national level - no other chapter has won as many Chapter of the Year awards as our University of Tennessee chapter.  Thank you to all our awesome members, and we look forward to our new members helping us to make a difference outside for the classroom!

Tennessee Society of Student Pharmacists

Faculty Advisor: James Wheeler, Pharm.D., Sarah Eudaley, Pharm.D

Tennessee Society of Student Pharmacists (TSSP) is the student branch of the Tennessee Pharmacists Association (TPA) and serves as the collective and representative voice of student pharmacists in the state of Tennessee.  Our society’s goals include advocating for the growth of the profession of pharmacy through policy initiatives in state legislature, promoting and improving the health and welfare of Tennesseans, providing opportunities for personal and professional development, advocating for the provision of excellence in pharmacy education, encouraging continued involvement and leadership in organizations after graduation.


Baptist Collegiate Ministry

The Baptist Collegiate Ministry exists to empower efforts in metro Memphis. This is accomplished by building partnerships, providing staff, developing ministry resources, planning for future expansion and empowering existing work. The Campus Minister coordinates the student-led organization at UTHSC that provides various ministry, social and missions opportunities.

Contact: Benjie Shaw, Campus Minister

757 Court Ave.

Memphis, TN  38104

Phone: (706) 936-5490

Email: bshaw15@gmail.com

Catholic Community

The Catholic Church of Memphis provides the UTHSC community with religious, social and educational opportunities. On Tuesdays from mid-August to mid-May, Catholic students, faculty, and staff are invited to gather for noontime lunch. The hour-long program includes a reasonably-priced hot lunch and a wide variety of speakers, regular fellowship and a monthly Mass.  All are welcome!  In addition to these gatherings, invitations are extended to join with other young adult Catholics in the Memphis area for off-campus gatherings and service-related events to benefit the wider community. Assorted printed resources are regularly distributed to Catholics at the Tuesday gatherings and  in campus mailboxes. To reach the Campus Minister for more information, for assistance, or for additional resources, just phone, email, or look for information on the website:  www.cdom.org.

Contact: Sam Mauck, Campus Minister

Catholic Campus & Young Adult Ministry Center

3625 Mynders Avenue

Memphis, TN 38111

Phone: (901) 323-3051

Email: Samuel.mauck@ccm.cdom.org

Christian Medical & Dental Association (CMDA)

The Christian Medical and Dental Association is an organization designed for the encouragement of all UT students. It is a national organization that exists on 85% of all medical and dental schools campuses in the US. Its mission is to encourage, equip, and motivate students to know and serve God both in their personal and professional life. Our activities include a weekly Doctor’s Forum meeting with a catered lunch on Wednesdays at noon, multiple small group Bible studies during the week, monthly fellowship socials, and an annual mission trip to Central America during Spring Break. As a student, you need someone to renew and refresh you weekly in the midst of your demanding training years. CMDA exists for you.

Contact: Ken Nippert, M.Div.

Phone: (901)861-1003  CMDAmidsouth@comcast.net

Office: 2023W. Houston Way Germantown, TN 38139

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI)

Faculty Advisors: Bradley Boucher, Pharm.D.; Rebecca Chhim, Pharm.D.; Catherine Crill, Pharm.D.; Anita Airee, Pharm.D.; Aubrey Waddell, Pharm.D.

The purpose of the group is to provide fellowship among like-minded professionals, challenge and promote-spiritual growth, encourage the advancement of knowledge and ethics in the practice of pharmacy, encourage evangelism and integration of faith into practice, and provide support and opportunity of service in both home and foreign missions. CPFI is open to all interested students. Membership in the parent organization is encouraged, but not required. CPFI will meet at least twice a semester as a chapter. Officers may meet as often as needed.

Hillel of Memphis

A program of the Memphis Jewish Federation, is the UT Jewish student’s link to Jewish life in Memphis. Through social, educational, spiritual, cultural, and service opportunities, UT Jewish students have a chance to get to know other students from the colleges and universities in the Memphis area. Hillel of Memphis also has a group called JGRADS+ which promotes social and professional networking for those 22-33. Special opportunities for UT students include monthly Shabbat dinner, High Holy Day tickets to local synagogues, and meals with local families for Shabbat and holidays. Recent additions at the Hillel House on Midland include weekly Hebrew classes, monthly Jewish Faculty Forums, computers, internet access, video games, study room, and patio and picnic area. Let Hillel of Memphis be your Jewish “home away from home.”

Contact: Sherry Weinblatt, Director

Office: 3581 Midland Avenue Memphis, TN 38111

Phone: (901) 452-2453

Fax: (901) 452-9339

Email: Hillelofmemphis@bellsouth.net

Faith Health Collaborative

Faith Health Collaborative will serve as a vehicle for students, faculty and staff at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center to learn, serve and innovate in the field of Faith and Health.  This is a growing approach to healthcare, education and community formation that uses the insights and assets of faith communities to galvanize the work and study of health, healthcare, and disparities.  Any student at UTHSC is eligible for membership.  The group will meet at least twice per semester in the fall and spring.

Contact: Jonathan Lewis, Campus Minister

Office: 1211 Union Avenue, Suite 700, Memphis, TN 38104

Phone: (901) 516-0990

Email: jonathan.lewis@mlh.org