Feb 18, 2025  
2015-2016 CenterScope 
2015-2016 CenterScope [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Bookstore - VolShop - UTHSC

(901) 448-5623 (phone)
(901 448-7259 (fax)

The UTHSC Bookstore is located on the plaza level of the 930 Madison Building and is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The bookstore carries all required / recommended textbooks requested by the faculty. You can visit our location to make your textbook purchases or order online at shop.uthsc.edu . You can choose to pick up your order in the store or have it shipped directly to you. The store carries a wide selection of health related books for most health disciplines in the Reference department. Titles not in stock may be special ordered at no additional charge. We also handle regalia rentals for students graduating in December and May. In addition to textbooks and health related books, the bookstore offers a selection of general reading and National Campus Bestsellers. The VolShop is also an Apple Authorized Campus Store, offering a number of Apple products as well as Dell computers and software to meet your technology needs. The store offers a wide array of UT gift items and clothing, as well as a variety of snacks, candy, beverages and health & beauty items. The bookstore also stocks dental supplies and medical supplies. The bookstore accepts cash, check (with state ID), credit cards (American Express, Discover, Master Card, and Visa), Barnes & Noble Gift Cards, and approved department charge accounts.

Return/Refund Policy for Textbooks

  1. A full refund will be given in your original form of payment if textbooks are returned with a receipt during the first week of class.
  2. With proof of a schedule change and a receipt, a full refund will be given in your original form of payment during the first 30 days of classes.
  3. All medical and specialty reference book refunds will be given in your original form of payment with a receipt within fourteen days of purchase
  4. No refunds on textbooks without a receipt.
  5. Textbooks must be in original condition.
  6. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable.

Return/Refund Policy for All Other Merchandise

  1. A full refund will be given in your original form of payment with a receipt.
  2. With a receipt, unopened software, CDs, cassettes, VHS tapes, and DVDs may be exchanged or refunded. (Opened software, CDs, cassettes, VHS tapes, and DVDs may be exchanged for the identical item only.)
  3. Without a receipt, a merchandise credit will be issued at the current selling price.
  4. Cash back on merchandise credits or gift cards will not exceed $5.
  5. No refunds on gift cards, prepaid phone cards, or magazines.
  6. All merchandise must be in original condition.
  7. We gladly accept returns/exchanges for online purchases at the bookstore. Make sure you have your customer invoice/receipt when returning or exchanging your items. Returns and exchanges made in your on-campus bookstore must adhere to the same time frames as returns or exchanges processed through the mail.

Campus Safety

Captain Bruce O. Holden, Interim Chief of Police
740 Court Avenue
(901) 448-4444


The UTHC Police Department (UTHSC PD) maintains a staff of uniformed campus police officers on duty 24 hours daily, seven days a week. Their mission is to help maintain a safe, orderly and secure environment in which members of the UTHSC community may pursue their various activities unimpeded by criminal or disruptive acts. To accomplish this mission, the Campus Police provide security and police services including crime prevention activities, investigation of incidents and accidents, traffic control, parking on campus, and general patrol activities. Our UTHSC PD is a fully empowered police agency serving our campus and the Medical Center District area.

In accordance with the Tennessee College and University Act of 1989, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center prepares an annual report detailing campus police/security policies and their effectiveness in protecting the campus community. A free copy of this report may be obtained by any student, employee, or applicant for admission or employment from the Office of Campus Police or online at the Campus Police home page. As this report demonstrates, the number of crimes on the UTHSC campus is quite low.

Additionally, the Campus Police Department offers safety escort services on campus and within the immediate area from dusk to dawn, and issues identification cards and keys to students and other authorized personnel. PLEASE NOTIFY CAMPUS POLICE AT (901) 448-4444 if you need an after-hours SAFETY ESCORT.

In the event of an accident, crime or other emergency on campus, DIAL CAMPUS POLICE FIRST (901 448-4444), BEFORE DIALING 911. City Police are not familiar with all of the buildings on campus and dialing 911 first may slow response time. Once contacted, campus police will respond and contact the appropriate personnel, including Memphis police, if necessary. “Blue Light” emergency telephones are strategically located throughout the campus and students are urged to use these phones to report suspicious or unusual behavior. Note the location of these phones and make a test call to assure yourself that the system works - if you place such a call, however, please inform the dispatcher at the onset that your call is a “test”. If you have any questions or problems we can help you with during your experience at UTHSC, please feel free to stop by our office at 740 Court Avenue.

Campus Fire/Drills

By Law, fire drills are required for all campus buildings and are held once every 6 months by Safety Affairs.

Emergency Response

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center has implemented an Emergency Response Plan which outlines procedures to follow in case of various emergencies, including adverse weather, earthquakes, and civil disturbances. Additional guidance regarding recommended actions during emergencies can be found in the UTHSC Emergency Preparedness Guide, available from the Safety Affairs Office, as well as through the Internet at: http://www.uthsc.edu/safety/

Students are strongly encouraged to sign up for UTHSC Alert, an opt-in emergency alert system that allows UTHSC to send important campus information to you. Students are also strongly urged to provide emergency contact information through Banner Self-Service.

In addition to the UTHSC Alert system, the UTHSC Campus utilizes the following mechanisms for alert notification: phone messaging system, e-mail alerts to all faculty, staff, and students, UTHSC home web page, campus police web page, media alerts to local TV and radio outlets, campus plasma monitors.

Additional guidance regarding recommended actions during emergencies can be found in the UTHSC Emergency Preparedness Guide, available from the Safety Affairs Office, as well as through the Internet at: http://www.uthsc.edu/safety/.

Evacuation Areas/Assembly Points

In case of a campus-wide evacuation, if you are:

  1. South of Union, go to Docs Field
  2. North of Union -West of Manassas, go to parking lot “F”
  3. North of Union - near the Med, go to Forrest Park
  4. In the Coleman Building or the 66 North Pauline Building, go to parking lot “#9” (next to the Coleman Building).

What to do in an Earthquake

When you feel an earthquake, DUCK under a desk or table. Stay away from windows, bookcases, file cabinets, and other heavy objects that could fall. Stay under COVER until the shaking stops. HOLD onto the desk or table. If it moves, move with it. If you are in a HIGH-RISE BUILDING, and you are not near a desk or table, move against an interior wall, and protect your head with your arms. Do NOT use the elevators. Do not be surprised if the fire alarm or sprinkler systems come on. If you are OUTDOORS, move to a clear area, away from trees, signs, buildings, or downed electrical wires and poles. If you are on a SIDEWALK NEAR BUILDINGS, duck into a doorway to protect yourself from falling bricks, glass, plaster, and other debris. If you are DRIVING, pull over to the side of the road, stop the car, and stay there until the shaking is over. Do not park under overpasses, power lines or other hazards.

When the shaking has stopped, count to sixty to compose yourself and to allow for the possibility of an immediate aftershock. Know where you will take cover should an aftershock occur. Check for injuries to yourself and those around you. Administer first-aid to the extent of your capability. Do not attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury. Know where flashlights, first-aid kits and portable radios are kept in your building. Find these items, or someone who has them, if needed. Do NOT use matches or cigarette lighters because of the possibility of ruptured gas lines or other flammable materials being present. If you are indoors, leave the building via corridors and stairways designated in the building’s emergency exit system.

Building Emergency Exit Routes are posted at all elevators. Be aware that power outages and building damage may have eliminated all lighting. Be familiar with the location of exit stairs and other means of egress. Do NOT use elevators. Avoid exposed electrical wiring and fixtures. DO NOT LEAN OR HOLD ONTO anything that may not be able to support you. Protect your head as you exit the building. DO NOT attempt to shut off main building electrical, natural gas, or water supply sources. MOVE AWAY from buildings quickly to avoid or reduce the risk of injury from falling building materials. DO NOT attempt to reenter buildings. DO NOT attempt to drive your car. Streets must be clear for emergency vehicles. Also, bridges and overpasses may be damaged and should not be utilized until their safety and structural integrity has been verified.

What to do in a Tornado

Tornadoes occur with little or no warning; thus, little or no advance planning can be accomplished. If in a building, one should move away from outside rooms and go to a center hallway. An interior area at the bottom level of the building is preferable. One should avoid auditoriums or gymnasiums or other areas with wide, free-span roofs. If caught outside, and there is no time to reach an inside shelter, lie flat in the nearest ditch, ravine, or culvert, with hands and arms shielding one’s head. Be sure to leave the ditch, ravine, or culvert immediately after the tornado has passed to avoid potential danger from flash flooding. If in an automobile, follow the same rules as outlined above.

What to do if you are a Victim of Sexual Assault or Sexual Misconduct

  1. Get to a safe place.
  2. Talk to someone you trust. As soon as you are in a safe place, tell someone you can trust about the incident - a roommate, friend, resident advisor or resident director, minister, or counselor - someone who can provide emotional support and objectively help you to make a plan.
  3. Preserve all physical evidence. Do not change your clothing, bathe, shower, use the bathroom, brush your teeth, wash your hands, or comb your hair. If you change clothes, you should place all of your clothing that was worn at the time of the incident in a paper (not plastic) bag.
  4. Seek medical attention. You may seek medical care at any time after unwanted sexual activity without reporting a crime or notifying the police. If you think you might want to prosecute, you are strongly encouraged to have a rape examination for the collection of evidence. A medical professional will examine you, provide appropriate medical treatment, and talk with you about prevention of venereal disease and pregnancy. UTHSC Police are available to take you to the hospital or the YWCA safe haven location, for a medical examination. A description of the YWCA’s services can be found at http://www.memphisywca.org/. Receiving a medical examination does not mean that you must make a formal report to the University or law enforcement.
  5. Seek counseling. Victims who wish to speak confidentially with someone about the incident may call a licensed practitioner in the Student Counseling Center (901-974 2196- any time during a weekday) or the Crisis Center (901-274-7477) at any time. A counselor or specially trained staff member can help a victim explore options, provide information, and provide emotional support. Whether you seek immediate assistance or choose to wait for a period of time after the assault, counseling can help you deal with the psychological residue and begin the healing process.
  6. Report the incident. The University strongly encourages individuals to report sexual assault to appropriate officials because it is the only way that action can be taken against an alleged violator of University policy. Timely reporting and a medical examination within 72 hours are critical in preserving evidence and responding effectively, but an individual may report an incident at any time. Reporting an incident to the University allows the University to take steps to prevent the recurrence of harassment and correct its discriminatory effects, if appropriate. You may report the incident to the University regardless of whether you choose to press formal criminal charges.
    1. Contact the Victim’s Advocate. You may report the incident to the University’s Victim’s Advocate in University Health Services at 901-448-5630. The Victim’s Advocate can assist you in:
      • Obtaining medical and/or psychological care;
      • Reporting the incident to the police;
      • Reporting the incident to the University’s Student Conduct Officer or the Title IX Coordinator;
      • Contacting off-campus resources such as rape crisis centers or support groups;
      • Addressing academic concerns; and
      • Exploring interim and remedial measures, such as obtaining a no-contact directive, making alternative housing arrangements, modifying academic schedules, and addressing other academic concerns such as absences, missed assignments, grades, incompletes, and withdrawals.
    2. Contact the OED Office. Dr. Michael Alston is the University’s Title IX Coordinator [http://www.uthsc.edu/oed/titleix.php]. Phone: 901-448-2112, Fax: 901-448-1120, E-mail: malston1@uthsc.edu
    3. Contact Law Enforcement - Report on campus incidents to Campus Police by calling 448- 4444. For off campus incidents call 911.

Why should you report the incident to UTHSC Police? Reporting an incident to UTHSC Police helps:

  • Apprehend the alleged assailant;
  • Preserve future options regarding criminal prosecution, University disciplinary action, and/or civil action against the perpetrator; and
  • Protect you and others from future sexual assaults or misconduct by the same person.
  1. UTHSC Police and the Memphis Police Department are available to take you to the hospital or to the local Sexual Assault Crisis Center for a medical examination.

What happens when you report the incident to UTHSC Police? When an incident is reported, a UTHSC police officer will inform you about University and external resources that are available to you, including information concerning the preservation of evidence, obtaining medical care, and contacting the University’s Victim’s Advocate. The officer will also complete an Incident Report. Primary responsibility for the investigation of sexual offense cases rests with the Memphis Police Department. UTHSC Police will make arrangements for a victim to meet with an officer for the City of Memphis, who will prepare a written report. The report will be important to you in case you wish to bring charges, either immediately or at a later date. You may be asked questions about the scene of the crime, witnesses, and what happened before and after the incident. You should be aware that the Incident Report registered with UTHSC Police and the report made to the Memphis Police Department are considered part of the public record, which means they would be made available to any Tennessee citizen upon request. It is always your option whether to notify the UTHSC PD (901-448-4444)or Memphis Police .

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

The Sexual Assault Response Team is a team of health care and campus professionals-e.g., ER physician, forensic nurse, social worker, campus and local police, victim advocate, and Title IX coordinator, who are all specifically trained in responding to victims of sexual assault. This team provides both for sexual assault victims who report, and who do not report the crime to law enforcement. The UTHSC Sexual Assault Response Team is comprised of

Title IX Coordinator Dr. Michael Alston
  • University Health Services
  • Student Assistant Program

901 448 5630


After Hours - University Health Services

  • Memphis Shelby County Sexual Assault Center (MSAR)
  • UTHSC Police
  • Local Law Enforcement
Anna Whalley
Captain Holden

Training Programs on Safety and Prevention

The University is committed to the prevention of sexual assault and sexual misconduct through education. The University provides a variety of programs that are intended to promote awareness among students regarding the prevalence of rape and other sex offenses on the campus and in the UTHSC community. These programs include:

  • Sexual Assault Awareness. This one-hour course offers videos on rape awareness and prevention and provides students with information regarding counseling availability.
  • Personal Safety Seminar. This general seminar covers many safety topics including rape and sexual assault.
  • Aerosol Defense Option. This four-hour course provides information about the various aerosol defense products available and their effects. The course does not endorse particular products.
  • Additional programs. UTHSC Police and the Office of Preventive Medicine staff provide a variety of other programs dealing with sexual assault as a result of specific staff member interest and requests by students. Any person who desires to have such programs may request them by contacting the UT Police Administrative Coordinator (901) 448-1623.

Campus Crime Statistics

The University of Tennessee Police Department prepares an annual report of crime statistics and campus safety and security policies to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. The report can be found at http://uthsc.edu/campuspolice/.

Dental Care

Dunn Dental Clinic
875 Union Avenue C-209
Dunn Building
Memphis, Tennessee 38163
Phone: 901-448-6468
Fax: 901-448-2671

UTHSC students may receive dental care in the Dunn Dental Clinic, receiving a twenty percent (20%) discount off fees for most procedures.

For General Information regarding dental care please call 901 448 6468. For Dental Emergencies call (901) 448-6241

Dining Services at UTHSC

Your dining experience is more than great food. It is community experience centered on culinary expertise, fresh ingredients, healthy options and a shared sense of environmental and social responsibility.

Our team is committed to creating the best possible dining experience. Join us to experience the comfort, convenience, and outstanding food and inviting atmosphere designed especially for you.


John DePaola
UTHSC Dining General Manager
e-mail: jdepaola@uthsc.edu
office: 901.448.5836

UT Plaza Dining - 920 Madison Avenue

Einstein Brothers Bagels - bagels and coffee for breakfast, plus bistro salads, soups, and sandwiches for lunch, and a variety of snacks anytime.
Monday - Friday 7:30 A.M. -3:00 P.M.

Erbert & Gerbert’s Bistro - a sandwich shop dedicated to serving better, more flavorful sandwiches than anyone else in the universe.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

Chick-Fil-A - Located in the Plaza Food Court and serving Chick-Fil-A sandwhiches and waffle chips. Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 11:00 A.M. - 1:15 P.M.

Cyclone Salads - tossed-to-order salads with fresh ingredients
Monday - Friday 11:00 A.M. - 1:15 P.M.

GEB Dining

Simply To Go/Starbucks offers a wide variety of snack items including fresh fruit and vegetables, sandwiches, salads, desserts, and microwaveable meals.

Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. am (longer hours during exam periods)

All locations gladly accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Declining Balance Fund Cards.

Meal Plans/Dining Dollars

Declining balance fund cards can be used to purchase food items anywhere on campus. Cards can be purchased at the dining services office located at 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 113 (down the hall from the UTHSC Credit Union). For details you can call the dining services office at 901-448-5836. Dining dollars can be purchased in increments of $100.00.

UTHSC Catering

Catering services are also available for campus events, and the Sodexo team can assist in planning your events, offering a variety of menus to fit a wide range of tastes and budgets.

Contact catering at catering@uthsc.edu or  901.448.5833.
To learn more visit: http://www.uthscdining.com http://www.facebook.com/UTHSCDining

Disability Services for Students

See Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion and Office of Equity and Diversity below.

Educational Technology

The UTHSC Educational Technology (EdTech) team offers a variety of tools and resources to assist faculty, staff, and students in teaching and learning. Information Technology Services (ITS) is the integral resource for information technology on the UTHSC campus and is responsible for providing modern and user-friendly technology services to the UTHSC campus community and visitors.

The EdTech Team is part of the UTHSC ITS organization and works collaboratively with other ITS teams to support the UTHSC community. Our goal is to make your use of technology convenient and productive. We are here to answer any of your technology-related questions and to assist you in accessing the technology resources available to you.

To find out who to contact visit https://academic.uthsc.edu/edtech and https://academic.uthsc.edu/edtech/matrix.php.

Ed Tech Best Practices and Helpful Hints for Students

Adobe Suite

  • The UTHSC Adobe Suite consists of Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe Connect, Adobe Presenter, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Adobe eLearning Suite.
  • The current Adobe license does not allow installs to student-owned computers.
  • You may access the most commonly used applications (Acrobat Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign) on campus in the GEB 110 and the SAC 24-hour, open-access computer labs.
  • You must have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer to participate in Adobe Connect sessions and to view Adobe Presenter pre-recorded content.
  • https://academic.uthsc.edu/edtech/connect/


  • The UTHSC Blackboard Team strongly recommends using the latest version of Firefox. When content doesn’t load properly, check to see if you are using a compatible browser.
  • If you experience trouble logging into Blackboard, try logging in to your UT email. If you can’t login to either, contact the UTHSC Helpdesk (901-448-2222). If you can login to your UT email account but not Blackboard, contact the Blackboard Administrator at bb@uthsc.edu or 901-448-1927.
  • When taking a Blackboard quiz or test, always connect to the Internet via a wired connection.
  • If you cannot see your course in Blackboard, check with your instructor to see if the course has been made available.
  • If you are unable to open a link to an external site or resource in Blackboard, right-click the link and choose to open it in a new window.

Clickers (Turning Technologies)

  • Always come to class with your Clicker and extra batteries.
  • Make sure your Clicker is set to the correct channel before the presentation.
  • Change Clicker channels by pressing the Ch button - channel number - the Ch button.
  • Check the answer submission confirmation LCD screen to ensure you are submitting your desired response.
  • If your Clicker is replaced, notify your instructor and re-register it in Blackboard.


  • The Curriculum Outcomes and Reporting Engine (CORE) is the curriculum mapping tool currently used by the UTHSC College of Medicine. CORE is commercially known as LCMS+, a curriculum management system for healthcare education.


  • Always arrive to your test with your student ID.
  • Login into the computer with your NetID and NetID password. If you forget your NetID password, contact the HelpDesk at 901-448-2222.
  • Log into SofTest with your Student ID number (885#) and ExamSoft password. If you forget your ExamSoft password, use the “Forgot Password” link.
  • Commit your ExamSoft login credentials to memory.
  • After finishing your exam, do not leave your testing computer without receiving the green checkmark confirmation screen that verifies that your exam has been submitted. After receiving the green checkmark confirmation, log off the computer.


  • Lynda.com is an online learning company that helps anyone learn software, design, and business skills to achieve their personal and professional goals. You may request access to a free lynda.com subscription where you will receive unlimited access to a vast library of high quality, current, and engaging video tutorials.
  • To request access to Lynda.com, please visit the website below to fill out the form. https://academic.uthsc.edu/edtech/lynda.php


  • MediaSite is a lecture capture tool that allows instructors and staff to create digital recordings of multimedia rich lectures, presentations, and training sessions. Presenters simply teach, train, or present their materials in the comfort of our quiet recording studio. MediaSite records and synchronizes everything they say, show, and demonstrate with little or no interaction from the presenter. Once recorded, the presentations can be added to a website or a Blackboard course where students can watch them anytime, anywhere!

Microsoft Office Training

  • The UTHSC Educational Technology team provides faculty, staff, and students with FREE Microsoft Office training. Delivery methods include instructor-led courses, one-on-one sessions, and self-paced online tutorials.
  • https://academic.uthsc.edu/edtech/TSE/

Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus

  • Office 365 ProPlus is a subscription-based version of your favorite Microsoft applications, which can be installed on up to 5 of your computers. Once installed, it will only need to connect to the internet once every 30 days. Applications include Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Access, OneNote, Lync, Publisher, and InfoPath.
  • Once you have left the University, your Microsoft ProPlus subscription will end. You will have the opportunity at that time to enroll in available consumer and commercial offers.


  • The UTHSC Educational Technology team offers a variety of tools and resources to assist faculty, staff, and students in teaching and learning. If you need assistance with creating, editing, or digitizing multimedia for lectures, publications, or other academic forums contact the EdTech team at edtech@uthsc.edu
  • The UTHSC streaming server is a QuickTime server. You must have the latest version of QuickTime installed on your computer view this content.


  • one45 is a web-based health sciences curriculum information management system used to manage electronic portfolios, curriculum mapping and objectives, manage and search curriculum database and more. It is a single-source of information and central oversight required to meet accreditation requirements.


  • Qualtrics is a web-based survey service that is available for use by all UTHSC faculty, staff and students. The UTHSC Qualtrics Survey Service allows the campus community to easily create surveys, collect and store data, and produce reports.
  • https://academic.uthsc.edu/edtech/qualtrics/.

Respondus Suite

  • A custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Blackboard.
  • Before taking a test in LockDown browser, check with your instructor or in Blackboard to see if a password is needed
  • Make sure you have closed all applications before launching LockDown browser.


  • SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention service available through Blackboard. This service helps instructors prevent plagiarism by detecting unoriginal content in student papers.
  • You can only submit a SafeAssignment once.
  • If you want to edit, delete, or resubmit a SafeAssignment, contact your instructor and request that they clear your first submission.



  • UTHSC Alert is the notification service that university administrators and Campus Police use to communicate by email and text message with the UTHSC campus and others in the case of an emergency or campus closing due to inclement weather.
  • http://www.uthsc.edu/alert/


  • UTHSC TV is a streaming media service supported by the UTHSC Educational Technology team. With this service, users can upload and share video content.
  • https://academic.uthsc.edu/edtech/tv/


  • Xythos is a secure content management software that allows you to place files in a central location so they can be accessed via the internet. You can upload, access, and share files from anywhere with any computer that is connected to the internet. With a Xythos account you can share your files and folders securely with anyone at UTHSC or outside of the college. Xythos can be used to share documents that must be HIPAA and FERPA compliant.
  • https://academic.uthsc.edu/edtech/xythos/

Health Career Programs

Health Career Programs’ (HCP) mission is to prepare the next generation of individuals to become culturally competent and relevant healthcare professionals and educators. A targeted recruitment plan, information dissemination, skill building activities, academic and personal development enrichment programs, and retention strategies are in place to accomplish the mission of the department. A variety of summer enrichment programs are available for undergraduate and high school students. These programs are described below, but students are strongly encouraged to visit the department’s website: http://www.uthsc.edu/HCP/

Tennessee Institutes for Pre-Professionals (TIP)

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) recognizes the need to increase the diverse pool of culturally competent pre-health and health students in the health professions. The Tennessee Institute for Pre-Professionals (TIP) is a response to this need. TIP provides a uniquely structured opportunity for underrepresented Tennesseans to be equipped for successful matriculation into one of the health profession programs at UTHSC. TIP offers year-round advice, support, and activities designed to assist students in realizing their career goals. Three tracks have been implemented to prepare underrepresented Tennesseans for successful matriculation into UTHSC programs.

Track I provides students with an internship exposure to shadow healthcare practitioners.

Track II provides a standardized test preparation experience for students attempting the following professional school examinations: MCAT, DAT, PCAT, and GRE.

Track III provides pre-matriculation experiences for incoming medicine and pharmacy students, which simulate the professional curriculum with courses taught by professional school faculty.


For additional information on any of these Health Career Programs contact:

Phone: 901-448-8772

Fax: 901-448-1451



Summer Research Scholar Program (SRS)

The goal of the SRS program is to expose undergraduate students to the relevant technical language, and the scientific method germane to biomedical research with the hope of attracting them into UTHSC graduate programs. It is an eight week summer paid internship program that offers hands-on research experience in a laboratory setting for undergraduate students interested in biomedical research. Each student is matched with a faculty member and participates in an ongoing research project in the mentor’s laboratory. Requirements for participation in the program include a minimum GPA of 3.2 and two letters of recommendation from college faculty members.

For specific information on opportunities for summer research, contact the College of Graduate Health Sciences: 901-448-5538

Health Services (University Health Services, UHS)

910 Madison Avenue, Suite 922
(901) 448-5630


University Health Services (UHS) is a primary care clinic of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. UHS is staffed by a variety of highly qualified health care personnel and staff who collaborate to provide comprehensive expert health and illness care. We are proud to have a faculty member board certified in Internal Medicine, Dr. Lawrence Madlock, overseeing the facility. The UHS providers are available Monday through Friday for consultation, occupational health, personal care or procedures, or referrals. Most services are available at no additional cost to students regardless of your health insurance. We have 2 board certified physicians and 4 advanced practice registered nurses on staff that assume an expanded role in providing personal care with an emphasis in specific areas of health promotion, illness prevention, and health restoration.  University Health Services also has an expanded behavioral health program for students. The behavioral health staff includes a full-time Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and a part-time Psychiatrist. Counselors are also available on site.

Daily Hours:

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

All patients are encouraged to schedule an appointment. Students can now book appointments through the secure web-portal called OpenCommunicator. Log In directly by going to: http://pnc-portal.uthsc.edu. Use your UTHSC net ID and password to log in. This link is also on the UHS homepage. There may be extended wait times for “work-in” appointments.

After Clinic Hours:

A provider is “on call” for consultation 24 hours a day, including holidays and weekends. Call 901-448-5630 to be directed to the answering service or to leave a message with the UHS staff.

If you are on campus and have an emergency, call 901-448-4444 or 911 [Note: 911 should be used for off campus emergencies per campus police procedures]. For transportation to the emergency room. If an emergency occurs off campus, call 911.

  Same Day Appointments for UT students: available for acute care issues.

  Parking is available in the garage to the east of the Plaza Buildings. UHS is able to provide parking coupons to cover the time period spent at UHS.

Appointment  System

In most cases, the UHS staff is available to see UTHSC students on a walk-in basis if you have an urgent care problem. All students are requested to schedule appointments for acute care and preventive care visits. Making an appointment is easy, saves you waiting time, and also gives the staff a chance to schedule the amount of time you will need for your particular health concern. Appointments can usually be made for the same day if you call early in the day.

If you are a UTHSC student or employee, you may now schedule through a secure online web-based portal! Login directly by going to http://pnc-portal.uthsc.edu. Use your UTHSC Net ID and password to login.

This allows you to:

•Reschedule, cancel appointments

•Exchange secure messages with the UHS staff



•Financial account


If possible, plan to schedule preventive health care, such as a periodic checkup, a week or two in advance.

Please bring your UTHSC ID card when you come. It will help us give you service that is more efficient.

Who May Use the Health Services?

Students who are currently enrolled in UTHSC and their spouses and dependents over the age of 18 are eligible to use the University Health Services. Most student care visits are covered by the student health fee, but the student’s insurance can usually be filed if needed. Faculty, staff, and all UTHSC employees, their spouses and their dependents over the age of 18 are also eligible to use the University Health Services. UHS is able to file with BlueCross BlueShield, Cigna, or the United Student Insurance companies or can be given a fee-for-service cash discount. UHS is able to file insurance for any charges not covered under the student’s student health fee.

What Services are available at UHS?

Primary Care

University Health Services provides a full-time primary care clinic. Primary care includes the complete range of first-level health care services: acute illness care, health maintenance, prevention, wellness care, and behavioral health care. Specific services are listed in this section. Confidential, prompt, accurate, and thorough care is the standard by which care is provided at University Health Services.

  1. Wellness Care

If you have specific risk factors, you are encouraged to seek health counseling. UHS staff will assist you to alter health maintenance behaviors to reduce identified risks. Examples of wellness care include improving dietary patterns, smoking cessation, managing Type A behaviors and stress, controlling alcohol and drug use, improving physical fitness.


  1. Immunization Program Including TB Testing

An immunization program is determined by the UTHSC Committee on Infection Control and enforced through the University. The policy requires that all entering students, including online students, file immunization records with UHS prior to enrollment. Tuberculin (TB) screening is provided to all face-to-face students at orientation and annually thereafter. Online students who cannot readily access the UHS facility must arrange for TB screening at an alternative site, carried out by a licensed provider. Yearly documentation of TB test is to be submitted to UHS. Hepatitis B immunization and proof of immunity is required for ALL new students. A Hepatitis titer is required for follow-up two months after the last injection. A Hepatitis titer is also required for those students showing proof of past Hepatitis B series. A Varicella titer is required for proof of chickenpox immunity. Follow up assessment of antibody titers can be done at UHS or, for online students, at a clinical site near their place of residence.

Other available vaccines at UHS include: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Varicella, meningococcal, typhoid, Yellow Fever, Polio, influenza, tetanus /diphtheria (Td or Tdap) and MMR (measles, mumps and rubella). Clinical Laboratory Sciences students are REQUIRED to get a meningitis vaccination. Students are advised that additional immunizations may be required by offsite clinical facilities.


2. Behavioral Health Services

Psychiatric services are also available to students for medication management and urgent care. The Psychiatric and Counseling staff is located at UHS for the student’s convenience. All behavioral health services are totally confidential and never part of the student’s academic record. Counseling is available on an individual and/or couples basis to the student or spouse through the Student Assistance Program (SAP) at 1-800-327-2255 or through the Student Insurance plan at UHS. THIS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE 24/7 TO ALL STUDENTS, IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION.

Students may experience many issues during their student career at UTHSC such as stress, anxiety, test anxiety, relationship problems, etc. Stress management is an essential component in an overall wellness program with counseling designed to help you manage in healthier ways the intrapersonal/interpersonal stresses of everyday living as experienced emotionally (burn-out) or physiologically (somatic symptoms).


3. Women’s Health Clinics

Women’s health clinics are scheduled for women seeking annual wellness examinations or contraception. A complete health history is taken. Annual examinations include pap smear, breast exam, measurement of weight, height, blood pressure, and appropriate lab work. Instructions are provided on self-breast examination, contraception, and other self-care measures.


4. Allergy Injections

Allergy injections are given by appointment only and must be for a prescribed series. FOR ALL INJECTIONS, PLAN TO WAIT 20 MINUTES AFTER THE INJECTION FOR OBSERVATION BY THE STAFF.


5. International Students

International students are of a special interest to UHS. We offer special services to assist the students and their families with access to health care and referral for other community services.


6. Condom Sense

Free condoms are available for students. They can be obtained during your visit to University Health Services.


  B. Laboratory Test

 Lab tests are available through UHS on site lab. The student health fee will pay for urine analysis  if ordered by Health Service staff, as well as coverage for the following on an annual basis:


1. General health panel that includes CBC, comprehensive metabolic panel, fasting lipid profile, thyroid profile;


2. GC/Chlamydia test;


3. Pap Smear.


STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COSTS OF ALL OTHER LABORATORY TESTS ORDERED. You are expected to pay these costs at the time service is rendered or make appropriate arrangements for payment.

   C. X-rays

General X-rays are available through the Regional One Medical Center (adjacent to campus) Outpatient X-ray Department. The radiologist reads all X-rays and there may be a separate charge for interpretation. The student health fee will pay the following X-rays if ordered by UHS staff: PA, lateral chest films, and extremities. If other x-rays are needed, UHS providers can usually refer you to facilities which accept your health insurance.


STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COSTS OF ALL OTHER X-RAYS ORDERED. You are  expected  to  pay  these  costs  at  the  time  service  is  rendered  or  make  appropriate arrangements for payment.


    D. Pharmacy

      Clients may have their prescriptions filled at the pharmacy of their choice. UHS is now able to e- prescribe.

    E. Referrals

Specialized illness care is available by referral. Patients may be seen by the UHS provider first to determine need. The cost of specialized care is your responsibility. It is best to determine the expected cost of services and insurance claim procedures in advance of care. Consult with your University Health staff for referral information.


    F. Student Assistance Program (SAP) Counseling Services (for all  UTHSC students and UTHSC residents)

The Student Assistance Program provides free and confidential support day or night, year round. It can help resolve personal concerns and situations that can affect your well-being or academic performance. The SAP offers an immediate assessment of your needs by a licensed professional, personal support, referral (if needed) to the appropriate level of treatment, interface with college or external resources and appropriate follow up. You may contact the Student Assistance Program at (800) 327-2255, toll free, 24-hour service or call Christa Deiss at (901) 448-5064 (cdeiss@uthsc.edu) at University Health Services for other behavioral health options. Also, see the UHS website at www.uthsc.edu/univheal/smh.html.


    G. Behavioral  Health  Services  for  UT  Health  Science  Center  Students  in Communities Other Than Memphis

For ALL students, on or off the UT Health Science Center (UTHSC) campus, a University Health Services (UHS) on-call provider is available 24/7 for any urgent issue (medical or behavioral health). The number to call is 901-541-5654. If you are having an emergency, call 911 to access immediate help in your area. To reach a provider at UHS, Monday-Friday, 8:00-4:30, call 901-448-5630.

If you need to speak to someone regarding any mental health concern, on or off campus, call the Student Assistance Program (SAP) at 1-800-327-2255, option 3. They can refer you to a counselor for face-to-face appointments (or by telephone if you choose). There are providers available nation-wide. They can also assist with any emergency. SAP services are available at no cost to you. For additional information contact  http://www.UTHSC.edu/univheal/emergencies.php. Telepsychiatry is also available through HS.

Students who need behavioral health medication management or urgent behavioral health care after 4:30 p.m. while in communities other than Memphis can access telepsychiatry services provided by a UHS Psychiatrist. For urgent telepsychiatry services, call 901-541-5654 to reach the UHS provider on-call. These services are at no cost to you.

For questions or information about any of these services, students may contact Christa Deiss at 901-448-5064.

If you are on the United Healthcare Student Insurance plan, another resource is the 24/7 Nurse Hotline. The number is 877-643-5130 PIN: 211.


    H. Medical Services for Students in Communities Other Than Memphis

Information for students at other clinical campuses of UTHSC (i.e., Knoxville, Chattanooga or Nashville) are advised to consult the University Health Services web site at https://www.uthsc.edu/univheal/student%20services/Students_at_Other_Locations.php for the most current information as to how best to access medical services in these locations.


Emergency Health Care

If you have a medical emergency, go to a hospital emergency room. You are responsible for the cost of health care outside of University Health Services. Methodist University Hospital Emergency Department or the Regional One Medical Center are nearby campus and available for general emergency care. Please identify yourself to the ER staff as a UT student and have the ER staff notify University Health Services of your visit. If you have a medical emergency on campus, contact Campus Police (901) 448-4444. Tell them you need to go to the emergency room and give your name, your telephone number, and your location. The campus police will provide emergency transportation to the hospital campus. If you have a medical emergency off campus call (901) 458-3311 for City Ambulance Service or dial 911. You will be responsible for the cost of ambulance transport to the hospital.

NOTE: If you suffer a needle stick or pathogen exposure at an offsite location, consult with the site coordinator for immediate care and then schedule an immediate appointment with UHS for follow-up care. All services outside of UHS should be billed to the student’s insurance.


Emergency Numbers & Crisis Intervention


Mental Health Crisis Counseling (days & nights) (SAP Program): (800)-327-2255
Dental Emergencies: (901) 448-6241
Campus Police-UTHSC: (901) 448-4444
Ambulance (City ambulance service): (901) 458-3311, or 911



The Health Service is an outpatient facility. If you need to be hospitalized, the UHS staff will arrange for appropriate physician services and hospitalization. You are responsible for payment of hospital services.


Immunization  Requirements

The student population is particularly at risk for a number of easily communicable diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, polio, hepatitis B, varicella and meningitis. In addition, a number of infectious diseases present a potentially greater risk to those in the health care setting than in the wider community. For diseases for which immunizations have been shown to substantially reduce the risk of transmission, students are expected to have been immunized prior to entry to their academic programs, and proof of immunization must be presented to University Health Services. You may reach University Health Services at (901) 448-5630, Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 4:30PM.


TB Testing Requirements

All students at UTHSC, including those enrolled in online programs, are required to have an annual TB skin test. In Memphis (TB) screening is provided to students at orientation and annually thereafter. Students in other locations must arrange for screening at an alternate site; contact UHS staff for information on no cost or low cost options that may be available at different sites.

Persons who have documented a negative TB skin test within 3 months of the day of registration will be exempt from the TB skin test. Those who have no record of a negative TB skin test within the past year will be given the 2-step TB skin test. One test will be applied at registration and a repeat within one month of school entry. This includes those who have been vaccinated with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Persons who previously tested positive will not have further skin tests, but will be asked to immediately notify University Health Services should they develop any signs or symptoms or have a direct exposure.

Student Health Insurance

All students are required to obtain basic health care insurance and medical care insurance to protect themselves, their families, their professional health care associates and providers. The student may elect to enroll in the UT Health Science Center student health insurance plan or obtain equivalent health insurance with a private carrier. Students who fail to furnish proof of insurance coverage will be prevented from completing their registration for that academic term. 

Authority:  T.C.A. § 49-9-209(e) and Public Acts of Tennessee, 1839-1840, Chapter 98, Section 5, and Public Acts of Tennessee, 1807, Chapter 64. Administrative History: Original rule filed April 17, 2012; effective September 28, 2012. 


The University offers a Student Health Insurance plan through United Healthcare Student Resources.   Students that have adequate health insurance may waive the University’s offer of coverage during the enrollment / waiver period.  Details of the coverage offered by the Student Plan can be obtained online at http://www.uthsc.edu/univheal/student%20services/health_insurance.php.


You may also contact our agent, Gerald Holland directly:

Gerald Holland Insurance

Box 328

6820 Cobblestone Blvd, PO Box 328

Southaven, MS, 38671

662-895-5528 (phone)

662-895-5549 (fax)

888-393-9500 (toll free) gholland@geraldhollandinsurance.com


Student Insurance Enrollment or Waiver Instructions

You have the option of maintaining your personal health insurance policy or enrolling in the campus sponsored insurance plan. UTHSC works with United Healthcare to provide a simple and secure method for completing the online enrollment or waiver.



If you wish to enroll in the student insurance plan, visit United Healthcare’s Student Center for UTHSC to begin. Note: On that page you can also enroll your family members as dependents at the Dependent Enrollment Form link. You will need to log in or create an account to do so. The link is available on the UHS website or at http://www.uthsc.edu/univheal/student-services/index.php


If you wish to be covered by your personal health insurance policy and not enroll in the University Student Insurance Plan, you must complete the online waiver to opt out. You will be able to print a confirmation once the waiver has been submitted. If your waiver is not received and approved within the first 14 days of the semester, your student account may be billed for health insurance which is non-refundable.

  To waive the enrollment in the student insurance plan, visit United Healthcare’s Student Center for UTHSC to begin. On that page look for the UTHSC Waiver Request Form link. The link is available on the UHS website or at     http://www.uthsc.edu/univheal/student%20services/health_insurance.php.


Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)

The Student Health Advisory Committee participates in the development and management of UHS. Members of the committee include a student and faculty representative from each college, the UHS Director, and other administrative staff. Meetings are held quarterly or as called by the Director. Other consumers are welcome to become involved in this committee. The Student Health Advisory Committee negotiates budget allocations, reviews the student health insurance policy, and other matters pertaining to University Health that affect the student body.

Patient’s Bill of Rights

  • You have the right to considerate and respectful care that includes consideration of the psychosocial, spiritual, and cultural variables that influence the perceptions of illness.
  • You or your legally designated representative has the right to be informed about your illness, possible treatment, and likely outcome(s) and to discuss this information with your providers. You have the right to know the names and roles of people treating you.
  • You have the right to have an advance directive, such as a living will or health care proxy. These documents express your choices about your future care or name someone to decide if you cannot speak for yourself. If you have a written advance directive, you should provide a copy to your family and your provider.
  • You have the right to privacy. The University, your provider, and others caring for you will protect your privacy.
  •  You have the right to expect that treatment records are confidential unless you have given permission to release information, or reporting is required or permitted by law. When UHS releases records to others, such as insurers, it emphasizes that the records are confidential. You have the right to review your medical records in the company of a professional, but they remain the property of University Health Services.
  •  You or your legally designated representative has the right to review your medical records and to have the information explained, except when restricted by law.
  • You have the right to expect that UHS will give you necessary health services to the best of its ability. You have the right to be informed of the effectiveness of treatment, and to know of possible risks, side effects or alternate methods of treatment. You have the right to have the choice of a clinician and to change clinicians if desired. You have the right to refuse treatment, or to ask for a second opinion or an alternative course of treatment, and to be informed of the medical consequences of your actions. No patient is assigned a clinician. All appointments are made at the convenience of the patient.
  •  You have the right to consent or decline to take part in research affecting your care. If you choose not to take part in research or investigational treatments and procedures, you will receive the most effective care UHS otherwise provides.
  •  You have the right to express a complaint concerning your care and receive a response without your care being compromised. You have the right to access an internal grievance process and also to appeal to an external agency. You are able to express your comments or concerns through the Survey Monkey Patient Satisfaction Survey or through the UHS website.
  • You have the right to receive care in a safe setting, free from abuse or harassment including access to protective services.                                                                                                                                  


Patient Responsibilities

  • To provide complete and accurate information to the best of his/her ability about his/her health, any medications, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements and any allergies or sensitivities.
  • To present details of illness or complaint in a direct and straightforward manner.
  • To cooperate responsibly with all persons involved in the health care process.
  • To keep appointments on time.
  • To cancel appointments  only when absolutely necessary, and  far  enough  in advance so that other patients might utilize that time.
  • To comply with the treatment plan provided by the health professional.
  • To ask for clarification whenever information or instructions are not understood.
  • To provide both positive and negative feedback to the health professional responsible for care.
  • Provide a responsible adult to transport him/her home from the facility and remain with him/her for 24 hours, if required by his/her provider.
  • Inform his/her provider about any living will, medical power of attorney, or other directive that could affect his/her care.
  • Accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by his/her insurance.
  • Be respectful of all the health care providers and staff, as well as other patients.


Service Directory:

University Health Services: (901) 448-5630

After hours and holidays answering service (UHS): (901) 541-5654

Student Behavioral Health: (901) 448-5064

Ambulance (City Ambulance Service): (901) 458-3311 or 911

Dental Clinic: (901) 448-6220

Dental Emergency Clinic: (901) 448-6241

United Healthcare-Insurance claims representative: (800) 452-5772; Insurance agent (Mr. Gerald Holland): (662) 895-5528

UHS Director (Dr. Lawrence Madlock): (901) 448-5630

Student Life: (901) 448-4860

Student Assistance Program (SAP) - Counseling (day/night): (800) 327-2255

Campus transportation for students too ill to walk (Campus Police): (901) 448-4444

UHS Website: www.uthsc.edu/univheal


Community Health Services:

Emergency Mental Health Services: (800) 327-2255, Option 3 
Rape Crisis: (901) 448-2161
Suicide and Crisis Intervention: (901) 274-7477 Telephone answered 24 hours a day.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-272-TALK

Wellness Council


The mission of the Wellness Council is to impact the accessibility of information and quality of services for students adjusting to the demands of this environment through a collaborative approach from each of the student service offices: Student Affairs, Student Life, Campus Recreation, University Health Services, Student Mental Health, Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion, Equity and Diversity, Campus Events and Campus Police.  The purpose of the Wellness Council is to impact the accessibility of information and the quality of services for students adjusting to the demands of this environment through a collaborative approach from each of the student service offices: Student Affairs, Student Life, Campus Recreation, University Health Services, Student Mental Health, Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion, Equity and Diversity, Campus Events and Campus Police.

The objectives of the Wellness Council include:

1.    To increase student awareness of resources and support on campus.
2.    To positively affect the ease of access to services for students.
3.    To streamline the information on campus related to student services and support.
4.    To promote mental and physical health for students.
5.    To provide a healthy environment that supports student success through a proactive, preventive approach affecting students’ academic performance, while decreasing attrition, and improving overall health.
6.    To focus efforts from the student services areas toward a culture of wellness.
7.    To involve students in the promotion of wellness and prevention.
8.    To utilize student leaders and groups in communicating, identifying and evaluating student services and support.
9.    To increase collaboration between student service areas and departments.
10.   To share information about support for wellness and preventive services for students to all UTHSC departments, colleges, and committees.
11.   To evaluate students service areas for quality and effectiveness.
12.   To assess the need for new programs and services.
13.   To impact allocation of campus resources.


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center no longer offers on-campus student housing. Information about off campus housing and roommate finder can be found at: http://www.uthscoffcampus.com/

Housing in Fraternities

Phi Chi, 687 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38105. The Phi Chi Medical Fraternity House houses 28 persons and is two blocks from the Wassell Randolph Student-Alumni Center. The house is completely furnished with central heat and air, washer, dryer, color TV, table tennis, and a kitchen where students may prepare meals and snacks. For additional information visit www.uthsc.edu/phichi.

Since the fraternity house is built on property owned by UTHSC, occupants are advised that they are subject to the same regulations that govern other university property. The University does not undertake to prescribe in detail either requirements or prohibitions concerning conduct and living habits of persons in its housing. However, the community life in this facility necessitates a mutual respect for the rights and privileges of neighboring residents. Thus it is expected that residents will conduct themselves in such a manner as to maintain neighborly, professional relationships with their fellow residents and the University, mindful of safety and privacy concerns.

Parking Services

Sergeant Tenara L. Teal-Tate, Assistant Director
740 Court Avenue
(901) 448-4446

The Parking Services Office is currently located at 740 Court Avenue. The office is open from 8:00AM to 4:30PM, Monday through Friday (no credit card transactions accepted after 4PM). If you have any questions or concerns about parking, please call us at (901) 448-5546 or come by the office; we will be glad to assist you. Details regarding regulations and appeals can be found below (See Student Policies and Guidelines ).

Vehicle Registration

All University of Tennessee Health Science Center students, faculty and staff are required to register any/all vehicle(s) operated or parked on campus. All students that own or operate a vehicle and want to park on campus must purchase a hangtag permit based on “first come, first serve”. Vehicles must be registered and updated when operating  in any of the lots which are identifiable with signage on campus. Unregistered vehicles and/or vehicles without a hangtag are subject to receive a citation.

Hanging Tags

All students, faculty, and staff are required to display from the rear view mirror a parking permit if operating a vehicle on UTHSC’s campus or place the hangtag on dash on driver’s side (do not cover the VIN). Multiple vehicles are not allowed on campus and only one hangtag may be issued at a time. Vehicles may park only in the area designated on the permit during normal business hours unless permission is granted.

Parking Fees

All persons wanting to park on the campus must pay the current fees set out by the Parking Authority Committee. Faculty and staff pay by monthly payroll deductions. Students pay fees at registration or in the Parking Services Office, as needed. Parking fees are charged from the date the permit is picked up, or fee payment deadline, whichever occurs first.

Cancellation of Fees during Extended Absences from Campus

In order to cancel parking, the parking permit and the gate card (if applicable) must be turned in to the Parking Services Office prior to the 7th of the month to obtain a refund for that month. The charge for a lost, stolen, or non-returned hang tag is $12.00. The University ID controls all gated Parking Lot areas and the fee for a lost ID is $12.00. For students issued gate cards to the lot at the corner of Union and East (The Baptist Lot - known as Lot U on the parking map), the fee is $20.00 for a lost card.

Those students who will be on summer break, rotation, etc. need to cancel their parking or make arrangements with the Parking Services office to sublease the space to avoid being charged for the time they are off campus. Faculty and staff members must arrange with the Parking Services Office to stop payroll deductions prior to the beginning of the month in order to avoid being deducted for that month.  All hangtags must be kept current and all current hangtags must be returned prior to leaving campus to avoid additional charges.


UTHSC encourages carpools in order to conserve energy and parking spaces. Each member of the group wishing to carpool must register his/her vehicle and obtain a parking permit. Only one registered vehicle per carpool is allowed to park in the designated lot during regular hours. If two or more vehicles from the same carpool are on the parking lot at the same time, each will receive a citation, even if one is properly parked in the carpool space.
If two vehicles in the same carpool must park on campus the same day, one must obtain a $.50 “spillover” pass from the Parking Services Office to park in the same lot as the carpool is assigned or an open lot with spaces available.


Motorcycles parked on campus must display a motorcycle decal. They must be turned in upon cancellation of parking. Motorcycle permits provide parking in all unmarked areas (not defined as sidewalks, grounds or buildings). There is a fee of $2.00 per month.


The Parking Services Office provides a secured area for bicycle parking. To obtain a key to this area, which is located next to the GEB, please come by the Parking Services Office. A refundable key deposit of $10.00 will be required.

Individuals with Disabilities

UTHSC desires to provide appropriate parking accommodations for employees and students with disabilities. In order to ensure such parking, each student with special needs related to parking and/or access to their work or study site must register that need with the office handling ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) accommodations. The University is in the process of placing gates on all UT parking lots. Gate Cards will be provided to regularly-assigned parkers. Students with disabilities requiring special accommodations must complete a UTHSC Accessible Parking Form to qualify for special parking. The completed form can be left with Parking Services at the time of orientation or returned to the Office of Equity and Diversity (OED).

Please contact the Office of Equity and Diversity (extension 8-2112 or TDD 8-7382) if you have any questions concerning this process. The Parking Office will handle temporary disabilities on an individual basis and require a doctor’s statement. Every effort will be made to park the individual’s vehicle as close as possible to his/her classroom or clinical site. The parking fee will be charged at the regular rate of the lot to which you are assigned.


A vehicle may be towed, if it has six (6) or more outstanding traffic citations which have not been paid or appealed, after the car owner/operator has been notified in writing. A vehicle may also be towed immediately if it is blocking access to university garages, lots, buildings, campus thoroughfares, or other cars, as well as fire lanes, dumpsters or mail services at time of pick-up. If a vehicle is towed and impounded, release will be directed by the Parking Services Office only after payment of the appropriate charges. No checks will be accepted.

Student Parking Guidelines

  1. These student parking guidelines are in effect for the period from July 1 through June 30 of each school year.
  2. Once a student is assigned to a parking lot, that assignment shall remain his/hers until graduation from his/her current program, unless the student desires another lot or desires to cancel parking. Exceptions to this include parking for individuals with a disability.  Requests can also be made by adding your name to the waiting list of the lot that is your number 1 choice.
  3. A student with disabilities shall have priority over all other students in the assignment of the parking lot of his/her choice.
  4. A student shall be responsible for paying his/her parking fee that is included on the fee assessment at orientation each payment period in Banner every semester. Failure to pay the parking fee will result in forfeiture of a parking assignment.
  5. Hang tags will be distributed as part of orientation and will be available for pick up in the Parking Services Office.
  6. Waiting lists will be established on a “first-come-first-served” basis. Note: students with disabilities retain priority (see C. above).
  7. Since new students have no priority (with the exception of those with disabilities), assignments will be made in order of the return of parking application which can be accessed online.

Parking: Violations

An individual is responsible for citations issued to vehicles registered in his/her name or family name. If the driver is someone other than the registrant when a violation is committed, both the driver and the registrant may be cited at the driver’s expense.

Inability to locate a legal parking space in an assigned area is not justification for improper parking. In these cases, call Parking Services Office for alternative parking instructions. Receipt of six (6) or more citations paid or unpaid (but not including citations under appeal), may result in forfeiture of parking privileges for the remainder of the current academic year.

Parking: Tickets

Parking fines can be paid in person at the Parking Services Office or by mailing a check or money order (made out to The University of Tennessee) to the Parking Services Office, 740 Court Ave., Memphis, TN 38163. Be sure to enclose ticket or include name, ticket number and license number to ensure proper credit is made to your account.

Parking: Late Fees

Late fees are applied on all parking citations. The late fee is calculated from the date the ticket was issued or date of appeal board decision to the date payment is received in the Parking Services office. After 30 calendar days, the late fee is $5.

Parking: Appeals

Students can submit appeals to the Student Life Office, Student Alumni Center, Suite 300, Memphis, TN 38163, within 15 calendar days from the date that the ticket was issued. Faculty, staff and others can submit appeals to the Parking Appeals Panel in the Parking Services Office at 740 Court Ave, within 15 calendar days from the date that the ticket was issued.

Placement Assistance

Student placement assistance is available in each college to aid with career advisement, information regarding licensure and board certification, internships, residencies, specialties, and related professional opportunities. Students should contact the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs or the Student Affairs Officer in the respective colleges for information on placement programming and career advice.

Student Affairs

910 Madison Plaza, Suite 520

The Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services (OSAES) is the central administrative unit for students during their enrollment at UTHSC.  OSAES houses the offices of Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, and Student Life and the One Stop Shop.  In addition, the OSAES works collaboratively with Academic Affairs, University Health Services, the Colleges, Student Academic Support Services & Inclusion, the Office of Equity & Diversity, and Information Technology Services to support and enhance services throughout the student life-cycle. Student Affairs enriches the personal development of all students through exemplary student enrollment and retention strategies, efficient program management, and implementation of supportive and quality customer service.

Under the direction of the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs, the Associate Vice Chancellor oversees the OSAES and leads the student co-curricular activities for the University. The OSAES provides leadership in the development of services and programs that enrich student life, extend and enhance the student experience, and contribute to an environment that encourages student growth and development. The mission of the OSAES is to cultivate a professional learning community which engages students in our program of education, research, clinical care and public service. In our mission, we employ both human and technological resources for the benefit of the UTHSC environment. The primary responsibilities of the OSAES are to:

  • provide opportunities and programming which allow for the engagement of diverse and contrasting perspectives in learning, leading, and service to the health professions;
  • ensure sufficient measures are in place to comply with government regulations and institutional policies;
  • evaluate and implement new administrative and student information systems and participate in implementations, upgrades and conversions;
  • develop and implement student activities, distinctly, to support health and wellness, cultural competence, and community engagement;
  • identify opportunities to improve the efficiency of day-to-day services that might help each College serve and retain students;
  • identify and participate in the resolution of issues which impact students;
  • maintain the integrity of data elements in terms of ensuring accuracy of information processing and reporting;
  • promote activities and experiences which foster personal and social responsibility, aid in the development of ethical reasoning and action, and encourage service to the global community.





Sonya G. Smith, Ed.D., J.D.

Associate Vice Chancellor



Simpfronia Taylor, Ed.D.

Director/Banner Lead



D. Lynne Moore, MPA




Terri Fought

Admin. Service Assistant 901-448-8014 tfought@uthsc.edu


Student Life

800 Madison Ave., Suite 300

The Office of Student Life is the central administrative unit responsible for the coordination and direction of student life at UTHSC and the administration of student activities which provide co-curricular growth opportunities for students. The responsibilities of this office include:

  • Student Government Association Executive Council
  • Student activities
  • Student leadership development
  • General orientations
  • Scheduling of graduate photos and production of the graduate composites
  • Commencement
  • Student Parking Appeals
  • Summer Enrichment Programs
  • Student yearbook (Asklepieion), input and distribution
  • Campus Food Drive
  • United Way Campaign
  • Maintaining the Office of Student Life and SGAEC


For Assistance Contact:
Emily Cooley, 448-5610
Elise Moore, 448-5618
Liz Roemer, 448-4860


Student Academic Support Services & Inclusion

Kathy Gibbs, Director 
Cecil C. Humphreys General Education Building, Room BB9

(901) 448-5056

Student Academic Support Services & Inclusion (SASSI) has a primary goal of promoting student progress in the various programs offered by the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. To that end, it offers a variety of services designed to facilitate learning and to enhance student performance. All student conferences with SASSI staff are confidential. Services are provided on an individual or group basis without charge to students. The focus is not on remediation but rather on adjusting study habits to the volume of the health science curricula and the time constraints of daily schedules. Efforts are devoted to helping students adjust to the challenges and pressures of the health science learning environment.

SASSI provides support services to all UTHSC students, including those students off-campus and on-line. Educational specialists and a part-time counselor are available to meet with students individually or in groups. Appointments can take place in-person, on the phone, through email, or on-line. SASSI services include assistance in time management, test taking, test anxiety, stress management, learning preferences, reading efficiency, note taking and note using, information retention, organization for learning, and board preparation. Resources related to these and other areas can be found on the SASSI Blackboard along with useful apps and electronic resources. SASSI also facilitates support services for veterans and coordinates accommodations for students with disabilities.

SASSI maintains a library of resources, including books for student check-out, a computer lab, and a 24/7 study area and lounge.


SASSI is located in the General Education Building (GEB):

  • Room BB9 = Main SASS Office, Computer Lab, Cubicles
  • Room BB9 = Services for Students with Disabilities
  • Room BB9 = Library and Reference Room
  • Room BB6 = Computer Lab
  • Room CB18 = Conference Room

SASSI Hours of Operation

  • Monday-Thursday - 8am to 7pm
  • Friday - 8am to 5pm
  • Saturday - 10am to 5pm
  • Sunday - 2pm to 6pm
  • Closed Daily for Lunch - 1pm to 2pm

24/7 Card Access Student Study Area

  • Rooms CB3 and CB15
  • Equipped with a lounge, cubicles, and group study rooms.
    (Cubicles and Study Rooms available on a first come, first serve basis)
  • A refrigerator, microwave, free coffee, and couches are also available for student use.

Campus Wide Tutoring Program

Through the Campus Wide Tutoring Program, SASSI provides peer tutoring for all programs at UTHSC. Group tutoring is coordinated, as available, in select courses for students prior to the first assessment. After the first assessment, group tutoring is available for students with a failing grade, as determined by their program. Individual tutoring is also offered on a case-by-case basis, as available. Students interested in receiving tutoring or becoming a tutor should contact the SASSI Tutoring Coordinator at sassi@uthsc.edu or 448-5056.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Any student wanting to request accommodations must disclose a disability and provide evidence of a functional limitation that impacts the individual in the academic setting. SASSI requires comprehensive documentation of the disability and a personal interview to determine appropriate services and accommodations. Students should contact the Disability Coordinator in SASSI as early as possible in order to facilitate the timely review and/or approval of the requested services which can take up to 2-3 weeks. For more information on the process for requesting accommodations, the documentation guidelines, and to download the paperwork that will need to be completed, please visit the SASSI Blackboard, SASSI website (www.uthsc.edu/sassi), or contact SASSI at sassi@uthsc.edu or 448-5056.

Students who are denied accommodations have a right to appeal the decision. For more information on the appeal process, please contact the Disability Coordinator (SASSI@uthsc.edu or (901) 448-5056).

Guidelines for Handling excused Absences from Exams/Quizzes for Disability Based Issues

The following guidelines describe the process whereby students currently registered with the SASSI for a documented disability can arrange to make up an absence from an exam and/or quiz when such absence is directly related to a previously-disclosed, documented disability and approved accommodations through SASSI.

Students aware that they will miss the exam and/or quiz prior to its administration must notify SASSI in writing (email is acceptable) as soon as possible prior to the exam. If the student is not able to notify SASSI due to an unexpected absence, it is expected that the student notify SASSI in writing within 12 hours of the original exam administration time.

  • Students must follow the professor’s policy regarding notification of an absence from an exam. The reason/diagnosis for which the absence is based need only be shared with the SASSI staff.
  • Within five (5) working days, the student must provide SASSI with a written explanation from their present health care provider. Once written notification is received, the SASSI staff can verify the absence, if needed, for the professor. The notification must include information that directly supports the need for the absence from an exam based on a documented disability on file with SASSI. This explanation must be from a professional on letterhead and include a projected date for return to campus.
  • Students must follow the professor’s policy regarding make-up exams.
  • If taking the make-up exam in SASSI, students must follow SASSI procedures for regular exam administration.
  • Faculty members should contact SASSI if they desire verification of the disability-related absence from an exam and/or quiz. Faculty members must refrain from asking the student for specific and detailed documentation of the excused absence since such explanations/ documentations constitute a violation of the student’s privacy rights.
  • When providing a make-up exam for a student with a disability-related excused absence, faculty members must administer the same make-up exam and/or quiz given to all other students, provided that the make-up is given at the same time for all students. Should it be necessary to prepare a separate make-up exam and/or quiz for any student (disability or not), the faculty member must provide an exam that is comparable to the original with respect to the types of questions, length of exam, and complexity of the questions.

NOTE: SASSI should not be contacted for test-taking accommodations unless the excuse is directly related to a disability that has been documented by SASSI. Absences that are not attributable to a documented disability must be handled according to the professor’s written policy regarding missed exams.